Nursing: I'm just not that into it!

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I have decided Nursing just isn't for me. So, I will not be applying for any LPN or RN programs. Long story short..I don't like poo, vomit, urine or anything of the like. I REALLY wish it didn't bother me, but it does. Not everone is cut out for Nursing, and I must accept that.

Do you think that Respiratory Therapy would be a better alternative for someone like me?

Any info appreciated.

When I was first throwing around the idea of nursing school, I had a discussion with my mom, who has been an RN for the past 15 years. I was doubting whether or not I could handle it, and whether or not I'd make a good nurse, and what she told me really stuck: you can do anything at all for a year.

So you may not be able to stomach bodily fluids very well. Pharmaceutical sales, like someone mentioned, is an option, as well as consulting. My mom's hospital even has a few RNs who hold administrative positions, without BSNs. If you can just get through nursing school itself, the possibilities are virtually endless.

Thanks! I have talked about the same thing with my family, too. I even said, If i could just get through NS, I'd get my degree and be set..I could do anything after that...but then I doubt myself, because I already know what to expect in NS, cuz I've been there, which could be a good thing................... or a bad thing! :lol2:

Yeah, I think I get what you're saying.

You've been there before, you couldn't handle it then, and you're afraid of the concept of "failing" at it twice. But just the simple fact that you've made an effort to try again shows me that there's something inside of you that really wants to be a nurse, and that's really the foundation of it all; the desire to be in the nursing field for whatever personal motivation you've got.

If it were me, which it isn't and I'm not in any position to tell you what decision to make for yourself, I'd at least give it one heck of a good try before I made a final decision. We never truly know how we'll react until we're in the thick of things.

Yeah, I think I get what you're saying.

You've been there before, you couldn't handle it then, and you're afraid of the concept of "failing" at it twice. But just the simple fact that you've made an effort to try again shows me that there's something inside of you that really wants to be a nurse, and that's really the foundation of it all; the desire to be in the nursing field for whatever personal motivation you've got.

If it were me, which it isn't and I'm not in any position to tell you what decision to make for yourself, I'd at least give it one heck of a good try before I made a final decision. We never truly know how we'll react until we're in the thick of things.

You definitley get what I'm saying!

Thanks for the words, I truly appreciate this.:up: I have a lot to think about tonight!

Just a thought... I, too, hate poo, pee, vomit and body fluids. But somehow it hasn't bothered me much in NS. Well, at first it did! I almost gagged (only twice in 1.5 years of school) at poop but ya sort of get used to it if that makes any sense. I think I am just desensitized and so focused on other things that I don't notice the unpleasant sights/smells like I used to.

I guess all I am really trying to say is if the ONLY reason you don't want to go into nursing is because of body fluids then maybe you should re-consider. If not, that's ok too. Good Luck in whatever you decide! You are right, nursing isn't for everyone! :)

Thank you, thank you, thank you for this post and the responses!

I will be starting nursing school in January and the ONLY thing I am worried about is the "gross" stuff! I just don't know HOW on earth I will handle it?!?!?!? :crying2:

Both my mom and my sister are nurses and they just tell me "you'll get used to it". So I am trying to believe them.... but it's difficult. A friend of mine has a sister that passed out and threw up in nursing school all the time! But she just kept going back. She didn't give up. :nurse:

So I agree with Parade! If I can just make it through nursing school, the opportunities are endless!!!! I can do anything! And I look around and see people who are nurses... and think if they did it, so can I. :up:

I think everyone has one thing that really gets to them ( like I said, for me it is spit ) I worked as a phlebotomist, but before I started I didn't think I could handle poop and sores, but then once I got around them it wasn't as bad as I had myself convinced. The smells can be the worst, but I havent gagged once. It's all in your mind. Spit gets to me like nothing else, but I just smile and focus on anything else.

They spoillll you, spending card, your own car. The only downfall is that you do A LOT of traveling ..And this one Pharm Sales Rep told me they lay people off left and right for shallow reasons.

You could even go into teaching. Possibilities are truly endless with nursing.

Specializes in no specialty! (have to graduate first!).

What about psychiatric nursing? You may have to deal with body fluids on occassion but not near as much as a clinical nurse.

What about psychiatric nursing? You may have to deal with body fluids on occassion but not near as much as a clinical nurse.

Funny, I just came here to say that! Psychiatric Nursing would be great, I loved Psychology when I took my pre-reqs...:yeah: I wish I had realized all this the first time around, but everything happens for a reason, I suppose. I'll keep you posted!:redbeathe

Specializes in PICU.

OMG if you cant do blood and urine and throw up I personally think the suctioning was the WORST.. I would gag so bad when the kids would be suctioned especially the ones with trachs !!! EWWWWW, but that is my personal opinion I can do blood and urine perfectly fine the throw up grosses me out, but it does on my own children as well, but the worst was the suctioning .. Also you do know as RT they draw ABG's ???

Im in the same boat as you, all those things disgust me also!

if you can't handle poop , then sputum will be hard to swallow. poop rarely bothers me but sputum is very hard for me. the nurses i have discussed it with said its a weak spot for them when they suction. but you get used to it im sure if your around it on a regular basis.

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