Obnoxious Doctors


Nurses how do you deal with obnoxious doctors that talk down to staff?

Specializes in CCU, SICU, CVSICU, Precepting & Teaching.

You have a problem with lazy coworkers (previous thread) and obnoxious doctors. I wonder how much of the problem is them and how much is you? To quote Raylon Givens, from "Justified", "If you get up in the morning and run into an *******, it's them. If everyone you run into is an *******, it's you."

@ msruby it's just a random question nothing personal honey..sorry if I offended you. I really don't go through all the threads on here like alot of people who I notice spend their day policing others threads. Anyways sorry if I upset you with my post . I'm a very peaceful person try some aromatherapy Ms Ruby to sleep better. : )

Specializes in CCU, SICU, CVSICU, Precepting & Teaching.
@ msruby it's just a random question nothing personal honey..sorry if I offended you. I really don't go through all the threads on here like alot of people who I notice spend their day policing others threads. Anyways sorry if I upset you with my post . I'm a very peaceful person try some aromatherapy Ms Ruby to sleep better. : )

Now here's a condescending post.

@ Ruby its ok...Im sorry it was just a random post for intelligent people to answer as we relate. I have been coming across alot of thread police who are suffering from some kind of social dysfunction, mental illness or just plain old misery. I will leave at this.... God bless you have a great night.

@ msruby it's just a random question nothing personal honey..sorry if I offended you. I really don't go through all the threads on here like alot of people who I notice spend their day policing others threads. Anyways sorry if I upset you with my post . I'm a very peaceful person try some aromatherapy Ms Ruby to sleep better. : )

Ohhhh Boy I believe you are about to be schooled!

Better grab a snack!

I've been looking for a good excuse to sneak one of the Sfogliatelle on my counter, Thanks, SU2013!

A little advice..If you can't handle people critiquing your threads simply step away from the computer.

Nurses how do you deal with obnoxious doctors that talk down to staff?

I don't know. Are you said doctor? By your responses to previous posters, maybe consider that the tone in which one is addressed can affect the response you get from many.

I think my response have been very reasonable but when your dealing with people who obviously are miserable and spend their time policing threads it gets crazy. I am not a push over I just innocently post random question for people to answer Intelligently . I wasn't expecting a few unhappy and miserable people to response...and when one person plant their seed of misery on here it's like a chain reaction and I'm definitely a person of reason trying to figure out what's the problem. I will fight back but some times it's not worth it. Im very analytical, deal with the mind and very emphatic, but after tonight I see that some people are just plain old Bitter and not worth the fight . Goodnight Dear

Specializes in Leadership, Psych, HomeCare, Amb. Care.

Random response to a random question:

whenever someone talks down to you, jump on the nearest table or counter, then they will be forced to look up to you. :sarcastic:

Specializes in CCU, SICU, CVSICU, Precepting & Teaching.

I like a good debate as much as anyone, but it's no fun engaging in a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent. I'm going to stop feeding now.

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.


Please post about the thread and not the poster. Allnurses enjoys a good debate as long as everyone is polite. Please stick to topic

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

Op...your questions have been in rapid succession over a short period of time and it can seem "spammish" in nature. Collect your thoughts....nurses have a personality trait that is a job hazard. We need details. We don't answer questions without gaining all the information possible to then make the best decision/answer.

I know you are looking into nursing as a career change...you will learn that nurses want to know all the details before they answer. Our minds start ticking off questions...why is this question being asked? why are there so many questions being asked? what exactly does the OP want to know? Is this homework? Is this family oriented? Are they looking for legal advice/evidence for something? What are they looking for? Why do they want to know? What are the details? What do they mean by obnoxious doctors? Is this research for their program?

Nurses are reticent to answer questions that they have no detail about....it's a quirk to the profession. Explain the details of what and why you are asking the question....we will be happy to help. We do require everyone to play nice.

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