Obamacare? what are your thoughts

Nurses Activism


Hello ladies!

As healthcare professionals, what are your opinions on Obamacare?

Maybe I just don't see the big picture. I see the same drunks, addicts, and young adults with chronic illnesses, week after week after week. Changing nothing, and getting free health care via Medicaid.

I stand behind people who buy steak and crab legs with their LINK cards. It's a tired old story, I get tired of repeating it, just as much as some of you get tired of hearing it.

Maybe if I saw more of the working poor where I live, I'd be more on board with what some of you believe. But I don't. Very few of those who receive the services available, want to lose those services by getting a job. Or changing their jobs. Or advancing their education to attain a better job.

That's what I see where I live.

Hello! I went to Nursing school on a grant, while getting medicaid for myself and my two children, and receiving food stamps.

I was on government assistance for 9 years. The first 5 years were spent working for 2.13 a hour as a waitress and then once my youngest started school, I started school as well. So, for 5 years all I did was survive because there was no way I could afford day care. To someone else, it may have looked like I was just mooching, but that was not the case.

I'm off all assistance and a productive member of society all because of government assistance.

We do exist!

Specializes in Critical care.
Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
Hello! I went to Nursing school on a grant, while getting medicaid for myself and my two children, and receiving food stamps.

I was on government assistance for 9 years. The first 5 years were spent working for 2.13 a hour as a waitress and then once my youngest started school, I started school as well. So, for 5 years all I did was survive because there was no way I could afford day care. To someone else, it may have looked like I was just mooching, but that was not the case.

I'm off all assistance and a productive member of society all because of government assistance.

We do exist!

Millions of Americans have stories very similar to yours. Those people are in the same age bracket as the legislators who are hell bent upon cutting those social safety nets in our budgetary processes. The intention to remove or reduce the very programs that have helped so many in previous generations is ridiculous and smacks of an "I got mine and you can suck a lemon" type of mentality. Those legislators don't need the help so no one should have it. BAH

As a fairly recent grad RN I was curious how many of you out there feel that Obamacare will affect the future of healthcare and what do you think we need to do now in order to achieve a positie outcome? I have heard all good and bad about it but for any of those who have been in nursing longer than me, any insight would be appreciated.

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.

Homework? You'd do well to search for Obamacare or Affordable Care Act both here at allnurses and the break room. Many threads already exist.

Thanks for the time you spent in answering a rather deep question/concern. As a new member to the board great way to make new grads and new nurses feel welcome Rose Queen!

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.

You didn't post your own views to start the conversation, and many active posters have already stated their ideas in many other threads and may not wish to continue to rehash the same discussion over and over. If a suggestion to see what has already been stated makes you feel unwelcome, that speaks more of you.

Rose you are attempting to engage me into a childish argument about my original post. You insinuated and assumed that I was someone looking for homework help. I may be new to nursing but one theory that was implemented into us is to not assume, which was the very first thing you did. Please do not post or comment on my discussion topics any longer unless you have something contributory to give. I am open to debates but not attacks/assumptions that I am someone out here looking for homework help just because I raise a question about others views on Obamacare. I am new to the board and again thanks for going out of your way to make new members feel welcome; I am confident not everyone out here is so quick to assume and come across in such a way that discourages new members from askign questions or posting concerns for fear of being judged.

Specializes in Pediatrics, Emergency, Trauma.

Regardless of Rose_Queen's delivery, she is correct; there are several threads to peruse from here in AN and in the break room portion of the site; you will get plenty of nurse's perspectives from those; and feel free to post and revive a thread or two.

Personally, we don't know the future; however, there are views from NPs, as well as nurses that have contributed to threads based on their antidotal experiences.

Search Obamacare in the search bar of the site (or, on your app on your smartphone) and go from there.

Best wishes.

As a previous member stated; I should start by posting my views first. My concerns are that Obamacare will over time make things worse. Some providers feel it will create more obstacles to giving clients care, ordering labs, xrays, mri's, etc. Therapists are concerned over the reduction and stress placed upon productivity minutes, this allows only a certain amount of alloted minutes per patient based upon diagnosis, etc as to when they have meet or exceeded their alloted coverage for therapy. How does one place a 'general' whats good for one must be good for all rule with healthcare? Shouldn't patients and their cases be treated individually? So how is Obamacare actually going to 'fix' anything? What can we do to help make health care better?

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
As a previous member stated; I should start by posting my views first. My concerns are that Obamacare will over time make things worse. Some providers feel it will create more obstacles to giving clients care, ordering labs, xrays, mri's, etc. Therapists are concerned over the reduction and stress placed upon productivity minutes, this allows only a certain amount of alloted minutes per patient based upon diagnosis, etc as to when they have meet or exceeded their alloted coverage for therapy. How does one place a 'general' whats good for one must be good for all rule with healthcare? Shouldn't patients and their cases be treated individually? So how is Obamacare actually going to 'fix' anything? What can we do to help make health care better?

Many of us believe that the health insurance reform (ACA) was not the remedy required to fix what is broken in our system. Many of us believe that a single payer option is needed in this country.

Specializes in FNP, ONP.

Nobody knows. There are dozens of threads on this topic; as such the AllNurses Death Panels have decided to kill off the topic. You will have to go to France if you want to discuss it further. ;)

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