OIG Help

Nurses Recovery


Hello, I am new to this site and am soooo glad it's available. I just got my RN license reinstated a couple of months ago and got a job and everything. I was super excited, until I met with the nursing board a couple of weeks ago. They informed me I am on the OIG exclusion list. I have never heard of this before and it never came up during the two years I have been working on getting my license reinstated.

I just received the application to be removed from the exclusion list and have been working on it all day. I am just waiting on some character references and a statement from the court. I did receive a pre-trial diversion and got a couple misdemeanor charges since I was placed on the exclusion list in 2010. I hope this doesn't keep me from being removed and I hope I submit all the needed information to the OIG.

Does anyone have any experience with this? Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.

I don't have an attorney. My nursing license will be reinstated this month. I will be on probation for 2 years. So, On the OIG application, question #5 ask Are you subject to any sanctions or conditions imposed by any other Federal or State agency other than your exclusion? other than my license being on probation for 2 years, should I answer yes or no to that question?

Hi, do you mind telling me what you received pretrial diversion for? My criminal lawyer is talking with the DEA about me receiving pretrial diversion for prescription fraud , just wondering what yours was for and if the nursing board put you on probation or suspension , any info would be helpful, thanks

I was charged with diversion of a control substance back in 05'.I was placed on probation with the BON. But I was also excluded by the OIG for 5 years. So, I could not work anywhere that was government funded.

Oh, I'm so sorry. Thanks for telling me. I know you're glad that's all over with. What are some examples of places that aren't government funded?

There is not many places that is not government funded. Most places take medicare/Medicaid.

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