Hello, I am new to this site and am soooo glad it's available. I just got my RN license reinstated a couple of months ago and got a job and everything. I was super excited, until I met with the nursing board a couple of weeks ago. They informed me I am on the OIG exclusion list. I have never heard of this before and it never came up during the two years I have been working on getting my license reinstated.
I just received the application to be removed from the exclusion list and have been working on it all day. I am just waiting on some character references and a statement from the court. I did receive a pre-trial diversion and got a couple misdemeanor charges since I was placed on the exclusion list in 2010. I hope this doesn't keep me from being removed and I hope I submit all the needed information to the OIG.
Does anyone have any experience with this? Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.