Obamacare: are you for it, against it, or unsure?

Nurses Activism


I am just curious how the nurses on here feel about it. What is your vote? Do you think obamacare will be good or bad for our country? How will it affect nurses?

Totally 100% against anything that taxes, or threatens Americans with jail if they don't wish to spend their hard-earned money on something that they don't agree with, believe in, or want. We live in a free society for a reason. If you want socialism or communism, go somewhere else. I prefer what little bit of freedom I have left.

I also do not believe that the IRS, a government entity that currently can not run itself, should be monitoring whether or not people have insurance. They already have too much un-constitutionalized power as it is.

While I love being a nurse, I did not become a nurse to make $10 an hour, which is what is estimated may happen if this law is allowed to go through.

I do not believe that a 25 year old grown man or woman should be able to hang on mom and dad's apron strings for health insurance either. When I turned 18, I had a full time job with full benefits, and I believe that's how it should be- when you're 18, you're an adult and should be treated as such. I do not have much hope for the future of young people who have been molly-coddled and have no personal accountability or responsibility these days and it sickens me.

I am against anything that tells religious organizations in this country that they have to go against their faith and beliefs and bow down to what the government says, when we are given the right to worship and practice that worship as we please.

I am against this law because the members of our congress, and many big buddies of the Obama administration have been given "get out of jail free" passes on having to follow this law. If it's "good enough" for the American people, why is it not good enough for them? That's completely unacceptable.

I could go on and on and on, but you get the picture. I am still shocked that Supreme Court let it stand. I felt very betrayed as an American citizen that day, as I was sure it would be declared unconstitutional.

Specializes in Med-Surg.
I'm for it as long as we follow a model that works in other countries that have socialized healthcare. Question for Jewels... you do know that UK (and pretty much every modern nation) has socialized healthcare too right? So by hypothetically moving there is it because their system is better or you didn't know it was socialized?

No, I was aware it was socialized healthcare. But I have looked into nursing over there, and the conditions seem to be better. Nurses still make a living wage and can support their families. I don't know why that is, if its because the system has been in place longer so the kinks have been worked out. If there is less corruption over there (I doubt this is the reason, but its possible). If there is less abuse of the system. I honestly have no clue why. But either way, I named the UK off the top of my head, I have not really started seriously looking at other options for work. I suppose I am just hoping that the ACA gets overturned. Probably just wishful thinking...

Not that it matters anymore, but I am against it. I could do the food is a right, housing is a right, nice clothes are a right, etc. Heck even cell phones/land lines are a right these days. Why work?

Specializes in Critical-care RN.

... are you for or against " corporations are people" ruling from the right-wing nuts too ...:rolleyes:

Specializes in Med-Surg.

So its either "corporations are people" or entitlement for everyone. Hmm, I don't want to live on this planet anymore...

First some basics pinciples. All men are created equal does not mean equal entitlement. At the moment of conception, DNA is different. Pre and post natal care are different. And at birth, the environment and nurturing your receive are different. What is the same is everyone has the same opportunities over time to become all you can be. That includes achieving the ability to afford the type and quality of healthcare you want. If you want free clinics, pay as you go, fee for service, or pay first then service, you have a free well to make your choices. But don't take healthcare and put everyone in the pot, stir it, and say you have a homogeneous mixture. You and I were different conception and unless you are my clone, we are definitely different throughout life. Quality healthcare is service that meets one's expectations, at a fair price, and in a timely manner. However, your expectations may or may not be the same as mine; and for that reason alone, Obamacare for all is bad. Obamacare takes the entire poplulation/divides it by the number of medical practicioners and providers, and the result is watered-down medicine for all. No thank you. I worked for what I get today; and do not intend to see it become less.

Specializes in Critical-care RN.
:yes: There's a new rule... name your state that you were raised in, and grade level.
Totally 100% against anything that taxes, or threatens Americans with jail if they don't wish to spend their hard-earned money on something that they don't agree with, believe in, or want. We live in a free society for a reason. If you want socialism or communism, go somewhere else. I prefer what little bit of freedom I have left.

I also do not believe that the IRS, a government entity that currently can not run itself, should be monitoring whether or not people have insurance. They already have too much un-constitutionalized power as it is.

While I love being a nurse, I did not become a nurse to make $10 an hour, which is what is estimated may happen if this law is allowed to go through.

I do not believe that a 25 year old grown man or woman should be able to hang on mom and dad's apron strings for health insurance either. When I turned 18, I had a full time job with full benefits, and I believe that's how it should be- when you're 18, you're an adult and should be treated as such. I do not have much hope for the future of young people who have been molly-coddled and have no personal accountability or responsibility these days and it sickens me.

I am against anything that tells religious organizations in this country that they have to go against their faith and beliefs and bow down to what the government says, when we are given the right to worship and practice that worship as we please.

I am against this law because the members of our congress, and many big buddies of the Obama administration have been given "get out of jail free" passes on having to follow this law. If it's "good enough" for the American people, why is it not good enough for them? That's completely unacceptable.

I could go on and on and on, but you get the picture. I am still shocked that Supreme Court let it stand. I felt very betrayed as an American citizen that day, as I was sure it would be declared unconstitutional.

