2015 Nursing School Applicants (all)

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I think I remembered seeing a similar thread for 2014 and thought it would be fun to meet up with others who are at the same point in their journey to make some friends!

What classes/entrance exams do you have left?

I'm currently halfway through Winter quarter taking A&P II and Sociology, for Spring quarter my last class will be Microbiology. I also need to take the TEAS test in the Spring as well.

When will you begin submitting applications?

I'll start submitting my applications as soon as I have registered and paid in full for my Microbiology class (within the next few weeks).

How many programs will you be applying to?

3! I have other options I can try if those don't work out.

Have you already been accepted into a program?

Nope! I do think I have a very good shot at a couple of the schools I am applying to though!

Good luck to everyone applying for 2015 programs!!!

:nurse: yay xoemmylouox!!!! I'm sure you will do great in school! When do you start?

I have orientation in a few weeks. I find out the details then. Thanks!! :D

Specializes in CrItical Care, Street Medicine/PHM, School nurse.

What classes/entrance exams do you have left?

I'm in my last pre-req science course (pharmacology) and taking my last pre-req pre nursing courses (ethics, global health, nursing communication).

When will you begin submitting applications? I just submitted my application for upper division courses! Hopefully I'll be able to start clinicals this fall.

How many programs will you be applying to? I've already applied to the nursing school and was accepted as a pre-nursing student but have yet to be accepted to their upper division courses. I have an automatic acceptance to UTSA nursing school if I don't get approved to upper division at UT Austin.

Have you already been accepted into a program:

Yes and no. I'm already a nursing major at UT Austin, just need to get approval for upper division.

What classes/entrance exams do you have left?

I'm currently finishing up English Writing/Research, Micro, and Communications, then next quarter I will take Physiology w. lab, which is my last prereq. I will also take nutrition (cognate, not a prereq), honors poli sci (gen ed), and Medical Terminology (elective).

I have taken the TEAS V already, but only got an 84 AIS, which is barely at my school's average for accepted applicants, so I am retaking on March 28.

When will you begin submitting applications?

I'm waiting for a letter to come in the mail to verify some community service hours I completed, so I will submit my app once that comes in.

How many programs will you be applying to?

Due to financial issues, only one. I can't afford to leave town for school, and there is only one BSN program in town. We have an ADN program too, but they aren't accepting applications anymore.

Have you already been accepted into a program?

Like I stated earlier, I'm only applying to one program and haven't submitted my app to them yet, so nope, not accepted yet. I will keep my fingers crossed though! I believe we get decisions in July.

What classes/entrance exams do you have left?

As of Saturday, none! I took my TEAS already and have my Chemistry final this week. I didn't need to take any of the other pre-req's required by my school (ECPI) since I had transfer credits from my other degree. I still need to take A&P and classes like that, but it's all part of the program once I get in.

When will you begin submitting applications?

I already applied

How many programs will you be applying to?

I only applied to ECPI because I was looking for something fast-paced and accelerated and close to home.

Have you already been accepted into a program?

I haven't been accepted yet, but will start interviewing probably next month. I'm pretty optimistic about it. :)

What classes/entrance exams do you have left?

I'm currently taking A&P II, English 102, general psych, and I'll have to take a pre-nursing class in the summer. I actually dont have any entrance exams to take.

When will you begin submitting applications?

I've submitted my application in Jan.

How many programs will you be applying to?

Just one! Yikes!

Have you already been accepted into a program?

Not yet. I should find out by March 20th. I feel pretty confident with a 3.6 gpa in math/science.

Figured I'd update one of my questions. I've been accepted to the ASN program I applied to. Currently awaiting word from the BSN program before accepting.

Specializes in ICU, Pre-Op, OR, PACU.
Figured I'd update one of my questions. I've been accepted to the ASN program I applied to. Currently awaiting word from the BSN program before accepting.

grats MaxiZilla!!!! that is amazing! :) Hope you get accepted into your BSN as well!

Thank you! I've been really sick this week so seeing that email was a great mood boost haha!

Specializes in Med-Surg.

I got my first rejection letter, two more to go. This wasn't my first choice but I was hoping my first letter would be a yes.

What classes/entrance exams do you have left?

I have all my prereqs completed and I have already taken the TEAS. I might take the HESI if I decide to apply at my local community college.

When will you begin submitting applications?

I turned in my application in January. I should find out whether I was accepted or not in early April.

How many programs will you be applying to?

Only one! If I don't get in I plan on either applying at my local community college or pursing my bachelors in another healthcare related field.

Have you already been accepted into a program?

Nope, not yet. Currently playing the waiting game.

I got my first rejection letter, two more to go. This wasn't my first choice but I was hoping my first letter would be a yes.

It's okay. You still have two chances. Let's pray and hope that the other two are a yes.

Specializes in ICU, Pre-Op, OR, PACU.
I got my first rejection letter, two more to go. This wasn't my first choice but I was hoping my first letter would be a yes.

hang in there! Maybe your first choice will come along soon!

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