Overwhelmed by Prerequisites


I was wondering if anyone else feels overwhelmed with what needs to be taken before applying to ABSN or even a nursing program? I'm in the process of taking prerequisites but it feels like in order to take main ones you have to take other classes before taking the one you want and really you want to be done with all of them within a certain time frame. I don't know if the thought of doing that along with working two part time jobs is just making it seem impossible to complete or it could be that I want to be in a program by next year or so. If anyone has any advice on how not to feel like it's going to take forever to complete everything, I would greatly appreciate it

Specializes in Critical Care Transport, Cardiac ICU, Rapid.
I do like this idea but my jobs go from 6am to 8:30 with maybe a half hour in between but at my second job there are chances to study and then most weekends I have off. I already have an attack plan on managing all of this. To the post that says if If I can't manage it, quit. I'm not that kind of person to just quit something because it seems impossible because I know I can do it and I will make it through this process

I agree that person was being very harsh to you. In reality there are many of us who have slaved 16 hour days of school and work everyday just to get into nursing school, myself included but that is besides the point. In your classes you will find those working themselves to the bone, those with a family and young kids, as well as those without a whim in the world other than the classes they are taking . Although it is tough, if it matters to you, YOU will make it happen. There's no other way around it sadly. I've taken care of residents who completed medical school whilst pregnant, nurses who worked full time while achieving their masters, and even adults well into their early 50's who have come back to school after many years to get their nursing degrees. Experiences like those have tended to drive me further towards my goals. If you truly believe you can do it, then don't listen to the naysayers. Prove them wrong. Let them become your motivation to become an even better nurse they could ever be

Is it possible that somewhere in your head there is a nagging voice wondering whether, after all the work of the pre-reqs, you won't get in at all? That could be adding stress due to loss aversion. If so, get rid of that voice now. You WILL get in, if not at one school, then at another. You got this.

I felt really overwhelmed as well. I just wanted to be done with everything as fast as possible, and ended up cramming too many courses into one term in hopes of early admission...which didn't work out - was unable to complete the TEAS V in the given time frame anyway...don't do this.

As others have said, quality over quantity. Be patient - a good GPA is going to matter more than getting done as fast as possible. I know being patient is much easier said than done, but time also goes by much faster than you might think. :)

Good luck! You can do this. :D

Don't overwork yourself. If you don't do well in your science courses such as A&P etc, you will slim down your chances of gettin accepted into a nursing program. Make school a priority. I did S few classes a semester to not over work myself and I am so glad I did

I just wanted to say thank you to every for the words of encouragement and tips on what to do in order for me to get these prereqs out the way. I realized I have my work cut out for me and I know I can do it, just at the time when I wrote these thread the realization came out of nowhere and just became overwhelming.

It took me so long to finally get where I needed to be to apply (granted I also took two years off school) but totally worth it! Just finished my first semester in the RN program. Focus on getting all A's in your pre-reqs and the next year or so will fly by!

If you're lacking in GPA make up for it in TEAS.

I was a 3.4 GPA student.

I took a TEAS prep class and got a 95 on the first try.

I got accepted into 3 California State Colleges nursing school for BSN.

While this may not sound practical, there have been instances of people taking one prerequisite at a time to insure their grade is an A. Their 4.0 GPA when they applied to a program was looked at the same way the 4.0 GPA of a student who took a normal course load was looked at. Time consuming, yes. But if it gets you what you want, something to consider.

Specializes in nursing student.

some schools im looking into say that the prerequisites have to be taken in a between a time span. they take the grade of micro grade from 5 years ago and on. so If I took a class 6 to seven years ago but have a lower grade. do they still consider that as a class repeat or they look at it as like im taking this class for the first time? hopefully I made sense.

Oh so you know what she was "looking for"? If you can't handle the pre reqs then you cannot become an RN. Is this rude to say? The "it will all be ok" stuff is ridiculus and babying. This the real world. I don't care what the OP does. If she becomes a nurse..super..if she becomes a flight attendant..super. The point is it is NOT easy..for a REASON. If you cannot handle it then you can't be a nurse. Am I incorrect? Maybe there are schools were they will feel sorry for you and just pass you because you are "bummed"? You tell me?

I don't think she was talking about how difficult it was, more that it's super annoying to see a list of required classes prior to applying to the program only to find out that list is twice as long with classes you must take to even take the classes on the first list.

While I agree with your point that being straight forward with people, there is no reason to be disrespectful about it.

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