Published Mar 22, 2009
Hi all
just wondering from all of you who have been to OBLC recently, do you need to have all your medical stuff in order before you head down there????? (i.e. physical, the new PHA) etc.
thanks in advance
90 Posts
Its umm.... turn your head and cough. And something tells me there is nothing gentle about you two.
310 Posts
what's that saying................ flutter like a butterfly......... sting like a bee...... that's me..... there's not too much about me that's flutterly however
I think you mean .... Float like a butterfly .... sting like a bee?
28 Posts
HA! this is why I love military and why I love nursing... put the two together, grab the popcorn, and enjoy the show!
LOL!! We're all friends!! we even go for the jugulars (all in fun) on fb! matter of fact....we're all roomies at OBC in June/July.......... if you're on fb......look me up......
yeah that's it...... but i'm a killa!!!!!!!!!!
Nope, a warmed speculum and lots of KY. Glides right in!!!
Ummm......... Tango Mountain India.. over.
By the way.... that rope at OBLC... its still waiting for you.
Scooty Puff Jr
117 Posts
those that are going to OBLC in JUNE and the near future...... get on AKO and under self-service "my medical" complete the PHA (Personal Health Assessment), call and make your appointment. they draw your labs (i.e. HIV etc) , check your immunizations, get updated immunizations ( Hep A, flu and tetorifice are on my list already) etc. the exam we had as part of our commissioning does not apply here--it was for that purpose. You also need to book a panorex xray for ID purposes (just in case) done and they book that as well.I have heeded OTD2's warning.... and booked mine.....:wink2:
I have heeded OTD2's warning.... and booked mine.....:wink2:
Question, if my PHA is green on AKO and my next exam isn't due until 12/2009 do I still need to complete another one prior to OBLC? Is the HIV test they did at MEPS still valid or do I need to complete an additional one?
sounds like your all set!/? maybe you should call to make sure?. a couple of us need to go and have a panorex dental xray done as well as part of the pha.
88 Posts
Alright straighten me out.. I had HIV done, immunizations updated. I did that PHA thing on AKO. I need to call someone? WHO and what and where do I go for that? THis sh@t is wearing me out. Can my dentist not do my panorex xray? I thought if I take the dental form with me when I go see him next, I could have him fill out and turn in at my unit. Is this not correct? I need a glass of wine or cold beer right about now. Maybe thats why I cant keep this sh@t straight.
89 Posts
Ha! Thank you, I guess this our welcome to the Army.
After you complete your self-assessment in AKO there is an 800 number for you to call. Just go back into "my medical" and the number should be there. If you can't find it let me know and I can get it to you. These people will set you up for a physical with a physician who contracts with the Army. Its easy, just time consuming. They will send you the paperwork that you need for the appointment.
As far as the dentist thing goes, I went for my yearly check-up my dentist filled out the for (can't remember the form #) and I sent that in. Apparently we need the panorex x-rays for identification purposes. I just scheduled through the 800 number for the panorex, thankfully the Army accepted my dentist form. You probably could have your dentist do the panorex and just turn it in to your unit.
You should be good to go on the HIV and immunizations then.
Ok, whew. Did I cover everything?!!?
We are good for a laugh at times!!! Too bad we can't make money with our humour!!