Ohio University RN-to-BSN Program

Nursing Students Ohio University

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Since it seems that there's quite a bit of interest, I'm attempting to start a new thread devoted exclusively to the OU on-line RN-BSN program that will hopefully build on the comments on assorted previous threads.

I'd like to ask nevergonnagiveup, mtsteelhorse and babynurse73 - all of whom (I think) are either already in the program or have applied for admission - to post about their experiences. I just sent in my application and plan to post periodically about relevant issues. If we can populate the thread with good material, it could become a very useful resource for both those considering the OU program and students already in it. Once that happens, I'd hope we could prevail upon the forum moderators to make it a sticky thread.

As indicated, I've only recently applied to the program. So far, I'm happy with the support and information I've gotten. I've been contacted by an OU "enrollment specialist" who was somewhat helpful (I suspect that they have dual roles, one being to provide basic information to prospective students and the other to follow-up with the prospects and help to fill the roster for the program). This person e-mailed me, followed up with a phone call and was able to provide some useful, if basic, information about the program. I also sent a lengthy e-mail to OU with quite a number of specific, detailed questions. This too resulted in both an e-mail and telephone response, this time from an academic advisor in the OU School of Nursing. Again I received some useful and quite helpful information. All in all, my early experience has been pretty positive.

As indicated above, I plan to post about relevant issues that come up as I work my way through the admission and evaluation process. I'd very much like to hear from others about their experience with OU and I'm sure that there will be a lot of interest by others in our collective experience with the program.

BUMP back to the first page :lol2:! The new computer system at OU is really driving them crazy. I thnk they stopped sending out acceptance letters because those of us that were accepted were in limbo land. Unable to register, view DARS, sign up for payment plans, scholarships, etc. Finally today I was able to register for the 2 summer term classes. Soooo, hopefully those of you still waiting to hear will find out SOON. Still can't view my DARS but I do find where all my transfer credits are under review ... and they are all listed - hopefully a good sign!

As of today, still nothing from OU.

I sent an e-mail on Monday after not being able to get through by phone but have not gotten a response. My estimate of 10 June for the acceptance notification now looks overly optimistic. My guess now is that some of us - certainly me - will not hear from OU prior to the 20 June session start. I saw in the academic calendar that drop/add is permitted 20 through 24 June, so it looks to be possible, at least in theory, to both be notified of acceptance and register as late as Friday of that week.

All in all, pretty discouraging especially considering that my application dates back to February.

It's alphabetical Chuckster .... that is why I heard earlier than you.

Specializes in Rehab.

I called yesterday and was told I should hear something about admission by the end of the week, and was instructed to call back Fri AM if I have not heard from them. As others have reported they said the computer system change really put them behind. I can sympathize with them somewhat (due to my own work experience), and would like to think that future semesters won't have the same problem.

Well, I just threw my hat into the OU arena. I sent in my application yesterday and had all the schools I've attended send my transcripts to OU. The deadline for the September start date is June 17th. Everything should reach them by Monday, June 13th. Let's see what happens.

Actually, the thing that scares me most right now about the OU program is the impending switch from quarters to semesters at OU in fall 2012. If you haven't started yet, you won't finish by then unless you're doing the rapid completion route and taking 2 classes every 5 week term. I hope they have a plan in place to handle that.

I called yesterday and was told I should hear something about admission by the end of the week, and was instructed to call back Fri AM if I have not heard from them.

Has anyone heard anything today? I haven't and still do not have a response to my Monday e-mail (or Tues afternoon follow-up e-mail) either.

As others have reported they said the computer system change really put them behind. I can sympathize with them somewhat (due to my own work experience), and would like to think that future semesters won't have the same problem.

I've been working for well over 20 years and have been through dozens of computing system changes. They can be challenging and as often as not, there are lots of unanticipated problems. My issue is not necessarily with the time it's taken to get a response to my admission request - given the new computing system, that's annoying but at least understandable. My issue is the lack of communication. The last OU e-mail (of a total of 3 since Feb, 2 of which were responses to my e-mails asking for a status) was in early May and stated that

there have been delays caused by unexpected technical issues. As a result, application processing has taken longer than anticipated.
It also stated that
We plan to complete processing summer applications prior to the beginning of the summer start you requested.

Well, I requested a summer start, which is 20 June, precisely 6 working days from today. Many of us who requested a summer start have still seen nothing from OU. When will we hear? It's anyone's guess since the university has not seen fit to send any info out explaining things. If there's been a further delay, the responsible thing is to notify us about it and provide a revised date. Instead, OU does nothing.

There's a maxim in business: The best decision is the right one, the next best decision is the wrong one and the worst decision is no decision. In my view, OU has made the 3rd choice on that list.

Specializes in Rehab.

Well nothing today... guess I will be making a call in the morning.

Chuckster... I totally agree with you that the responsible thing for OU to do would have been to take a more proactive approach about letting their applicants know about the difficulties they have been having.

I hope to know more tomorrow and will post what I find out when I am able. So far I have had decent luck at getting to talk to a person when I call (I hope that is the case tommorrow).

The good news is that when I phoned the nursing office this morning, I got to talk to a real, live person. The bad news is that I was told that they're still far behind in processing applications.

As a result, they do not expect to get anything out today but said that "should see something by Monday" (13 June"). When I asked if that "something" included the DARS report, I was told no, only admissions notification that the DARS would follow "sometime later in the summer".

I guess half a loaf is better than no bread at all though.

Specializes in Long term care.

4/5 business days seems tight to get registered, get books and line up financial aid if needed. It seems a university would be better than this, upgrade or not


4/5 business days seems tight to get registered, get books and line up financial aid if needed. It seems a university would be better than this, upgrade or not


Amen Kelly,RN.

You're preaching to the choir though . . .

Specializes in Rehab.

Well according to OU they have over 300 e-mails to send out with a deadline of Monday... The person I spoke to was nice enough to verify that I am on the list of people to recieve a message. I was told to expect two seperate e-mails one with my PID and another from the school of nursing.

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