OVERTIME situation

Nurses General Nursing


My facility requires nurses to sign up for overtime slots that cannot be filled through regular staffing. We just had two people quit on my unit, and 3 more will be on maternity leave very soon, pretty much all at the same time. In other words, the OT to sign up for goes up proportionately. One can only imagine that on an 11 bed CVSU, the OT required to work is heavy with all these factors considered. Our 1st OT slots to sign up for are called "Additional Hours." Then when somebody quits, they come out with more slots called "Additional Additional Hours." Then if somebody breaks their leg and can't work for awhile, they call the OT "Additional Additional Additional Hours." Am I crazy, or is this ludicrous?

I just wanted to know how other facilities are fulfilling their OT requirements? I realize some faclities are not required to do OT due to Unionization, contracts, etc. We have gotten more hours from our PRN dept to help us out with the increased amount of hours we are doing, but it really isn't enough in the long run. Between me taking two graduate classes this semester, and working full time, plus having to do all the overtime, and spend time with the family before school starts full time, I'm wondering if I can do it all. I've considered taking a travelling position, but this would require a big move and I don't want to be labeled a trader like the past two who have quit.

What are other faclities doing besides utilizing PRN staff to decrease the amount of OT hours worked? My supervisor also claims she cannot hire anybody at this point, because there is nobody to hire. I am not too sure about that one.

Think about it, if they are that short already are they really going to fire a nurse for not doing OT? Doubt it. It would just make their problem worse.

Oh they expect you to run to pick up the phone day or night. Doesn't mean they're gonna get it. They whine and complain. They threaten poor evaluations (not a "team player"), they try to make you feel bad - telling you how your co-workers are working short because you wont come in. They really lay it on thick if you work with babies or kids. Anything to try to make their problem your problem. Paying a staff nurse OT is a lot cheaper than getting an agency nurse ($$ is ALWAYS the bottom line). Still, they are responsible for adequate staffing of the unit. They pull nurses from other areas, they pull travel nurses (who are unfamiliar with the facility anyway) all over the hospital - whether they are experienced in different areas or not. Administration will go to ANY lengths to save their precious dollars so that upper management can get their bonuses and salary increases.

I don't feel the least bit sorry for them having to contract an extra traveler or use agency nurses to maintain adequate staffing. After all, if they treated their own staff a little better and paid them a lot better - they would not have staffing problems. They could increase nursing salaries by a considerable margin and still pay less than they wind up paying agencies for extra nurses and travelers. One day, most likely long after we all retire, they will figure that one out.

This I know is going to sound stupid, but this sounds very familiar to a situation I have with an organization I volunteer for. I signed up to foster *one small* dog at a time. By small I mean 20 pounds or under. Before I know it I am getting asked to take all kinds of dogs, big , small , once i had a beagle, a boxer, and a basset hound , plus my own dog all at once. I was basically tricked into it and my home was total chaos. When I started saying no, I was given guilt... "well____ is overloaded too" etc etc etc. I never felt guilty. To make a long story short, sounds like the same kind of ming games/manipulation/guilt trips. It eventually pushed me away, didn't take long, and I started screening my calls, big time.
Good grief. So you are basically always "on call" ????? This gets even more disturbing.

I have no problem with screening my calls and no problem with saying no, I have plans. But I do get nervous when the subject of firing, etc. comes up. Can theylegally do that ??

Do they call you on every day off ?????? That is downright bizarre.

No, you are not on call on your day off. Your day off is your day off, you just have to keep it that way.

In a right to work state, you can be fired for no reason at all. I really wouldn't worry about it, however, I don't think they are going to fire anybody because they wouldn't come in on their day off. Who else are they going to get to work there if they fire people for things like that, (if they are competent nurses otherwise).

Just tell them No, you cannot work. Or avoid the whole mess and don't answer the phone when they are calling.

Think about it, if they are that short already are they really going to fire a nurse for not doing OT? Doubt it. It would just make their problem worse.

hee hee , true.

What about the "poor evaluations" ??

Don't get me wrong, I have no problem working a few xtra shifts a month (more money), but call me selfish, my time with my husband and my time alone are very precious to me and I don't plan to give it up now or ever. So i guess it would be a mistake for me to tell anyone I am childfree ??????? :rotfl:

My husband actually had this guy at work try and con him into working extra for him and his reasoning was "you don't have a family or anything" :angryfire Well what the hell am i ?? A pet? :p :uhoh3:

Just tell them No, you cannot work. Or avoid the whole mess and don't answer the phone when they are calling.

Sounds like a plan !

I am getting all kinds of knots in my stomach and i am not even a student nurse yet.

Thank you so much for preparing me ...

Poor evaluations? I doubt that too. And who cares?

As far as childless or not, or married or not, it's no one's business either. Just because you don't have kids doesn't mean you don't have a life. Whenever anyone whines to me that they need me to work instead of them because they have kids, I just say "Look, it isn't like I had sex and YOU got pregnant. Your kids are not my responsibility". The first sentence usually stuns them into submission:)


Just wait, they'll expect you to work all the holidays so they can be home with their kids! They and others will try and guilt trip you into that, too. Holidays and any other reason they can think of!

Poor evaluations? I doubt that too. And who cares?

As far as childless or not, or married or not, it's no one's business either. Just because you don't have kids doesn't mean you don't have a life. Whenever anyone whines to me that they need me to work instead of them because they have kids, I just say "Look, it isn't like I had sex and YOU got pregnant. Your kids are not my responsibility". The first sentence usually stuns them into submission:)

I love that reply! I'll have to remember that if the situation ever arises.

As far as childless or not, or married or not, it's no one's business either. Just because you don't have kids doesn't mean you don't have a life. Whenever anyone whines to me that they need me to work instead of them because they have kids, I just say "Look, it isn't like I had sex and YOU got pregnant. Your kids are not my responsibility". The first sentence usually stuns them into submission:)

I love it.

When you say "they need me to work instead of them" do you mean TRADE shifts, or you pick up their shift ?? That sounds ridiculous ! almost laughable !

I will just say "sorry I have plans". I don't think there needs to be any details involved.

Hell, do you even get any vacation time ?

When my MIL was working at the hospital, she got the standard 2 weeks. Do they not do that anymore ?

They threaten poor evals, and it does happen in the more spiteful units, but nobody cares. That information cannot be released should you need them for a reference in the future. It really doesnt affect you at all - it just gives them an outlet for their b****ing and whining. They will try to make you believe that you are ruining your career by not being a "go getter" or a "team player" b***s***! They are just trying to railroad you so they can get what they want.

Yes, 2 weeks vacation is still standard. Getting to take it depends on your individual unit. If you are full time, you will not be able to take it during the holidays - I would count on that as a given. The more dysfunctional units give their employees all matter of grief over vacation time - but it bites them in the rear when the nurses get frustrated and seek employment elsewhere. Some units get it, some don't. Some places (where managers have a little sense) will hire travelers just for the summer, when most everyone wants to go on vacation since spouses often get time off and kids out of school, etc. Staffing problems are solved, permanent staff are happy, travelers are happy - many of us enjoy short-term assignments to fill-in for vacationing employees, and management has not had to make a long-term committment or overstaff themselves. It WORKS! Some places just don't get it though. :rolleyes:

Yes, yes and on to the bullying of the childless. I have heard them all and I still shed no tears. Not my responsibility and not my problem.

so are the more 'functional' and healthy units few and far between ?

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