Orlando Tragedy - "Why Does It Bother You So Much?"

Because a nurse I am friends with asked me why it mattered so much to me... I thought I would share this with all of you as well. LGBTQ culture is one of shared experiences. In the same way that nursing culture exists, so does LGBTQ. In the wake of the tragedy in Orlando, I find myself needing an outlet to express the fear and sadness that comes with it. My hope is in doing so, I can help those who do not know or understand the culture, get a small glimpse into it from my perspective. Nurses Announcements Archive Article

This past weekend is still something that has struck fear into the core of my community, even though I live on the other side of the country. I'm not going to debate about how it could have been prevented, because hindsight is always 20/20. I'm not going to debate it because there are as many different ideas on how to prevent it as there are people who know about it. What I want to do is expose myself, and explain why something that happened so far away from me could affect me on such a personal level.

No matter what you call it, LGBT(Q,+,A), QUILTBAG, or my personal favorite Alphabet Soup Gang... there is a community out there for those of us who don't quite fit the norm. My favorite comes from the fact that we are all a bit alike, all a little different, and we're all floating in this big huge bowl we call Earth. Also the letters change all the time depending on who you talk to and if I am going to offend someone for using the wrong ones, at least I'm going down in style.

I get a little flack at times from the community, at times, for not getting it, because "you pass... no one knows unless you choose to tell them." See, I'm not what most people think of when they think of the LGBTQ. Mostly because I don't get all twiterpatted when I see someone posed in what someone would consider sexual nature. My response tends more towards "Oh... look at that... "and insert interesting bit of biology about their tattoo, a mole, or the muscle structure. I'm someone who dates for romance and companionship instead of physical attraction. I was married when I was younger. I'm Christian. I can easily come off as heterosexual with no time or too conservative to join the local dating scene. Personally I don't care about someone's gender. I date people for being interesting and kind hearted with similar interests. In the community I'm often referred to as panromantic. I don't usually bother with a label though.

At the same time, I've also been on the receiving end of attacks from people mad at me for not being interested in them. Be it because how dare I not be attracted, or because they think I just haven't met the right person yet, or just because I find comfort being around the others with the same experiences. Many of my first experiences out into the world involved going to the local "gay bar" to sing karaoke with all the other people who just didn't feel like they fit society's expectations for them. Going to a friend's place to support them because someone had threatened them.

Our culture, as a community comes from the places and experiences we have been through. We've had the awkward conversations with medical professionals when they ask if we are sexually active and the follow up is about birth control or pregnancy, and we end up outing ourselves to strangers who are not always understanding. We've been bullied for similar reasons. Been told we don't really exist. That we're going through a phase. Sometimes by the medical community itself. We trade names of providers who are "safe" like most people trade the titles of their favorite books.

It bothers me because... those people who were hurt and died... I have a common thread to them. I cried when I found out what happened. Those people were someone's child, parent, cousin, friend... They remind me of my own monkey sphere of people I know. Even if it hadn't been people I know... I've seen the threats towards LGBTQ and Muslim students at my school. I go to an awesome school in a progressive area. We are great and inclusive and that things like that still happen... is scary. It bothers me that media wants to focus on who did it and how, rather than the bright and brilliant people who are lost to the community.

It's something that should bother everyone. It should bother us all. Today it was the LGBTQ community. It's happening in black communities. It happens in our schools. Even if we have no personal connection to what has happened, it should at the very least bother us, because who is to know what the next target of choice will be. If we can't find a way to be bothered that people died because someone's personally held belief was so strong they felt it was alright to kill someone... even if we disagree with the person's lifestyle, they didn't deserve this. No one does, and that bothers me.

Specializes in Cardiac Telemetry, ICU.
This article has really frustrated me. What in the world does this have to do with NURSING? Such an "in your face" politically driven agenda in words. As a nurse, I have taken an oath that goes beyond all these politically correct agendas. I will be the first to say that the LBGT community's practice is an abomination to Gods will. But I would NEVER refuse as a Nurse or Christian to provide medical care.

Please...get back to having articles that deal with issues related to the practice of nursing and not the "push" of an agenda!

"Political correctness" eh? Nah honey, the word you're looking for is basic human decency. I understand that's a struggle for you and many other straight Christians, but c'mon, why don't we call it what it is. Your hypocrisy is interesting though. Straights have their lifestyle plastered in every TV show, song, and movie, but that's not in your face. Us Big Bad LGBT people give a peck on the cheek or say hey, homophobes killing my people upset me, and suddenly it's being shoved down your throat. How unfortunate, you came here to hear about nursing, not hear about how 49 LGBT people were gunned down. Absolutely tragic, we'll try to die and mourn more quietly next time, you poor pitiful soul.

Wow. Nothing but a bunch of homophobes looking for an excuse to dismiss the result of their outright hatred of LGBT people. To think you lot work with the general public disgusts me. Your denial of this being a direct result of homophobia successfully perpetuates the very ideas that led to this crime in the first place. It's transparent as anything.

This was the result of homophobia. When you attack our rights, shame our ""lifestyles,"" this is the result. That blood is on your hands too. Keep up the "terrorism" excuses but perhaps consider turning off fox news every now and then too, eh?

You are being more hostile and negative than everyone but one person who posted things downplaying the significance. Certainly none of it was homophobic, you're harsh judgements of trivial comments hurt the LGBT crowd and you are lessening the term homophobic.

And no, I didn't share any of the opinions you are speaking of here. Your hyperbole over the top hatred of anything that isn't your ideal opinion is pretty childish and comes off very rash.

Judging everybody else that shared an opinion so harshly because there is one religious nut in the group is not doing you or your fellows any good.

