OIG Exclusions List + affect on nurses ability work


Could any of you explain how it is that a RN gets put on the OIG list and what this entails. I am just curious as to what I may be facing. I am right now in the investigation process and holding my breath. I did not divert meds however I quit my job after I got a DUI and possession, I self reported myself. I am holding my breath but trying to breath. I have been able to maintain my sobriety with the help of God, great sponsor and 12step group which is anonymous. Thanks for any information.

Specializes in ER, ICU/CCU, Open Heart OR Recovery, Etc.

Check and make sure everything on the OIG list, and the National Practitioner Databank, is correct. Mine is not and now I have to make sure it is.

I barely found out that iam on it as well already sent for the reinstatement packet because its been 9 years. I have not since then done direct care just managment for an agency that works with people with disabilities. So anything Ive accomplished is over due to this finding....Im very sad about it but I know God will carry me through this storm and bring me out safe.

I work in management for an agency who works with people with disabilities. I just found out im on the list. Its been 9 years never knew because its under my maiden name..... Im so confused about this list is and what I have to do.....Im sure when I let my job know I will be terminated. If there is any tips you may have please let me know.

Could you give me some advice on filling out the OIG reinstatement packet?

Specializes in ER, ICU/CCU, Open Heart OR Recovery, Etc.
Could you give me some advice on filling out the OIG reinstatement packet?

Read the instructions completely before starting. Fill out all questions pertaining to you completely and honestly. If something does not pertain, write n/a as instructed. Attach any pertinent documentation. Sign in the presence of a notary before putting it in the envelope to ship. Send Registered Mail with Signature confirmation. Keep copies of everything.

I have just gone through this with being licensed in 2 states. I was accused of taking a patient's meds of which I had the exact same Rx. Long story short I took a plea deal (withheld adjudication ) DO NOT EVER DO THIS! IT IS VIEWED THE SAME AS A CONVICTION IN MANY ENTITIES. I took the advice of a Non Healthcare law attorney (lesson 2 ) never do! I voluntarily relinquished my licensed on a charge of posession of a controlled substance without a prescription. Grand theft was dropped as well as elderly abuse. Everything relating to the patient. I also need to mention the patient's son was a registered sex offender which we found out after the fact and a lot of the facts were a rebuttal because he had made passes that I refused and I was the only nurse he would let see his Mother. Hindsight is 20/20 but however because I voluntarily relinquished my license in FL for 5 years I was automatically reported to OIG. They tried to tie it into Medicare fraud and embezzlement! ? Which I was #1 mortified because this case has 0 to do with money or embezzlement! My attorney appealed and we felt strong we would win. However, we did not! They utilized the rationale that it was a common sense approach and they put 2 and 2 together and since I was on duty and it happened in a patient's home it was somehow tied into Medicare fraud?? I have contacted my local congressman and plan to fight for the nurses who are out there trying to do the right thing and get continously screwed over by OIG! I had finally found a job with a privately owned company and had been there a year when I found out and I lost my job so now, here I am a single Mother with 2 children and once again no job because if you get on the OIG list you can not work in any healthcare facilities that accept Medicaid, Medicare, any federally funded programs . Not even as a paper pusher, janitor, NOTHING NOT @ ANY CAPACITY! I also was able to keep my license in another state with strit probation orders but I'm completely fine with that and will do whatever it takes to salvage it but now once again I'm screwed because of the OIG. I'm not done fighting and even if I have to go to Tallahassee and meet with my local representatives I will for all of the good RNS out there who areally being punished for unnecessary BS. Ya know it's funny because here is our government taking away my job (not nursing related ) and forcing me to live off the government! How ass backwards is that!? I actually want to be a productive member of society. I want anyone who is going through the fight to keep your chin up because it will take people like us to help make a change in our laws! This is why people turn to drugs, commit suicide, end up homeless, and multiple other atrocities. I will keep everyone posted because I plan to write OIG when I get my final probation order signed off this week in the other state. Remember bad things happen to good people! Keep your chin up. If I can, you can.

I couldn't agree more. I am in a similar situation in Oklahoma. This is haunting me and keeping me from moving on with my life. I can't believe it!

I didn't realize I was on the list until my employer told me. Will OIG know I was employed there? It was for two weeks. I'm worried.

My guess is yes. When you feel out the form to be removed off the OIG list, there is a question on the form that ask if you have worked any where since being placed on the list.

Specializes in Med/Surg, Women's Health, LTC.

I was not placed on this list until my license was revoked. It had to remain for five years. I sent the application to have my name removed and after about 30 days, it was.

Before my license was revoked, I was in the BON diversion program and I was not placed on the list.

Once revoked, for non-compliance, it was reported.

í ½í¸® what can happen to me? I didn't realize until my employer said this. I've never heard of this oig list until then

Can you have your name removed off the list? Has 5 years passed yet?

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