Venting: I'm so tired of the day shift nurses coming in and during report sneering or making demoralizing comments regarding the night shift nurses' actions. I oriented on day shift and I understand it's busy and demanding. I have never, ever, given a second thought to passing meds you didn't get to or cleaning up a patient's room. Nursing care is 24/7. And when I try to talk to you about it, you become defensive. I'm exhausted and sick of your attitudes!
"Oh, so have you checked the 0530 labs?" Mind you I've been passing meds since routine lab draw and haven't had time to check. They didn't even get processed until 0630 and now it's 7. You have a computer too...check it.
"Why didn't you [insert verb]?" Let's see, I didn't wake Ms. So and So at 2am and bladder scan her because the poor agitated lady was finally sleeping for the first time in days and besides it would interrupt my bon bon eating schedule.
I'd hate to ruin your delusions about what night shift is like, but really we don't sit around all night. When I have four or five patients, three of which are total care I'm running to provide for them. So don't come in all bright eyed at 0700-or 0730 since you're late ALL THE TIME and think you have all the answers. And if you roll your eyes when I try to explain why something was done or not done, don't think we don't see it. Take the freaking chip off your shoulder, wipe the condescending look off your face, and try a night shift sometime so you know what it's like. Oh, you tried night shift and couldn't take it...I see.