Ouch! My feet!

Nurses Uniform/Gear


Please I hope someone can help me.

Last semester (my first in the RN program), I followed everyone's advice and bought a pair of Rockers for clinicals. They sucked. True, they were lightweight, but they killed my feet.

Is it possible for a shoe to permanently damage your feet?

My feet hurt every day. The arches ache, the heels ache. When I wake up in the morning, it is a challenge to walk on them. I actually *limp* to the bathroom.

What do you all do for foot pain?

I'm thinking of getting a referral to a podiatrist/acupuncturist/faith healer/exorcist....

Anbody have experience with chronic and extreme foot pain and what did you do?

Thanks everyone.


Ms Purp -

"heel spurs" feel very similar. I saw some on my x-rays once when I was x-rayed for an ankle break. They REALLY hurt when I woke up, especially if I hadn't gotten enough sleep. Go figure, I never have had that problem since my mid-30's. You'd think it would be getting worse.

You can also buy some of those gel insole inserts. They really soften up a pair of shoes. I had really good luck with Seconies (I spelled that wrong). I found running shoes to be lighter and better-built. I had one pair that didn't break down at all - I wore the entire sole off of them.

I hope you feel better soon!



Specializes in jack of all trades, master of none.

My stepmom recently was diagnosed with this. Her podiatrist recommended the cortisone shots, she refused, but did take Medrol dose pack. . . it was helpful. The doc told her to wear only shoes that tie, ie tennis shoes, with a good support & to even wear them in the house, to work, etc, gave her a note for work to wear tennies. And if she absolutely had to wear something other than sandals, to wear Birkenstocks. Her feet aren't cured, but have improved somewhat.


Specializes in CV-ICU.

My feet hurt like crazy also when I first get up; especially the heels and I walk like an old lady ( a REALLY old lady!)too; so I thought it was plantar fascititis. It isn't; I have achilles tendonitis and must wear shoes WITH heels and orthotics and never go without shoes or slippers. So don't think that you KNOW what is causing your foot problems-- go to the podiatrist and find out for sure.

Specializes in NICU.

I hate to jump on the bandwagon here, but I also LOVE New Balance cross-trainers. You can get them a bit wider than many other shoes, which is important because your feet will swell by the end of the day and those formerly comfortable shoes you loved when you bought will kill you by seven pm. They have lots of support because they're made to accommodate running, walking, and aerobics. Sounds like an accurate job description...! I ONLY buy those now, after aching my way through nursing school and tech-ing in horrible fitting shoes, including easy spirit (I figured if they could play basketball in heels, I could nurse in them...WRONG!!!). Your feet are your friends. Treat them well or you won't have a job. ;>) I also recommend seeing a podiatrist- don't mess around with your teeth or your tootsies. At least, that's what my mom used to say!

Specializes in Hospice and Palliative Care, Family NP.

I also have foot problems, (only since I have been nursing..hmm..go figure!) anyway, I went to a podiatrist (after a referral from my PCP, HMO here too) and after x-rays, etc, he told me what my problem was..it's a ten mile long word and I can't remember. The only way to correrct it is surgery. Get this, my podiatrist USED TO BE AN RN!!!!!! He's awesome! LOL After he told me about needing surgery he said "I realize unless you have been nursing for a zillion years, you probably don't have enough time accumulated to be off work! " LOL So, he GAVE me generic orthodicts, and told me to NEVER WEAR NIKES!!!!! Recommended New Balance (and they are WONDERFUL!) Easy Spirit, etc. NO REEBOKS either!

I've been doing what he said, see him about once every six months and I feel like a new woman!!! :D

I myself have never tried New Balance, but ever since I sprained my ankle very badly twice in less than six months the only shoes I can wear and be truely, truely comfortable in are Reebok Walk DMX. My dad told me about them. He works in the post office on a concrete floor for 8-12 hours a day and he says he wouldn't wear anything else for work. They have an air cushion in the sole and it is like walking on a cloud. Granted, my feet still ache a tiny little bit at the end of the day, but it isn't nearly as bad as it was when I wore cheap shoes.

Ok, I kind of figured nurses had foot problems but this seems to be an epidemic. At least I'm in good company.

I put a call in for my PCP to write out a referral, and I'll make an appt with a podiatrist once I get that. I'll keep y'all updated as to what the tootsie expert has to say.

I wonder what would possess someone to want to spend their career in close proximity with everyone's feet?

I've wondered that, myself, MsPurp!!!!!!

Also proctologists and beauty salons that give pedicures!




Hi from yet another nurse with previous foot problems, plantar fasciitis and general aches and pains. A course of naprosin helped and always wearing shoes indoors helped. Finn Comfort shoes from Germany make all the difference

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