Published Mar 16, 2009
FireStarterRN, BSN, RN
3,824 Posts
I lied the other day to get out of working for a nurse from another unit. She works evening shift on the Ortho/Neuro floor and I am per diem on the telemetry floor. She and I went through the orientation day together, and like a fool I gave her my phone number when she asked if I might ever work for her.
So she called me the other day, and I was snowboarding so I told her I had to check my schedule. I ended up having some car trouble on the way back from skiing so I had an honest excuse why I didn't call her back when she called again. Meanwhile, I had thought of my white lie I would tell her, that I had something going on with one of my kids.
So now a coworker from my unit just called me and wants me to work for her tomorrow a 12 hour day shift. I agreed but told her I couldn't float to Ortho/Neuro since I had lied to this woman! Basically, I don't want to work swing shift on a school day, especially if it's on Ortho/Neuro. I should've told her that in the first place. I normally don't lie like this, and this is why.
So now I need a good white lie to explain myself in case I run into this woman tomorrow. Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.
38,333 Posts
Tell her that plans changed when the supervisor called you with a dire need. Hide out and hope you don't run into her.
leslie :-D
11,191 Posts
yep, agree w/caliotter.
"plans changed"...short and sweet.
i'll spare the lecture.:)
That's a good one. I'll tell her the eye doctor had a cancelation today and was able to get her (my daughter)in earlier. She actually does have a followup eye appointment today for her new contacts.
Now the problem will be next time she calls. I should've been honest from the get go. I don't even like this woman, she's the one that made the anti-Mexican comment that I mentioned in another thread of mine. She moved here from Montana and doesn't like Mexicans. Well, I don't like her, so there!
Whispera, MSN, RN
3,458 Posts
just tell her the truth and be done with it!
Now the problem will be next time she calls. I should've been honest from the get go.
next time she calls, you sweetly tell her, "i'm all set, but thanks for asking".
and hold your ground.
end of conversation.
ohmeowzer RN, RN
2,306 Posts
yes tell her the truth and be done with it , i agree with whispera.
I'll tell her that swing shifts generally don't work out for me because of my kids.
Yay for you, FireStarter!
Lying is just so chicken.
Flare, ASN, BSN
4,431 Posts
I don't have a good enough short term memory for white lies, so i find that a simple "sorry, but I can't help you out" suffices in most cases. If pressed i just say that i'm tired up then.