NYU Fall 2014 ABSN

U.S.A. New York



I have noticed there isn't a thread for those applying for NYU Accelerated Nursing Fall 2014. Let's share feedback, advice, stats, etc... I went to an open house today at NYU. They really do stress that since there is no interview, the personal statement is our chance to prove ourselves. They also said they get about 1,000 applicants and a Fall entrance class usually have about 150 students in it.

What part of the application process are you in?

How is the personal statement going?

How many pre-reqs do you have left?

Hi all! Congratulations to everyone accepted into the program. Unfortunately, no good news for me. I received a rejection email last Thursday morning which said:

The admissions committee at New York University has carefully considered your application and supporting credentials, and it is with regret that I must inform you that we are unable to offer you admission to NYU this year. I am so sorry about the disappointing news.

Please know that your application and supporting credentials were given full consideration. As you likely suspect, we receive more applications from exceedingly qualified students than we are able to admit each year. Unfortunately, even though students may be clearly competitive for admission based on their academic records and their test scores, we are only able to admit a fraction of qualified students given the space we have available in our classes at NYU.

Given the volume of applications we receive each year, please understand that we regrettably cannot respond to appeal requests and we cannot reconsider your application or any new credentials this year.

Although we cannot reconsider your application for admission to any of the traditional undergraduate schools and colleges at NYU for the upcoming term, the Paul McGhee Division of our School of Continuing and Professional Studies represents an alternative. NYU's McGhee Division welcomes transfer applications from students on a rolling basis for spring, summer, and fall admission. If you would like to learn more about McGhee programs and the McGhee community, which meets the needs of the adult learner, you should be in touch with them directly by visiting their website for prospective students.

Again, I am sorry for the disappointing news. On behalf of the NYU community, I wish you only the best as you continue your education..

Anyway, just wanted those who are still waiting to know that they are sending BOTH acceptance and rejection letters. Good luck to everyone else!!!

Hi all! Congratulations to everyone accepted into the program. Unfortunately, no good news for me. I received a rejection email last Thursday morning which said:

Anyway, just wanted those who are still waiting to know that they are sending BOTH acceptance and rejection letters. Good luck to everyone else!!!

thanks for sharing. I'm still awaiting a decision and this just made me incredibly nervous. :/ would you mind sharing your stats?

thanks for sharing. I'm still awaiting a decision and this just made me incredibly nervous. :/ would you mind sharing your stats?

Don't be nervous. At least they haven't sent you a rejection letter these past few weeks!

My application wasn't as competitive as others - 3.7 prerequisites, 3.0 undergrad, worked as medical assistant for 4 years, volunteered at hospital and also non-profit for 2 years.

I'm sure it will all work out in the end for you :) Good luck Bryant87!

Specializes in ER.

I am coming from Seattle and I am not planning to live on campus

Anybody else get any good news about the Fall 2014 ABSN? I found out yesterday! Excited to take my last pre-req finals tomorrow and begin my journey!

I have a BA in International Relations and am on my way to becoming an NP! First stop, NYU! Totally psyched.

I got admitted this morning into the transfer program! I have no idea what kind of financial aid I'll be receiving, or what credits of mine will transfer, but I am super excited!

Hi everyone! I got accepted into the accelerated nursing program and i am debating whether to live on or off campus. I was at the meet and greet and meet a couple people. I wish I was able to talk to more about housing. I am 21 years old I am from Connecticut and really don't feel like commuting.

So I'm really trying to figure out if dorms would be the best way to go for my first semester. I'm coming from California and know nothing about the city. I feel like dorms would be a great way to start out in NYC. Any thoughts or advice?

Hey everyone! I got accepted yesterday (Tuesday, May 27th) at 8:53 am, Eastern time.

I'm so excited! Anyone else hear any good news?

Does anyone have the tuition bill stated already and the sar?

is anyone still waiting for the admission desicion email? its taking forever..

is anyone still waiting for the admission desicion email? its taking forever..

Yeah I'm still waiting on mine.. i'm hoping it's good news after all this wait. I submitted my application prior to the priority deadline. I was told by the admissions representative named Luis that they were just waiting on official prerequisite grades. I was taking 3 pre-reqs in a nearby community college just this past spring semester. I have been consistently calling for updates but sounds like they haven't even reviewed mine yet. I am not sure. However, they did keep telling me no news is good news and I'm just praying that it will be just that. NYU is my only option at this time and would be elated to be accepted. I will definitely go to NYU once I get the confirmation that they have accepted me.

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