Published Mar 3, 2011
16 Posts
Hello everyone! I am a 3rd year nursing student. One of the requirements for our classes was to post a blog regarding an issue in nursing. My group chose the topic of overtime. I would really appreciate if some of you would comment on this site. Most if not all of the comments here are from nursing students and I think the blog would benefit from the perspective of experienced nurses who have dealt with this issue. The link to this site is:
Thankyou to all who contribute!!
tiroka03, LPN
393 Posts
It would be good if we were staffed in such a way that we could do all our work to completion and be kinds and caring to each patient in a way that will ensure their continued healing of mind and body. But, that isn't the real world. We are involved in a world of time and finances, or in other words time equal money. The more things that can be squeezed out of you in shorter and shorter time spans, -that equals money.
Overtime equals less money for the facility and so it is frowned on. So, something has to give, and it usually is the nurses lunch and breaks that give first. Then it's coming in early and leaving early off the clock. It's quick fast and furious care, on a dizzining pace that would make our predecessors turn over in their graves.
Can people please reply on the actual blog site? Thankyou!
rkitty198, BSN, RN
420 Posts
I am having trouble with replying. I have never replied to a blog before and I cannot seem to figure out how to reply.
hiddencatRN, BSN, RN
3,408 Posts
Why not link in your blog to this thread here?
netglow, ASN, RN
4,412 Posts
Kitty, all ya do is click the comments (underlined) right now it has 5 comments. Then, you scroll down to the end and there you have a box to comment in yourself.
Okay I figured it out :)
I left a post (a long reply about working on tele)
Good job!
Thanks that is a great idea! I will do that!
Some people are having trouble with posting responses on the student blog site so I am providing a link to the other students for this site, so people can just comment on this site. Thanks everyone!
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,277 Posts
It is against our terms of service to post these links so I have deleted it. This way our readers also gain from your research.
Thats fine..they can continue to comment without referring to the linked site. Sorry about that.
1) What are your views and/or opinions on overtime? Why do you think overtime continues to be a mainstay in nursing practice?
2) Do the benefits of overtime outweigh its risks? Or are the risks associated far greater?
3) What strategies could be implemented to address overtime issues and concerns? Are strategies that are currently being used reasonable?
4) In the collective agreement between SAHO and SUN, article 8.01 states:
"Employees shall not be required to work overtime against their wishes except in emergency circumstances. An emergent circumstance shall be defined as a circumstance driven by an unforeseen and/or unpredictable influx of patients and/or unanticipated increase in care required to address patient well being."
-Does this raise any issues or concerns? What are some other policies in place?