Published Jul 25, 2013
6 Posts
Took my NCLEX today (7/25/13) in NYC and the test shut off at 75. When doing the PearsonVue shortcut, I get the following message: "The candidate currently has test results that are on hold. A new registration cannot be created at this time."
The test administrator initially sat me at one seat, logged herself into the computer, chose my name from the list of test takers and then changed her mind on my seat assignment and "Forced closed" the test welcome screen and signed me on at a new seat. The test went forward and I took about 2 1/2 hours to complete the 75 questions.
I called Pearson and they said I have to wait the 48 hours to check again; I have a friend who got the "good pop-up" from Pearson and she took it the same time as me and hers also shut off at 75.
HELP!! I am driving myself crazy!!
29 Posts
OMG, sounds horrifying. I hope NCSBN won't ban you forever. usually that's what they do right? goodluck
CT Pixie, BSN, RN
3,723 Posts
What makes you thin she'd be banned forever??
The Pearson Vue Trick is bringing that up (on hold) most likely because of what occured w/the force close etc. Anything out of the ordinary can cause a 'hold' on the test. They just nee to review it. Once they do that, it should have the 'hold' released and you should be able to do the trick.
Give it a little while and try again later.
JustBeachyNurse, LPN
13,957 Posts
It's because of the incident report they had to issue. By your description you did nothing wrong. Now you just have to wait for the QA audit.
Not all. 'Results on hold ' are bad
She did not tell me she was issuing an incident report. She sat me in a seat and realized she placed me in the location where they were taking the Series 7 stock broker test. She logged me and then "forced closed" the welcome screen of the NCLEX and then re-logged back in at the new seat. She never mentioned that she had to issue an incident report. I can't believe this is happening.
210 Posts
First of all, calm down and breathe. From what I understand results can be put on hold for many different reasons. Its not an automatic fail. At this point it is what it is....waiting is always difficult though, I know.
Hopefully your results will be available after the 48 hours. You may just have to brace yourself for it to take a little longer good luck!
Anything out of the ordinary generates an incident report...having to scan your hand twice, computer glitch, standing up instead if raising your hand, and many other seemingly innocuous incidents. It is part of quality assurance. Usually you are not told, just like one would never chart in the medical record that an incident report was generated.
Ignore the poster that mentioned being banned for life. First NCSBN does not make that decision it is the state BoN. Second that is reserved for cheaters & rule breakers. You didn't bring in crib notes , smuggle in your cell phone to 'phone a friend ', tattoo lab values on your left bicep, look at someone else's computer screen, or pay your best friend to take the test for you. Results can even be put on hold if you test quickly (mine were initially) so they can review the data log, keystrokes, audio & video to ensure everything is copacetic.
You are almost half way through the 48 hr mark. Just watch for 'results delivered'. Hold just means a QA/QC audit
Hang in there
There would be no reason to tell you she was issuing an incident report, its just policy/procedure to do so when something out of the ordinary happens just as Beachy and I have said.
It's not the end of the world, they will not fail you because of the seat swap the proctor iniciated, you will not be 'banned for life" as the other poster said (again, where he even thought that happened is beyond me)
Have you attempted the 'trick' again? Are the results still on hold?
Yes, still on hold :-(
nurseprnRN, BSN, RN
1 Article; 5,116 Posts
By my calculation the amount of time between your original post and now is no more than about 24 hours. Will you please listen to yourself?
You will have that license (assuming you passed) for many, many years. Will a few days really seem so critical, so overwhelmingly awful that it justifies you "driving yourself crazy"?
Well, you're behind the wheel. Pull over and go for a walk. :)
You're right GrnTea; I've come to the realization that whatever is meant to be is meant to be. If I didn't pass, I will certainly retake the exam and attempt at decreasing my test anxiety. I realized how anxious I was taking the test and attempting to recall some of the answers to the questions, I see that I may have answered some wrong due to nervousness.
Thanks for the pep talk!! It does help!!!
Day 5 and results are still on hold!! I know everyone said to "hurry up and wait" but this is torture. I called PearsonVue who said I should wait (yet again) until tomorrow to see if my unofficial results are updated by that point ; I also called the NY NCSBN who said that there is nothing they can do about it and that I should give it a few more business days....A FEW MORE BUSINESS DAYS!!??!? UUUGGGGHHHHHH