Published Feb 11, 2006
1 Post
JentheRN05, RN
857 Posts
Although I don't think so, I guess it could make sense. I am by no means a legal nurse. But the License is state issued. So, if you are behind in state taxes I guess the punishment 'could' be lose your license. But I think they would do something like suspend or something to that effect first. I don't think they should be able to take something like that away, but government is government. So what else can I say. I would suggest taking this to the legal nursing formum.
Thunderwolf, MSN, RN
3 Articles; 6,621 Posts
Good question. However, I see it as very possible. If child support is not paid, you can lose your license....depends on the state, I imagine. The same could be with back taxes not paid. Better check with your state to find out more precisely.
I want to second that this is not a legal board for advice. Seek an attorney for that.
Thread moved to General Nursing Discussion forum. It provides good food for thought.
Judee Smudee, ADN, RN
241 Posts
I heard something about this once before. I remember thinking it was a stupid idea like debtors prison. Debtors prisons were eliminated because people in prison have no hope of paying off debts because they can't work. It makes sense that people who lose their license because they are behind on their taxes will be much less likely to catch up because they don't have jobs either. Was just a thought that jumped into my mind.
babynurselsa, RN
1,129 Posts
It states on teh Okla Board of Nursing license renewal that if you are found not compliant with Okla ATax commision on your Income tax that you are not eligible for renewal.
I just checked because I thought that I remembered seeing this on my last renewal.
I would surmise that most states have adopted this.
262 Posts
In Ohio, I've heard that you can lose your drivers and professional licenses for unpaid child support.
94 Posts
This is probably true. I know for a fact in Georgia, if you are behind on repayment of student loans, your license can be pulled.
38 Posts
The same is now true in Kentucky.
75 Posts
Although i'm in a different situation not a nurse I reallly would like to comment on this. Last year i worked a full time job plus overtime as a cna/cmt @ 8.50 an hour so I decided to get a second job and worked a part time job most of last year. I made 20000 dollars and paid 3090.00 in taxes and i went to \do my taxes the other day and when it came to the page that tells you how much you get back he said "you owe 200 some odd dollars to federal" then the state page came up and i owed money on that as well. I just think it is pitiful that someone that trys to get ahead by working overtime and another job and makes less then 20k has to pay in but yet i know of so many ppl that have kids that are getting 4-6 thousand back and havent worked as many hours or payed as many taxes through out the year as i have. I just don't think its right just b/c you have children you get money back and this post is not at all to insult parents b/c i hope to be one soon but it shouldnt mean that i get a break just b/c i have a kid.....Oh, and the reason my tax person said that i had to pay is b/c my part time jobs didn't take out enough taxes and he said i need to have an extra amount taking out of each check just seems kind of crazy to me....thank you for letting me vent God bless Tiffany
BeenThereDoneThat74, MSN, RN
1,937 Posts
Before they take your license away, they would start to deduct the $$ from your paycheck (Income execution). This is the case in NY, as I almost had it happen to me, thanks to my almost ex, who has been ignoring all correspondences from the state.