Nurses are not "allowed"

Nurses General Nursing


:madface: I was just reading the reminiscing thread and one of the posts was stating something about how the nurses had to stand up when a DR. walked into the nursing station.

Welll...Get this. We have a brand new nursing unit with a nursing station. The nurses station has a long desk with approximately 5 computers. 2 are for the secretarys, one is for the charge nurse.

Behind the desk there is a thin area that houses pt. charts, med. teaching sheets, fax machine, printer. Adjacant to that is our tiny little med room with both of our omnicells. Put this way, it's a good thing noone is too large.

Anyways, then there is a room adjacant to the nurses station. A nice beautiful room, lots of shelves, at least 7 computers, nice computer space. I think you get the picture. I though we were quite lucky to have such a great room for charting. But noooo, that room there is for the "doctors", so if we are found in that room by a Dr. then we need to leave and search for a computer elsewhere.

I feel that it is really quite demeaning to the nurses and aides that work on the floor to have basically nowhere to chart. It's a thorn in my side!:madface:

Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.
I think the attitude permeates nursing wherever you work though. steph

I didn't say it didn't. I was defending the attitude that we need our space and docs need theirs. Not that it should be a pissing contest where people don't share, I'm not saying that.

I didn't say it didn't. I was defending the attitude that we need our space and docs need theirs. Not that it shouldn't be a pissing contest where people don't share, I'm not saying that.

I give . . . . .;) ;)

Love from Nirvana . . . . . .:balloons:

steph (it takes too long to make ALL the smilies come up so consider yourself hugged).

I have to admit our docs will get out of OUR way around the nurses station. They know that if they want us to carry out their orders, they'd better move out of the way.

We even have a couple of docs that -- don't faint now -- will actually help us with 'nursing tasks'. They'll put in foleys, put on SCDs, shave a belly (emergency c-section things). One even told me to go take care of something else and she would be happy to get the patient up to the bathroom and change her bedding.

Needless to say, those are the docs we go out of our way to spoil.

Luckey you my hospital is still in the dark ages. We have one area that is a little cramped with 3 computers and a PACS system for the docs and the nursing station. We are not supposed to use thiers but they have no problems coming to ours, erasing anything on it and using it even if it has important stuff up like lab values without permissionin in fact when we are on it and they want it they ask for us to leave. The worst thing is THIS IS accepted by all......90% of our docs only see critical patients. They leave the minor ones to their interns and residents they . Hell all the medical staff from the attendings to the med students and PA's drop stuff and expect the nurses to pick it up do procedures and expect the nurse to clean up, they grab charts from us when they need them. Yes again it is condonned. I am new there and the nurses think I am not being a team player when I ask a doc to clean up his mess or tell him/her I was using the computer or no I need the chart. The average nurse has been there 19 years. I am a canadian and this is the third hospital I have been at and it is the same in all places.:o

Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.
I give . . . . .;) ;)

Love from Nirvana . . . . . .:balloons:

steph (it takes too long to make ALL the smilies come up so consider yourself hugged).

I'm glad you appreciate that you're in Nirvana. :lol2:

you may not believe this one but the nurses at my facility have to stand and chart in the hallway. we use the emar system, computerized everything.

so we are not allowed to even be in the nurses station except to check for new orders or pick up new meds delivered. all charting must be done either in the patients room, an impossibility, or in the hall like a stray puppy and e-v-e-r-y-o-n-e comes up and talks to you there.

can you say confidentiality issues as they read over your shoulder? oh no, you are to stop charting and hit the magic key and not chart until the person walks off. :crash_com

this is absurd. talk about having no respect for the staff.

LOL! Yeah, we are supose to move if we are charting or give up the precious seats if an MD comes to far that hasn't is first come first serve! LOL!!!! Our Docs don't seem to mind..they roll with it! (I LOVE MY DOCS!).

