OVERTIME situation

Nurses General Nursing


My facility requires nurses to sign up for overtime slots that cannot be filled through regular staffing. We just had two people quit on my unit, and 3 more will be on maternity leave very soon, pretty much all at the same time. In other words, the OT to sign up for goes up proportionately. One can only imagine that on an 11 bed CVSU, the OT required to work is heavy with all these factors considered. Our 1st OT slots to sign up for are called "Additional Hours." Then when somebody quits, they come out with more slots called "Additional Additional Hours." Then if somebody breaks their leg and can't work for awhile, they call the OT "Additional Additional Additional Hours." Am I crazy, or is this ludicrous?

I just wanted to know how other facilities are fulfilling their OT requirements? I realize some faclities are not required to do OT due to Unionization, contracts, etc. We have gotten more hours from our PRN dept to help us out with the increased amount of hours we are doing, but it really isn't enough in the long run. Between me taking two graduate classes this semester, and working full time, plus having to do all the overtime, and spend time with the family before school starts full time, I'm wondering if I can do it all. I've considered taking a travelling position, but this would require a big move and I don't want to be labeled a trader like the past two who have quit.

What are other faclities doing besides utilizing PRN staff to decrease the amount of OT hours worked? My supervisor also claims she cannot hire anybody at this point, because there is nobody to hire. I am not too sure about that one.

Ooooooo, I have just come home from work and was about to post a rant topic about overtime. I finished at 230pm today, but was rostered till 130pm becauae I am bank. However, an agency healthcare assistant had a full shift, till 330pm, was unable, but offered, to do things for me as she knew I was overtime. I was told by one of the staff nurses I wouldn't get paid for it. However, I put it on my time sheet and the senior nurse authorized it, BUT, I am never going to do an early shift again! I'm not putting myself in a situation that could mean I would work unpaid overtime, and the other staff member was right. We don't normally get paid, it's own own problem if we don't get off on time. I'm either doing long days or late shifts since I always get off on time from them, I am not a volunteer worker, I am a nurse!!

Oh, the permanet ward staff finish an early at 330pm.

I love it.

When you say "they need me to work instead of them" do you mean TRADE shifts, or you pick up their shift ?? That sounds ridiculous ! almost laughable !

I will just say "sorry I have plans". I don't think there needs to be any details involved.

I've had both situations come up more times than I can count. I used to switch with anyone who asked, but soon found out that the favors would rarely be returned. I don't even say I have plans, cause if I plan on sitting on my butt eating bon bons and watching Oprah, it's no one's business. My time is MY time and I don't feel the need to justify it to anyone.

I love that reply! I'll have to remember that if the situation ever arises.

Feel free, it works remarkably well and is much more diplomatic than my earlier drafts ("What? It's my fault you don't know how to use birth control?!! The tehnology is out there, use it!" "Whaddaya mean, I should have to work this weekend cause you popped out a litter of children?!")....

so are the more 'functional' and healthy units few and far between ?

That can be a hard one to predict, even based on unit size. Units with lots of staff have more people to cover, but they also have more people who will want to go on vacation. Units that utilize a lot of PRN/per diem nurses have a MUCH easier time, because PRNs are not usually counted in the main staffing numbers - so they are often willing to pick up shifts while the full-timers are on vacation. Plus, if you REALLY want a particular day or week, you can most often find a PRN person to work for you. If you find your own coverage, management has no reason to not approve your request, even if staffing is short at that time because that person would be working in your place. Being PRN, I will often send a summer email out to the nurses on my shift - Anyone want vacation coverage? I need money and I will work for you! LOL

I like to go on vacation during the late fall months, so I can cover their vacations and just not schedule myself for shifts during the time that I want to go.

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