Nursing without the "yukkies".

Nurses General Nursing


I am still a student in nursing and probably will slide over to become a Physicians Assistant eventually. What fears me most is dealing with bodily fluids. Is ALL nursing involved in puke, crap, piss and anything else I forgot to mention? What area is less lieky to deal with grossness and which area in the hospital is more prone to grossness. I've been nicknamed Mr. Clean all my life cause I am a 'clean freak'. Can't stand germs. Please direct me to where I need to go.

Specializes in Urgent Care.
1) Old thread alert.

2) OP hasn't logged on in 3 years.

Marie, why do you always post these old thread alerts?

The conversation is obviously still interesting to those posting. And for those of us with less than 9,000 posts we may not have caught the thread the first time around. If people are posting and having some discourse on any given subject, just because the subject has been around awhile is no reason to minimize the importance of the discussion. It is also a bit of a distraction when I am reading thru the thread. If they hadnt been tickled I would have missed many a good thread. I sometimes reseurect (SP?) a good thread just 'cause it's good.

Please....... save the bandwidth and leave out those old thread alerts.

Thanks, Kris

Specializes in NICU.
Marie, why do you always post these old thread alerts?

The conversation is obviously still interesting to those posting. And for those of us with less than 9,000 posts we may not have caught the thread the first time around. If people are posting and having some discourse on any given subject, just because the subject has been around awhile is no reason to minimize the importance of the discussion. It is also a bit of a distraction when I am reading thru the thread. If they hadnt been tickled I would have missed many a good thread. I sometimes reseurect (SP?) a good thread just 'cause it's good.

Please....... save the bandwidth and leave out those old thread alerts.

Thanks, Kris

I believe it's just to advise people that, while the discussion is still active, that no one should waste their time identifying the original poster and trying to give that poster advice. That poster hasn't been back for 2-1/2 years and probably never will be. So while it's fine to keep discussing stuff, don't bother quoting the original poster and trying to help him because he didn't care enough to check back in after starting this thread.

I'm a nursing assistant and when I first started class I was really worried about the "yuckies" I was afraid I couldn't cut it. But I soon got used to it and now I can handle almost any yuck. What I think about is if I don't clean this person up what am I going to let them sit in it, no of course not. Oh and just a little hint and tip don't expect for the CNA's to do all the dirty work for you.

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.
Marie, why do you always post these old thread alerts?

The conversation is obviously still interesting to those posting. And for those of us with less than 9,000 posts we may not have caught the thread the first time around. If people are posting and having some discourse on any given subject, just because the subject has been around awhile is no reason to minimize the importance of the discussion. It is also a bit of a distraction when I am reading thru the thread. If they hadnt been tickled I would have missed many a good thread. I sometimes reseurect (SP?) a good thread just 'cause it's good.

Please....... save the bandwidth and leave out those old thread alerts.

Thanks, Kris

First off, i do not always do that.

Secondly, i did it because there were new posts directed at the OP, who no longer posts here.

Third, no one said (or assumed) people weren't interested in the subject matter nor did i or anyone "minimize" the importance of discussion.

And fourth, if it's such a problem, put me on ignore, therefore, my "distraction" and waste of bandwidth won't even have to be viewed.

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.
I'm a nursing assistant and when I first started class I was really worried about the "yuckies" I was afraid I couldn't cut it. But I soon got used to it and now I can handle almost any yuck. What I think about is if I don't clean this person up what am I going to let them sit in it, no of course not. Oh and just a little hint and tip don't expect for the CNA's to do all the dirty work for you.

It so weird how people can once think "oh that's gross", and then one day they realize that that it doesn't bother them anymore. I know someone people don't get used to yuck, or some people just have that one thing they can't get past, but the odds of getting over it get better if you're around it a lot.

Never thought i'd say that phlegm doesn't bother me anymore, but i got over that in a week of starting in the OR

Specializes in Geriatric and now peds!!!!.

I personally dont know any nursing area that doesnt deal with some type of human body fluid or substance. You may want to rethink your career path. I knew going in that nursing isnt glamourous or pleasant smelling!!!!!


Specializes in Government.

I find this topic fascinating and it comes up a lot in my interaction with people interested in nursing. Maybe it comes to me so much because I do have an odd ball, niche community health RN role that people think they'd like (that is, until they hear the salary...)

I always tell then that I'd be no good as a policy writing, legislative steering community health RN if I had not been elbow deep in you-name-it for most of 20 years. It was the clinicial expereince that qualified me for my current role.

It's my opinion that you can't really do many of the less clinical roles in nursing without hands on experience. I also think that if you do not value what you get out of the hands on work, nursing is not for you.

Specializes in Telemetry/Med Surg.
Marie, why do you always post these old thread alerts?

The conversation is obviously still interesting to those posting. And for those of us with less than 9,000 posts we may not have caught the thread the first time around. If people are posting and having some discourse on any given subject, just because the subject has been around awhile is no reason to minimize the importance of the discussion. It is also a bit of a distraction when I am reading thru the thread. If they hadnt been tickled I would have missed many a good thread. I sometimes reseurect (SP?) a good thread just 'cause it's good.

Please....... save the bandwidth and leave out those old thread alerts.

Thanks, Kris

If Marie hadn't beat me to it, I would have posted exactly what she said if only to alert the more recent posters that the OP started this thread 3 years ago. Not that you shouldn't reserect an old thread--just to point out that the OP would probably not be responding.

there is a thread on this website called what is your most gross, yucky, disgusting nursing horror story.

Specializes in Oncology/Haemetology/HIV.
Marie, why do you always post these old thread alerts?

Please....... save the bandwidth and leave out those old thread alerts.

Thanks, Kris

And your reason for "wasting" any more bandwidth?

If there is concern for bandwidth conservation, perhaps they can knock out a few of the hundreds/thousands of "BSN vs ADN", "Breast vs Bottle", "I'm moving to Florida - is the pay REALLY only X dollars?", or the "I made a bad mistake/DUI/felony/ajudication(sp) when I was really young/stupid/drunk/high/poor - do I HAVE to report it to the BON/hospital/school - how long will I be punished, as it wasn't really my fault?" - which has the same answer no matter how you cut it.

Specializes in NICU.
And your reason for "wasting" any more bandwidth?

If there is concern for bandwidth conservation, perhaps they can knock out a few of the hundreds/thousands of "BSN vs ADN", "Breast vs Bottle", "I'm moving to Florida - is the pay REALLY only X dollars?", or the "I made a bad mistake/DUI/felony/ajudication(sp) when I was really young/stupid/drunk/high/poor - do I HAVE to report it to the BON/hospital/school - how long will I be punished, as it wasn't really my fault?" - which has the same answer no matter how you cut it.

You forgot, "I got X number of questions on my N-CLEX - did I pass?!?!"

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.
You forgot, "I got X number of questions on my N-CLEX - did I pass?!?!"

Or did i fail lol (oh there i go again!!!!).

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