Obama's health plan takes shape

Nurses Activism


Barack Obama's health plan takes shape


If Congress were to take a vote on a health reform bill today, Democrats and Republicans would find a surprising level of agreement-so much so that the broad outlines of a consensus plan already are taking shape.

Sick or healthy, rich or poor, all Americans would be guaranteed access to health insurance.

In fact, they'd probably be required to purchase it-perhaps through mandates in the law that would include stiff tax penalties for anyone who tried to opt out.

Newly created insurance marketplaces would make finding a plan as easy as shopping for cheap airfare. People could keep their coverage, even if they switched jobs. And they might be able to choose between private insurers and a government-backed plan.

But here's the catch-none of this would come free, with the wealthiest Americans likely to face higher taxes to help pay for coverage for all.

It's hard to believe that only three months ago, health care advocates worried that President Barack Obama would drop the health reform issue from his first-year agenda. Now, with an August deadline to pass a bill, a compromise that once seemed unimaginable is considered quite possible, both sides say.

Here's my concern about this "event."


I remember how well we were served by corporate media in the run-up to the Iraq War. Follow the money is always a good rule of thumb.


Fox caught with its pants down on ABC attacks

There is something extra delicious about hearing Karl Rove and Faux talking heads whining about ABC's "unprecedented" access to the White House, then showing clips of Faux News bragging about THEIR "unprecedented access" to the (Bush) White House.

Watch Faux News hypocrisy.

There is a clear difference between what fox did with bush and what ABC is doing. ABC is giving Obama the stage to push his very controversial health care plan on prime time TV so that he can get more support for it and quickly push it through the congress. It is hard to argue that this is not bordering on unethical/conflict of interest by ABC. One of the media's purpose is to keep the gov't in check. This is the exact opposite.

There is a clear difference between what fox did with bush and what ABC is doing. ABC is giving Obama the stage to push his very controversial health care plan on prime time TV so that he can get more support for it and quickly push it through the congress. It is hard to argue that this is not bordering on unethical/conflict of interest by ABC. One of the media's purpose is to keep the gov't in check. This is the exact opposite.

Wow, objections straight out from the RNC press release. The special is not an infomercial for the Obama administration. The special will include a town hall style Q&A with an audience picked by ABC, not the White House. It also hasn't aired yet, so prejudging it as biased only reveals yours.

I fully support a single payer system. Medicare for all would be great. I have been thinking about all of the government run health care plans- Medicare, Medicaid, VA, Tricare for military personnel. Why doesn't the government just combine all of the government run health care plans and then we have a single payer system?

I have Tricare Select for Reservists. It is dirt cheap. I pay only $47.56 cents every month for myself. A family plan is only $180a month. I think that it would be a better idea to just combine all of these plans, instead of re- inventing the wheel. The infrastructure is all ready there, so just use it. JMHO and my NY $0.02.

Lindarn, RN, BSN, CCRN

Spokane, Washington

Wow, objections straight out from the RNC press release. The special is not an infomercial for the Obama administration. The special will include a town hall style Q&A with an audience picked by ABC, not the White House. It also hasn't aired yet, so prejudging it as biased only reveals yours.

The goal is the exact same as an infomercial to sell you something; for obama it is to gain support and muscle his plan through congress. This will be nothing more than a Sham Debate- ABC is hand picking questions. It is going to be essentially scripted.

When else has a network given the president the stage to "discuss" his controversial plan that he is trying to push through congress and is currently meeting significant scrutiny? Personally I can't think of any.

The fact that ABC offered the time means that they have already taken sides and are no longer objective. They are walking the precipice of a slippery slope. What is ABC the new Al-jazeera?

anyone have a link to the actual study and poll results?

The fact that ABC offered the time means that they have already taken sides and are no longer objective. They are walking the precipice of a slippery slope. What is ABC the new Al-jazeera?

Obviously, your mind has already been made up even before the ABC special has aired, and regardless of what would actually be on the program.

As for ABC being the new Al-jazeera, it's laughable considering that Faux News is nothing but the media arm of the GOP, going as far as to "report" GOP talking points as "news," including typos. :rolleyes:

Hopefully, those poll numbers will help put an end to the waffling of some of the Dems, get them to stop being the health insurance companies' sock puppets, and drive home the point that health care reform for the people is much more important than their ridiculous concern over "bipartisanship." Especially when the Republican party is now less popular than Dick Cheney and is viewed very or somewhat positively by only 25%, according to a recent NBC/Wall Street Journal poll.

When else has a network given the president the stage to "discuss" his controversial plan that he is trying to push through congress and is currently meeting significant scrutiny? Personally I can't think of any.

Do you mean other than Fox Noise being the unofficial house organ of the Shrub administration???

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