opinions about homebirthing

Specialties Ob/Gyn


I have a few friends who've decided to have homebirths. I'm curious about this seemingly growing trend. I'd love to hear some opinions from those who've done it, participated in it, and delivered some of these babies at home.

TIA!! :redpinkhe

I don't mean to imply that everyone who doesn't homebirth is afraid......we all have different needs & wishes for our own experience.

I have just worked with those that would benefit from that middle ground/ birth center.

Thanks for all the info.....I need to do some in depth research into it for OK. I'd really like to know why all the BCs have closed. And for any CNMs in OK, can you attend homebirths? I've look at the OKBON scope of practice but it's a little ambiguous and doesn't clearly prohibit it.

Specializes in er and l&d.

i didn't read through all of the post re: this issue yet, but since this is near and dear to my heart i wanted to reply. first of all, the homebirth midwife who practices in my hometown is very safe and conservative. when my friend birthed w/ her a year ago, she had been practicing for decades and never had a negative outcome. the reason being...she ONLY accepts patients who are "low risk". she has no problems transporting to the hospital at the very first indication of issues and has never even had to use EMS (knock on wood). if you haven't seen ricki lakes fairly new documentary called "the business of being born", i would highly recommend it. it is quite informative and compares the US to other highly developed countries. only 3% of US births take place at home and i believe we have the 2nd highest infant and maternal mortality rate among other highly developed countries. in the netherlands, 1 of 3 births take place at home and their mortality rates are better than ours. the fact is, and any ob nurse knows this...one intervention cascades into multiple interventions. most women that chose homebirth are aware of this and wish to avoid this slippery slope. when appropriate, and when attended by an experienced and sensible midwife...homebirth is very safe. statistics are available to back this statement up. if you watch ricki lakes documentary, pay close attention to the guy from the W.H.O. (can't remember his name) and to michele odent (french obstetrician). they have profound statements that will really make you think.

best wishes in your career!

p.s.- i took care of a 32 yr. gravida 1 who is a physician last week. her husband works for a hospital corporation w/ ins. issues and told me "we push for c sections. it's more money for the hospital and doctors dont get sued". these facts certainly are accurate, but how sad that this is what this country has come to!

IMHO, home delivery is for pizza.:twocents:

Specializes in Emergency Department.
IMHO, home delivery is for pizza.:twocents:

And a meaningful opinion at that! :twocents:

Specializes in Community, OB, Nursery.
IMHO, home delivery is for pizza.:twocents:
Fortunately, the evidence is in favor of its being safe for low-risk pregnancies too. :)
Specializes in Emergency Department.
Fortunately, the evidence is in favor of its being safe for low-risk pregnancies too. :)

Pizza or home birth? :chuckle

Specializes in Ante-Intra-Postpartum, Post Gyne.
IMHO, home delivery is for pizza.:twocents:


I find people with this attitude have not been fully and correctly educated about home birth and have only seen birth inside a hospital setting... or view birth as a medical even. Studies have show home birth to be just as safe as hospital birth for low risk women

Let us bring them into harsh rooms with bright lights. Let us make them lie on their backs on hard narrow beds. Let us tether them to machines so they cannot move. Let us make them stay silent and make no noise with their pains. Let us expose their most private parts and threaten them with cold steel. Let us make them push their babies up wards, against the pull of the earth…In these conditions, labour swiftly becomes unbearable and pain relief becomes a woman’s only hope. This is not the natural cry of a woman in labour brining a child to birth, although if you have only ever witnessed childbirth in a medicalized setting you might be forgiven for thinking so. This is the screaming plea of a tethered animal in pain.

I find people with this attitude have not been fully and correctly educated about home birth and have only seen birth inside a hospital setting... or view birth as a medical even. Studies have show home birth to be just as safe as hospital birth for low risk women

THank you for saying this. Said it so MUCH better than I could have.

Homebirth is safe for many. Hospitals are safe for many as well but both come with risks. Birth is for the majority safe, but its risky for some no matter where you give birth. For those who think birth in a hospital is 100% safe and without risks are fooling themselves, and sometimes their patients.

A natural birth in hospital is far harder than a natural birth at home. Its full of far more "rules" and far more temptation and risks for added complications from pit, infection, complicatoins of AROM etc. that aren't usually present in a homebirth.

Specializes in OB, Family Practice, Pediatrics.

mom2michael;2974937]"Actually the phrase "nurse" is not protected in all 50 states. RN and LPN is protected where I live, the word "nurse" is not."

Here too.

"Homebirth is safe for many. Hospitals are safe for many as well but both come with risks. Birth is for the majority safe, but its risky for some no matter where you give birth. For those who think birth in a hospital is 100% safe and without risks are fooling themselves, and sometimes their patients.

A natural birth in hospital is far harder than a natural birth at home. Its full of far more "rules" and far more temptation and risks for added complications from pit, infection, complicatoins of AROM etc. that aren't usually present in a homebirth"

I have to agree, but I will say... As someone who has had a natural childbirth in a hospital setting, I had my prenatal care at an OB practice with 3 CNMs, and they allowed me to go w/o continuous EFM or toco, no IV, and no pit in the 4th stage. so it was basically an intervention-less birth. I think it has a lot to do with the practitioner.

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

We have to put politics aside and respect women's birthing choices in the USA. For low-risk, healthy women, homebirth should be a viable option. I would not personally choose it, but then, I was never really "low risk". But I work with a nurse who is choosing to homebirth her first and the flack she has gotten is hard to believe.

I also believe people must take RESPONSIBILITY for their choices. With freedom, always should come concommitant responsibility. In the USA, we struggle with this. Most of us are acutely aware of our rights, but not as willing to be so aware of our responsibilities. That is a big problem as I see it.

But politics play a huge role and "ownership" of birthing is up for grabs in many interests. Very sad IMO.

Specializes in Community, OB, Nursery.

The thanks would only let me thank you once for that above post, SBE......I wanted to thank you about twelve times!! :D

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