Well said!!!!!! And I couldn't agree with you more

Specializes in Intensive Care Unit.
First some basics pinciples. All men are created equal does not mean equal entitlement. At the moment of conception, DNA is different. Pre and post natal care are different. And at birth, the environment and nurturing your receive are different. What is the same is everyone has the same opportunities over time to become all you can be. That includes achieving the ability to afford the type and quality of healthcare you want. If you want free clinics, pay as you go, fee for service, or pay first then service, you have a free well to make your choices. But don't take healthcare and put everyone in the pot, stir it, and say you have a homogeneous mixture. You and I were different conception and unless you are my clone, we are definitely different throughout life. Quality healthcare is service that meets one's expectations, at a fair price, and in a timely manner. However, your expectations may or may not be the same as mine; and for that reason alone, Obamacare for all is bad. Obamacare takes the entire poplulation/divides it by the number of medical practicioners and providers, and the result is watered-down medicine for all. No thank you. I worked for what I get today; and do not intend to see it become less.

YES. Well said

Totally 100% against anything that taxes, or threatens Americans with jail if they don't wish to spend their hard-earned money on something that they don't agree with, believe in, or want. We live in a free society for a reason. If you want socialism or communism, go somewhere else. I prefer what little bit of freedom I have left.

I also do not believe that the IRS, a government entity that currently can not run itself, should be monitoring whether or not people have insurance. They already have too much un-constitutionalized power as it is.

While I love being a nurse, I did not become a nurse to make $10 an hour, which is what is estimated may happen if this law is allowed to go through.

I do not believe that a 25 year old grown man or woman should be able to hang on mom and dad's apron strings for health insurance either. When I turned 18, I had a full time job with full benefits, and I believe that's how it should be- when you're 18, you're an adult and should be treated as such. I do not have much hope for the future of young people who have been molly-coddled and have no personal accountability or responsibility these days and it sickens me.

I am against anything that tells religious organizations in this country that they have to go against their faith and beliefs and bow down to what the government says, when we are given the right to worship and practice that worship as we please.

I am against this law because the members of our congress, and many big buddies of the Obama administration have been given "get out of jail free" passes on having to follow this law. If it's "good enough" for the American people, why is it not good enough for them? That's completely unacceptable.

I could go on and on and on, but you get the picture. I am still shocked that Supreme Court let it stand. I felt very betrayed as an American citizen that day, as I was sure it would be declared unconstitutional.

EXACTLY! and as a person getting close to graduating with my RN it scares me that all the time and money I've put into making a better life for myself is now in jeopardy because of some law that won't be a real benefit for this country! and as for the person who said that those nurses with socialized health care still make a good living..............check your facts. the UK nurses make a heck of a lot less than we do and it's NOT enough for them to make it like we can right now.......the ones who make the decent wage are the travel nurses and there are only so many of those type of jobs in the world.

No one should be entitled to elective procedures such joint replacements or extraordinary measures like transplants unless they can pay for it, but everyone should be entitled to free preventive and emergency care at no charge. The affordable care act offers none of these things. France has the best model, and we should be emulating them for improvements in expenditure and outcomes.

Joint replacements so a person can walk (and, therefore, get a job) and transplants are elective? That sounds kinda cold. Oh, you're in liver failure? Sorry, you don't "need" a liver transplant, it's not necessary. My MIL is only alive today because of a kidney transplant--my husband gave her his kidney 9 years ago. She has a chronic autoimmune disorder with no cure and very little info, so was she just supposed to stay on dialysis until she dies? My uncle had CHF and would have been a candidate for a heart transplant if he could. He had insurance but met his lifetime max, so the last 9 weeks of his life were spent in the CCU. His widow lost her house 6 months after his death (he was 59) because of the hospital bills and she was paying their portion. So you're saying that someone like that, who had insurance but met their lifetime max and would have had to pay out of pocket, shouldn't be allowed to receive a life-saving transplant?

Back to the original topic, the only good thing about Obamacare is getting rid of the stupid "preexisting condition" clause. My employer changed insurance carriers one year without the employees input. A coworker had breast cancer and was in the middle of her treatments. Not only was her oncologist not on the new plan, she was denied treatment under preexisting condition. She had not made any changes, but since our only health plan option was changed for us, she was considered preexisting. She fought and fought them. She wound up paying out of pocket for that first year--luckily her new oncologist was very lenient and compassionate.

My husband and I (both RNs in California) are totally against it. RNs are going to get their wages cut, hospitals will go bankrupt and close, lay off more RNs, MDs are leaving medicine because of "Obamacare"...the healthcare industry is spiraling down in a toilet bowl.

Now we have to cater even more to these idiots that abuse the system. You can find them hanging around your local ER.

Good job Obama. Now our hourly wages will go from $60 to $24 because of the failures we call Medicare/Medicaid. Additionally, he is funding more money towards nursing schools WHEN THERE IS NO NURSING SHORTAGE. ALL YOU NEW GRADS WHO THINK YOU HAVE IT BAD NOW...JUST WAIT. IT'LL ONLY GET WORSE.

We worked hard to get where we are now. I'll skip the whole "I went into nursing because I wanted to help people" and blah blah blah and cut straight to the point. Aside from that, we are also in it for personal satisfaction and professional growth. We are proud to be RNs and are damn good at what we do.

Patient care is going to suffer. MDs will want a relationship with their patient without the federal government in the way. Socialized medicine does not work. God help us all.

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