Maybe your assessment of the situation is right and they don't understand that this shooting was purely homophobic in nature. Them not understanding that and saying something else does not equal homophobia.

Specializes in BSN, RN-BC, NREMT, EMT-P, TCRN.

This is about Islam which commands Muslims to kill gays and those who won't convert to Islam.

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Specializes in Hospice.
This is about Islam which commands Muslims to kill gays and those who won't convert to Islam.

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No, it isn't - it is about religious extremism that uses cherry-picked references to a holy book to rationalize hate.

Specializes in BSN, RN-BC, NREMT, EMT-P, TCRN.
No, it isn't - it is about religious extremism that uses cherry-picked references to a holy book to rationalize hate.

You are so wrong. No cherry picked references. The Quran is not like the Bible. It is not a holy book. Muhammed claimed the angel Gabriel appeared to him in a cave and have him the Quran. Muhammed was a pedophile who married Aeshia when she was 6 and consummated the marriage when she was 9. He killed and enslaved blacks. He called them raisin heads. The Quran says to kill those who won't convert to Islam. It calls for the killing of gays. In the Caliphate, non-muslims must pay the jizya (a tax of 50%) to live. In Sharia law, a woman is 1/2 as intelligent as a man and therefore can't be a witness. In Saudi Arabia, a woman needs 4 witnesses to prove rape. The life of Muhammed is contained in the Hadith which explains the Quran. Islam is evil, it's a political/government system. It is not a religion. Pull your head out of the sand and wake up.

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No, it isn't - it is about religious extremism that uses cherry-picked references to a holy book to rationalize hate.

This is basically saying that it is Islam. Cherry picked? If the religious texts command it, then they command it. Do Muslim people have more irrational hate than Christians? I don't think so, but they do commit more mass murder throughout the world than Christians.

I never thought I'd be defending Christianity as much as I have in this thread.

Specializes in Hospice.
You are so wrong. No cherry picked references. The Quran is not like the Bible. It is not a holy book. Muhammed claimed the angel Gabriel appeared to him in a cave and have him the Quran. Muhammed was a pedophile who married Aeshia when she was 6 and consummated the marriage when she was 9. He killed and enslaved blacks. He called them raisin heads. The Quran says to kill those who won't convert to Islam. It calls for the killing of gays. In the Caliphate, non-muslims must pay the jizya (a tax of 50%) to live. In Sharia law, a woman is 1/2 as intelligent as a man and therefore can't be a witness. In Saudi Arabia, a woman needs 4 witnesses to prove rape. The life of Muhammed is contained in the Hadith which explains the Quran. Islam is evil, it's a political/government system. It is not a religion. Pull your head out of the sand and wake up.

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Not much different from the bible with very similar passages justifying pretty much the same behavior.

To rid the world of a religion you don't like requires killing off it's believers - all of them. Leaving aside the fact that many of our most rabid islamaphobes can't tell the difference between Muslims and Sikhs, a Christian crusade against Islam - which is what you're calling for - is no different from the terrorists' "jihad" and both are religiously motivated genocide.

I'm not going to change your interpretation of the Orlando murders. But I will never agree with it or provide ethical cover for a call to genocide - I don't care how politically incorrect you think I am.

Not much different from the bible with very similar passages justifying pretty much the same behavior.

To rid the world of a religion you don't like requires killing off it's believers - all of them. Leaving aside the fact that many of our most rabid islamaphobes can't tell the difference between Muslims and Sikhs, a Christian crusade against Islam - which is what you're calling for - is no different from the terrorists' "jihad" and both are religiously motivated genocide.

I'm not going to change your interpretation of the Orlando murders. But I will never agree with it or provide ethical cover for a call to genocide - I don't care how politically incorrect you think I am.

Now you are slandering him with the same strawman argument you gave me. Nobody has called for genocide. Christianity is proof that a religion can be tamed without genocide.

Don't think like such an extremist maniac.

Specializes in BSN, RN-BC, NREMT, EMT-P, TCRN.
Not much different from the bible with very similar passages justifying pretty much the same behavior.

To rid the world of a religion you don't like requires killing off it's believers - all of them. Leaving aside the fact that many of our most rabid islamaphobes can't tell the difference between Muslims and Sikhs, a Christian crusade against Islam - which is what you're calling for - is no different from the terrorists' "jihad" and both are religiously motivated genocide.

I'm not going to change your interpretation of the Orlando murders. But I will never agree with it or provide ethical cover for a call to genocide - I don't care how politically incorrect you think I am.

Sorry, the Bible and the Quran are totally different. There is a stark difference between the Old Testament and the New Testament. Nowhere did Christ say to kill anyone. Nowhere did He justify rape as Muhammed did. He told the person who was without sin to cast the stone at Mary Magdalene, the prostitute. No one did. Islam says it's ok to beat your wife. You need to read the Quran, the Hadith, the Sura. Muhammed was a racist against blacks. You cannot compare or equate Christianity with ISLAM. Islam is pure evil.

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This is about Islam which commands Muslims to kill gays and those who won't convert to Islam.

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Woah. That's a really extreme statement. And unproven. With so much education you should be able to implement research into your statements.

Specializes in BSN, RN-BC, NREMT, EMT-P, TCRN.
Woah. That's a really extreme statement. And unproven. With so much education you should be able to implement research into your statements.

Are you kidding me? Implement research? It's in the Quran. Read it, it's all in there. For example, da66f7cdf019a421851de8b5f562f6ef.jpg

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Specializes in BSN, RN-BC, NREMT, EMT-P, TCRN.
Woah. That's a really extreme statement. And unproven. With so much education you should be able to implement research into your statements.

Here's some more research for you: ecce9d2b896e5dc0e8599df154bd8669.jpg Check this research out.

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