Published Oct 1, 2005
72 Posts
I read this story in the senior newsletter and thought I would share it.
"A motorcycle cop was rushed to the hospital with an inflamed appendix.
The doctors operated and advised him that all was well. However, the patrolman kept feeling something that was pulling at the hairs on his chest.
Worried that it might be a second surgery that the doctors hadn't told him about, he pulled his hospital gown down enough so he could look at what was making him so uncomfortable.
Taped firmly across his hairy chest were three wide strips of adhesive tape, the ultra sticky kind that doesn't come off once it is put on.
Written in large black letters was the sentence, "Get well soon!"
Luv, from the nurses you ticketed last week!"
32 Posts
I read this story in the senior newsletter and thought I would share it."A motorcycle cop was rushed to the hospital with an inflamed appendix.The doctors operated and advised him that all was well. However, the patrolman kept feeling something that was pulling at the hairs on his chest.Worried that it might be a second surgery that the doctors hadn't told him about, he pulled his hospital gown down enough so he could look at what was making him so uncomfortable.Taped firmly across his hairy chest were three wide strips of adhesive tape, the ultra sticky kind that doesn't come off once it is put on.Written in large black letters was the sentence, "Get well soon!"That is assault and I hope and pray he filed charges, that is so inappropriate if there child had been run over and killed by a speeding out of control driver they would not feel the same about a man who was doing his job, these are pitifull excuses for human much less nurses :angryfire :angryfire :angryfire :angryfire :angryfire :angryfire
That is assault and I hope and pray he filed charges, that is so inappropriate if there child had been run over and killed by a speeding out of control driver they would not feel the same about a man who was doing his job, these are pitifull excuses for human much less nurses :angryfire :angryfire :angryfire :angryfire :angryfire :angryfire
z's playa
2,056 Posts
Are you SERIOUS?
Our hospital got the same story up here, and we all shared it amongst ourselves....nurses.....nsg students.......police officers...housekeeping..tactical.
And we all was a comraderie thing. Good natured (albeit painful) ribbing. The guy was a cop.....he probably put up with a lot worse in the academy ! The tape came off eventually.
I think you're wound a bit tight TNRNMAN...or you have chest hair :chuckle :)
Are you SERIOUS? :rolleyes: Our hospital got the same story up here, and we all shared it amongst ourselves....nurses.....nsg students.......police officers...housekeeping..tactical. And we all was a comraderie thing. Good natured (albeit painful) ribbing. The guy was a cop.....he probably put up with a lot worse in the academy ! The tape came off eventually. I think you're wound a bit tight TNRNMAN...or you have chest hair :chuckle :) Z
IF he was in on it then thats cool but if it was done as it was expressed as and I quote revenge then that is not appropriate, so it is early and I need sleep if that makes me wound a bit tight then excuse me and forgive me, and I do have chest hair but honestly didnt even think about it, NOT. I just took it as written sorry ooops
prmenrs, RN
4,565 Posts
I doubt this actually happened. This IS the humor forum, after all.
Spidey's mom, ADN, BSN, RN
11,305 Posts
Yep, I took it for a joke too.
Believe you me...I get wound a little tight myself ! :chuckle I've been told to lighten up once or twice
The nurse and cops up here are forever teasing each other. The type of teasing that gets painful (slaps on the head w/ wet gloves)...or really wet (NS) I wouldn't be surprised if this was a true story :rotfl:
But you're probably right........a humourous joke.
To my knowledge it was just a funny story in a paper. No need to appoligize for your reaction TNRNMAN, everyone is entitled to their opinion, wound to tight or not :wink2: hell I just came off of my 2nd double in 4 days, I can understand that feeling all to well
245 Posts
I'm sorry, I had to laugh. Usually I' wound so tight I spin like a top. Sometimes the release is good. I just hope it's humor.
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,277 Posts
I have heard this one before - so I took it with a grain of salt too. I work in the ER and we are very close with our local police.
I would rather be a nurse than a cop. I admire those who protect us.
Actually Shelly - the joke around our ER is that we need a new job called the nurse-police. The nursing staff would carry guns and be able to shoot the offensive folks and then be able to patch them up too! We have had a rash of idiots recently that have threatened violence in our triage and treatment rooms and the staff has had it! We think this might be an interesting job...I sure would sign up. lol