Nurses LPN/LVN
Published Mar 20, 2007
255 Posts
I'm interested a position at a nursing home with great hours, no weekends, and flexibility but their orientation is only one week!!! I'm very apprehensive. I will be responsible around 25 patient's to pass meds, do assessments, skin care etc. What is the amount of orientation at nursing homes some of you have worked at? I am a new nurse and I don't know how long orientations in nursing homes normally are, but this sounds extremely short compared to the hospital !! Please tell me what you think.
526 Posts
1 weeks sounds about average. My first LTC job orientation was only 3 days, which turned into more like 2 because they began a state survey that week. Then my next job in a medicare unit was about 8 days. If you don't feel ready by 1 week, then just tell them. Good Luck!
15 Posts
I only had three days as a new grad in long term care. very sad
okay. Thats a relief. Thanks!
51 Posts
i'm a new grad also, i started in ltc in the mid of january, and they were very accomodating, i was on "orientation" for abotu a month and a half, but really they left me alone.. sometimes still feel like i need help.
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
As a new grad, I had only 8 hours of orientation at ny very first nursing home job. I emphasize that it was 8 hours, not 8 days.
The typical orientation period at nursing homes for new grads in my area is about 3 days. If you receive anything beyond three days, you should consider yourself extremely fortunate. Since LTC and nursing homes generally have stable, lower acuity patients than those found at the acute care hospitals, there is really no need for a lengthy hospital-style orientation at a long term care facility.
pagandeva2000, LPN
7,984 Posts
I never worked at a nursing home as a nurse, but from what I am hearing from these boards and other sources, 25 patients (especially compared to 40-80 patients that I have heard that ONE LPN is responsible for) may not be a bad deal. They should be pretty stable, and I would want to know who I call in case of any emergency. Is there an RN around, anywhere? If things are abnormal, how long does it take to contact a physician? I have avoided nursing homes like the plague over things like this, and so far, your deal sounds like the best. Try it out, and don't forget to email us and tell us the deal!
jjjoy, LPN
2,801 Posts
I agree with pagandeva. If the patients are stable, then 25 is pretty good for LTC. Three day orientation sounds pretty average as well. Kinda ridiculous because an experienced nurse may be able to assess the patients, document, pass meds, etc in a timely manner, but how is a newbie supposed to do all that competently and correctly right off? Week 2, newbie is being scolded for being "too slow" with the med passes. Week 3, newbie is scolded for staying late to get the insurance documentation done. Week 4, newbie is scolded for 'missing' a patient who was turning bad. Week 5, newbie is told "you can't use the excuse that you're new anymore." Sigh.
Hopefully, your co-workers are friendly and supportive. That's what can really make it or break it my book.
I don't start for a couple weeks, but I will let you know how it goes.
I tried to steer clear of LTC care too, unfortunately I did'nt have many other options. I love the elderly population, but I have heard a lot of negative opinions from people who work in this field, and also because I'm taking RN classes. I wish I could have found a job that wasn't going to be so stressful. I'll try to make the best of it and hope it turns into a positive experience.
Thanks again for you support!!
Oh and I did see those posts on the LTC forum with the nurses who work with up to 80 patient's! Wow!!
I wish I could have found a job that wasn't going to be so stressful.
However, if you go to your workplace with the thought that it will turn out good, then your days at work will turn out good because you predicted it beforehand. Most of our experiences are influenced by our mindset.
CRAZYSTUDENT, i dont think 25 patients is a bad deal. I have 20 patients myself, there are 2 nurses and 40 residents on the floor, so each nurse takes half. After a few days you will know their medications and their treatments. Wound care is not that bad. I don't think LTC is as stressful as working in a hospital on a MED-SURG floor, because all your LTC residents are pretty stable for the most part.