Published Oct 14, 2005
RazorbackRN, BSN, RN
394 Posts
I just finished my OB rotation today and begin Peds on Monday. I have always heard that OB was more difficult, however, some that just finished Peds say that it was tough.
Any thoughts?
83 Posts
I just finished PEDS and am starting OB on Monday. I loved PEDS, it was the best clinicals I ever had. I didnt even think it was really that hard at all or at least compared to adult 1. Everyone seemed much more friendly, doctors would stop and teach me all sorts of things, nurses printed out procedure steps and gave them to us. But on the downside, it is sad at times, one day I worked in the peds ICU with at kid who was very bad off and who's parents were very nice and optimistic. The next week after clinical the teacher informed me the child didnt make it. But overall it was a great exp. From what I hear everyone who was in OB said it was really great as well, they said I would love it just as much. I really can't see myself working anywhere else but in PEDS just cause it was so great. :)
11 Posts
I just graduated in March'05 and we lost lots of people to both Peds and OB rotations, with horror stories about all aspects and the careplans oh my goodness,was I one nervous wreck.....well I went into both rotations with butterflies and Aced them both (Made 99 on Ped care plan and 95 on OB careplan). I found them to both be AWESOME! I actually worked as a tech on a peds floor in a hospital for a year, which is fun, but was truly heartwrenching at times. What school are you all in?:)
I am at the Univ of Arkansas.
okay- are you in a LPN program or RN?.......I didn't mention that I graduated from an LPN program :)
I'm an RN student.
Good Luck to you
Thanks, I appreciate it. I need all of the luck I can get.
Good luck to you too.
klone, MSN, RN
14,857 Posts
IMO, OB (specifically L&D) is harder because it's very specialized, esoteric information that you don't use anywhere else. Peds is different, but similar, to adult med/surg. You can often extrapolate and make educated guesses on things. OB is just a whole 'nother ball of wax, IMO.
221 Posts
I will start OB Mon. @UALR and Peds has been tough. I loved the clinicals but the exams were a killer. I hope OB isn't much harder though. I am looking now to buy a cheap OB book.
1,907 Posts
Personally, they both were pretty easy for me, but that was because I knew a fair amount about both already. Within that, I'd say OB was easier for the same reason.
But for the other people in my program I would say that the OB content was probably harder overall. But maybe 50/50, I'm not sure.
It was sort of a mixed bag for us b/c the peds instructer missed some and we had to do a lot all crammed together - making it harder, also for some reason the OB patient worksheets for clinicals were much easier than the peds ones. But like the other poster mentioned - OB is a whole different ball of wax. Peds is different b/c it's kids, but it is still kind of "med surg for little people" you know?
Our lecture content was mixed so it wasn't like 2 different courses- one teacher would do half peds & vice versa in one day sometimes, sometimes alternating weeks. Clinicals were separate rotations though.
Marie_LPN, RN, LPN, RN
12,126 Posts
Both were hard--emotionally.