Published Feb 11, 2015
26 Posts
I am contemplating in going to grad school to purse NP, however, I feel so out of touch with my clinical skills. I have been an RN for 8 years and went straight into working as OR nurse once I graduated with my Associate's Degree. I returned to school to pursue my BSN and graduated in 2012. I wanted to get some input from NPs and/or NP students to shed some light if what I'm feeling is normal, as far as, not having sharp clinical skills.
Any advice will help.
Thank you!
Rose_Queen, BSN, MSN, RN
6 Articles; 11,976 Posts
Not sure what their feelings were about the clinical assessment skills, but I've worked with 2 OR nurses who have successfully completed NP programs and are working as NPs- one is currently with one of the surgical groups and the other is in a family health practice. You may just have some extra practicing and studying to do.
Thanks for the advice, Rose_Queen. Would you recommend that I brush up my health assessment skills by reading books?
42 Posts
I have worked 2 years on CV/neuro team in OR as RN while going to school for my masters. After those 2 years I transferred to another hospital and worked surgical ICU at the trauma hospital full time for 2 years until I finished my masters and sat for boards. I am a board certified FNP and work with a neurosurgeon as his RNFA as well. There are certain skills that are lost while working in the OR but many new and unique skills you pick up. I would recommend looking in to transferring to an icu environment. Might talk with some of the surgeons you enjoy being around, they might be looking for an extender in the near future.
434 Posts
In my experience, OR nurses do very well in NP school. We had one in our class who had excellent assessment skills and was very comfortable working in all environments. I think your experience will be at least as good as everyone else's in the class, and you will pick up what you need in clinicals. Everyone brings different experiences to the table in NP school and will be stronger in one thing or another.
NP Sam
476 Posts
I am an OR nurse and will be done with my MSN program in December. Sometimes I feel I do not know enough, but it is all in my HEAD. I am doing great in school. I will say that I have to review things often because working in the OR there are just some things we never do.
47 Posts
I am in the same situation. I've worked in the OR for 2 years and actually thought I wanted to be a CRNA since I love the OR, I wanted to further my education but stay in the setting I love. So I transferred to an ICU step-down floor for about 5 months and hated it. I ended up going back to the OR. I'm researched my options now and hoping I can go to APRN school and get a job in surgery. I am definitely keeping my options open at this point. I hope everything works out for you!
Alicia777, MSN, NP
329 Posts
I was an OR nurse for 9 years before I became a working FNP. I worked as a med/surg nurse before the OR. I work inpatient as a surgical NP now.
It was a tough transition. But you'll be able to brush up on your assessment skills as an NP student and even once you get a job you'll do some sort of training before you're on you're own. I wouldn't let it hold you back if that's the only thing you're worried about. As an OR nurse you already know how to prioritize and interact with other nurses and patients-that's a huge part of the job..