Published Feb 28, 2010
6 Posts
I live in San Diego. I am trying to complete my nursing preqs but having a hard trying to get in to the classes. Is there a college where I can take all my prereqs online.
916 Posts
I don't live in San Diego, but have you checked to see if the local colleges offer online classes?
Also make sure that the schools you plan to apply to will accept credits from wherever you plan to do the online classes and that they are equivalent transfer credits.
Sand_Dollar, BSN
1,130 Posts
I have done all of mine through ccconline. It's a great education, but if you aren't in Colorado, then it's pricey. It's accredited and classes are not noted as being online on your transcripts. I would look to see if you have any community colleges that do online classes in CA first because of cost.
66 Posts
I'd be REAL CAREFUL if I were you.....a good deal of nursing school are hard as hell to get in to....and pre-reqs from an online school....I honestly think a good deal of nursing schools might not accept that as a transfer credit...
My advisor told me that most nursing schools don't want you take the A&P, chemistry, or Microbiology online for sure because they have lab components...
Just make sure you are up the DAY OF registration, register early, as they will fill up within the first thirty minutes, be there at 5 am if you have to, online ready to register. Then pay for them before they get dropped! Good luck.
If you want something, fight for it, it feels SO much better when you get it, and you should.
Almost alll of my ccconline pre-req classes are 'Guaranteed Transfer' courses. In 2005 the CO Commission on Higher Ed established a statewide transfer policy for gen ed course credits. I have applied to a VERY competitive state university here and they have no problem accepting the classes, even the sciences which all have lab components.
It's good advice Lala27poodles, each school is different and its wise to check first.
139 Posts
I have taken almost ALL my pre-req's online from Rio Salado College (in AZ)--yes, including BIO, A&P 1&2 and the lab component is also done online or in your kitchen depending on the class. Just make sure your nursing school will accept the transfer credits. It worked great for me, and Rio Salado has start dates almost every two weeks, so you don't have to wait for the traditional start of each semester.
198 Posts
I have also taken online science courses, though from different schools, and have just been accepted into my first choice nursing school for Fall '10! I took Chem at Weber State University, which I would highly recommend for anyone who is dreading chem. I also took AP1 and AP2 online at Alfred State SUNY college of Technology in NY.
I found these courses to be extremely convenient since all labs were completed via excellent software programs - no pricey labpaqs!
187 Posts
I to live in SD. Are you talking ASN or BSN. For BSN at SDSU I would say not hardly, as your pre reqs are Gen Bio, Physi with lab, Anatomy with lab, Micro with lab, and O-chem. Also needed are Oral comm which is most likely a on campus class. Psych and Soci can be done online but that is about it. For ASN I do not know the pre reqs. Check with mesa, City or Miramar schools for online catalog. Just looked at latest copy and most of the above listed classes are not online.
38,333 Posts
Science prereqs can be taken at University of New England: Several prereqs, including science, can also be taken at Ocean County Community College: You will need to check with the specific schools you plan to apply to. Have seen at least one person from SoCal post that their Ocean County courses were accepted, but I don't believe they said which nursing program in SoCal.
For a Ca. resident, a CC class is $26.00 per unit, out of state classes cost about 25 times as much. I suppose if you can afford $2k per class it is okay.
Some people get fed up with missing out semester after semester watching other people get the slots in the courses they need.
Granted, certain impacted classes like A or P and Micro fill up after a few days of registration, but I always have managed to get my needed classes with a little due diligence. You really have to be Johnny on the spot and register on day one. Like I said, if you have the big bucks to spend on out of state online classes, go for it.