help settle hubby / wifey dispute

Nurses Humor


  1. How is the toilet paper supposed to go?

    • 99
      Facing the front
    • 15
      Facing the back
    • 18
      any spot ya can find

132 members have participated

I've got no housework for a week riding on this baby!

Specializes in Oncology/Haemetology/HIV.

It just doesn't matter as long as they refill the dispenser when appropriate.

Specializes in ICU.

"Sitting on the back of the toilet 'cause someone is too lazy to remove the old spool...."

isn't on here I see :)

Define facing.

Anyway, you are supposed to put it on so it rolls from underneath, not over the top (kids use less and the cat can't shread it off the roll as easily)/

Agree with facing the back for the same reason as kids-r-fun stated...slows down kids wasting half the roll!!!

Husband disagrees though and that's why we have our own bathrooms!!

facing the front...I don't have kids and have earned the right to waste it...LOL

Agree with Sandy B. Paper is supposed to come off the top of the roll. If you don't believe us, note that toilet paper with printed patterns is designed to dispense pattern-side-up when you hang it so it rolls from the top.

Facing the back for sure.

My husband wants it to roll over the top, I don't care which way it goes on, so I let him put it on.

I vote for facing front. Too hard to find the free end when it's in the back.

Specializes in ER.

Whoever replaces the roll gets to make the decision.

Originally posted by canoehead

Whoever replaces the roll gets to make the decision.

You are a wise person. Life is to short to argue about such things. One can only hope that the person who replaces the roll has the good sense to install it facing the front.

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