NYU Traditional BSN Spring 2011 Application is in!!!!!

U.S.A. New York


Hi everyone!

I just sent in yesterday my application for the Spring 2011 traditional BSN at NYU and now....let's the waiting game begin!!!

I would like to hear form you all, if you are either a traditional or accelerated student applying for Spring 2011....please join this discussion so that we can wait for an answer together!

I know the wait is going to kill me and I need someone to share my anxiety with!!

Good luck everyone!


Specializes in Med/surg.

Hey Kika,

I applied for the accelerated program, and I am on pins and needles.. can it be November yet? I got an email from admissions today asking about my graduation date, which means they have begun reviewing applications! Anyway, good luck and try not to let the anxiety get to you... just keep really busy and decision time will be here before we know it!


Hi gatorrach!

So good to hear from you! I know, I can't believe we have to wait until November! I sent my application in Sept 15 and it's only been 15 days....I don't think I can wait another month! It would be amazing cause my birthday is in November and the acceptance would be the best bday present EVER!!!

May I ask you what are your credentials, GPA and what kind of bachelor do you already have?

Thanks and best of luck!!


Hey Ladies,

I applied to the 15-Month Accelerated BSN Program (mailed my application just before the Oct. 1 priority deadline).

Gattorach, I saw that you mentioned you received an email from the school regarding your graduation date. May I ask when you submitted your application? If they're already reviewing applications, I wonder if admission decisions are being made before Oct 1.

And do you know the exact cost of the program is? I know regular tuition is $19,000 per term, so I'm guessing it's around $50,000?


Specializes in Med/surg.
Hi gatorrach!

So good to hear from you! I know, I can't believe we have to wait until November! I sent my application in Sept 15 and it's only been 15 days....I don't think I can wait another month! It would be amazing cause my birthday is in November and the acceptance would be the best bday present EVER!!!

May I ask you what are your credentials, GPA and what kind of bachelor do you already have?

Thanks and best of luck!!


Well I hope you get that acceptance letter in time for your birthday!! I am graduating in December from the University of Florida. I will have a B.S. in Food Science and Human Nutrition. Overall gpa is not that great... around a 3.1, but I had a lot of issues to deal with during my undergrad that I explained in my essays. On my prereqs I've gotten A's and B's. Got a recommendation from my Human Physiology professor. I am also a CNA in the state of Florida. Trying to stay positive while I wait for an answer!

Good luck!


Specializes in Med/surg.
Hey Ladies,

I applied to the 15-Month Accelerated BSN Program (mailed my application just before the Oct. 1 priority deadline).

Gattorach, I saw that you mentioned you received an email from the school regarding your graduation date. May I ask when you submitted your application? If they're already reviewing applications, I wonder if admission decisions are being made before Oct 1.

And do you know the exact cost of the program is? I know regular tuition is $19,000 per term, so I'm guessing it's around $50,000?


Hi there! I submitted my online application at the beginning of September, and mailed my transcripts the next week. I doubt they made any admissions decisions before Oct. 1.. especially since they've got us waiting until November! Good luck and keep us posted with any updates!!



Does anyone know if NYU will be contacting by mail or email? I'm guessing that they will send out acceptance/rejection letters by mail right? But I also read on this website that a few people were notified by email.

I would prefer a letter since, knowing myself I would check the junk mail folder everyday....just in case lol!!!

Few more weeks and we will know...aaaaarrrgghhhh!!!!


Good luck to anyone waiting to see if they got in to ns. I sent in my application to ***** the beginning of this month for spring 2011. I am so nervous and I keep telling myself that I will get in. I just had a baby and am a sahm now so I really would want to get in.

Anyone know when we should hear back? I sent in my app before October however they lost my transcripts!! I sent them in again about a week ago and they said finally my app was complete. I hope I hear back in mid-november :/

Anyone know when we should hear back? I sent in my app before October however they lost my transcripts!! I sent them in again about a week ago and they said finally my app was complete. I hope I hear back in mid-november :/

Hi Chanzer!

I think you will be fine. There is still a long time before mid-November and hopefully by then they will know who they want to admit!

Keep us posted!




I too have applied to NYU for the spring of 2011. I habe applied to NYU under the Traditional option. I am anxiously waiting the news. I wish all of you guys good luck!!!!



I too have applied to NYU for the spring of 2011. I habe applied to NYU under the Traditional option. I am anxiously waiting the news. I wish all of you guys good luck!!!!


Hi Tandrews!

I'm glad to hear there is a traditional applicant as well since it seems that everyone else is for the accelerated program!

Are you a high school grad or transferring from another college?

Best of luck and keep us posted!


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