Published Aug 31, 2005
13 Posts
Just wondering if there is any kind of diagnosable syndrome for families of patients with chronic illness who develop an overbearing/controlling role in their loved-ones care? For example, in the hospital where I work, there is a sister of a geriatric patient who manually checks the pt for impaction daily (or more). She is obsessed with the detailed aspects of the things being done for her sister. Her sister resides at the nursing home, but she feels the need to stay with her around the clock, despite the care given the pt by professionals. How specific? you might ask... she blow dries the pubic hair of the pt after each void. That's just one example of how far out this lady goes. And I've also encountered other families while working elsewhere that may be labelled a "Problem Family" because of the lengths they go to when it comes to their loved one. I'm sure anyone in the healthcare field knows what I mean... not just the concerned wife, or the doting the son...but the WAY FAR OUT THERE bunch.
Any way, just wanted to know if there is a NAME for behavior such as this (other than bizarre, inappropriate, et c).
197 Posts
Ummmm.... wierd?
:chair: :chair:
Super_RN, BSN, RN
394 Posts
Just wondering if there is any kind of diagnosable syndrome for families of patients with chronic illness who develop an overbearing/controlling role in their loved-ones care? For example, in the hospital where I work, there is a sister of a geriatric patient who manually checks the pt for impaction daily (or more). She is obsessed with the detailed aspects of the things being done for her sister. Her sister resides at the nursing home, but she feels the need to stay with her around the clock, despite the care given the pt by professionals. How specific? you might ask... she blow dries the pubic hair of the pt after each void. That's just one example of how far out this lady goes. And I've also encountered other families while working elsewhere that may be labelled a "Problem Family" because of the lengths they go to when it comes to their loved one. I'm sure anyone in the healthcare field knows what I mean... not just the concerned wife, or the doting the son...but the WAY FAR OUT THERE bunch.Any way, just wanted to know if there is a NAME for behavior such as this (other than bizarre, inappropriate, et c).
Blow drying the pubic hair, checking for impaction....what the heck is going to come next? Is the resident unable to speak up for herself? I have had my share of "problem families", but never to that extent. Not only do I find it disgusting, but extremely inappropriate (as I'm sure others do as well). There is probably nothing that can be done about it either. I would hope there would be, like reporting her, but then what? Jeez Louise.
421 Posts
not a diagnosis but certainly falls within the spectrum of the definition....manchausen syndrome by proxy....just a thought
That is what I was trying to think of! Thank you, because it was bugging the heck out of me!
:) Jaime
1,119 Posts
Blow drying pubic hair? Definately document about activity and about any warnings/cautions staff have given regarding this one.
I wouldn't term this woman's behavior Munchausen's by proxy, this is when a caregiver induces symptoms of illness in another person. Her behavior is bizarre to say the least and could fall under the category of abuse, especially the frequent rectal disimpaction checks.
1,804 Posts
That sister sounds abosolutely crazy. She seems like she could be a threat to the pt's welfare. Why on earth would someone be so obsessed w/ rectal exams? Is she sexually abusing the pt.? Very odd and very sad. I am sorry you and the pt. are subjected to this woman.
1,173 Posts
Why is this being allowed to happen???
Someone needs to stand up for this pt! Good grief, either that woman is a wingnut, or she's a sexual abuser! Why isn't anyone advocating for this defenseless patient? :angryfire :angryfire :angryfire
Someone needs to call the local Office of Aging, like stat! Until the situation can be investigated, that woman should be barred from entering the patient's room. She is a clear and present danger to that pt's welfare.
mandykal, ADN, RN
343 Posts
Talk about an advocate to the X-treme, maybe you might want to tell her not to blowdry the pubic hair because excessive drying causes split-ends, maybe she might just freak j/j. She's crazy. We have a family member like that, perhaps she had bad stories or experience from the past. She needs some serious counseling.
145 Posts
OMIGOSH! THAT was the answer to end all answers :chuckle :chuckle
Not funny. Not funny at all.
6 Posts
It sounds like these family members are reacting to their loved one's illness by being...well...way too involved.
I've encountered some "bizarre" family members before, and it seems that by overdoing their involvement it gives them some sort of solace.
Maybe the family member feels guilty about something, and to make themselves feel better they become overinvolved.
But, the most important thing is advocating for what the patient wants. Do they want their pubic hair blowdried after voiding??? If they don't want this done but the family member keeps doing it, the family member may need to be removed from the room.