What got me was in the first hospital I worked in, if an MD entered the room of your patient and you were in were expected to STOP doing whatever you were doing, and address the MD...then ask for permission to continue! Yeah right...I am not in the milliatary folks! That also didn't fly with me much, I can multitask and address anyone coming into that room, let them know who I was, and still do what I was doing! Yeah...I didn't stay there long..LOL!!!!!!!!!!!

Now at my facility it is customary to say hello and something nice if an MD comes into the room...makes for great moods with everyone! Typically I will say "hello Dr. ____, so nice to see you!" *BIG smile*! That gets them grinning every time, and sometimes a nice pat on the back too!!!!!!! I like that better!

I spent 10 years in the navy, and never was I required to act this way around a doctor. Military nurses are respected, and they demand it, as well as earn it. Not so outside of the military.

:madface: I was just reading the reminiscing thread and one of the posts was stating something about how the nurses had to stand up when a DR. walked into the nursing station.

Welll...Get this. We have a brand new nursing unit with a nursing station. The nurses station has a long desk with approximately 5 computers. 2 are for the secretarys, one is for the charge nurse.

Behind the desk there is a thin area that houses pt. charts, med. teaching sheets, fax machine, printer. Adjacant to that is our tiny little med room with both of our omnicells. Put this way, it's a good thing noone is too large.

Anyways, then there is a room adjacant to the nurses station. A nice beautiful room, lots of shelves, at least 7 computers, nice computer space. I think you get the picture. I though we were quite lucky to have such a great room for charting. But noooo, that room there is for the "doctors", so if we are found in that room by a Dr. then we need to leave and search for a computer elsewhere.

I feel that it is really quite demeaning to the nurses and aides that work on the floor to have basically nowhere to chart. It's a thorn in my side!:madface:

If you all let this treatment of nurses go on, well, you get what you deserve. We teach people how to treat us.

Specializes in NICU.

Allow me to cheer you up.

My wife has been a neonatal R.N. for 30 years. From time to time the nursing staff experiences problems with people stealing food from their well-marked lunches in the refrigterator. On one occasion they learned that the thief was a "doctor". They "spiked" some chocolate pudding with Ex-lax and placed it in the refrigerator and when the offending "doctor" came on the unit they locked all all the toilets. The rest is history!

Speaking of "doctors" Webster defines the term thusly:

"2 a : one skilled or specializing in healing arts; especially : a physician, surgeon, dentist, or veterinarian who is licensed to practice b : MEDICINE MAN"

By this most venerable definition, a nurse, is also a "doctor". Was Socrates an M.D?

Allow me to cheer you up.

My wife has been a neonatal R.N. for 30 years. From time to time the nursing staff experiences problems with people stealing food from their well-marked lunches in the refrigterator. On one occasion they learned that the thief was a "doctor". They "spiked" some chocolate pudding with Ex-lax and placed it in the refrigerator and when the offending "doctor" came on the unit they locked all all the toilets. The rest is history!

Speaking of "doctors" Webster defines the term thusly:

"2 a : one skilled or specializing in healing arts; especially : a physician, surgeon, dentist, or veterinarian who is licensed to practice b : MEDICINE MAN"

By this most venerable definition, a nurse, is also a "doctor". Was Socrates an M.D?

Most excellent!!!

Specializes in floor to ICU.

our docs have a nice dictation room that is rarely used. we basically use it for storage!

Specializes in Acute Med, Pediatric Hematology-Oncology.

our docs have a room that is much smaller than the nurse's station. it's basically just used for their charting. the nurses station is much larger, however its used by nurses and all the other disciplines. and some of the med students havent quite figured out that they have their own room to chart in ;) usually its decent to chart there.

At my old job they removed the charting table because pts families would see us sitting there charting, reconcilliating MARS etc and complain to the nurse manager about how lazy we were "just sitting there" so we got to do that part of our job standing up. Thank god I left. Now I work at an institution that employs doctors that find it appropriate to yell and berate nurses on a regular basis. One in particular even threw a phone at a nurse in ICU- he's still working there. They also frequently refuse to return pages when they are on call @ hs (even when your pt has a SBP of 240)

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