Published Mar 1, 2016
tnbutterfly - Mary, BSN
83 Articles; 5,923 Posts
Do you love nursing? Do you love mentoring or sharing your knowledge with others? Do you like thinking and working outside the box? Do you want to start an online nursing business where you can creatively share your experiences and knowledge?
If you answered YES to all of the above, then you'll want to find out more about our new Nurse Innovators Hub.
The Nurse Innovators Hub is the perfect place to go if you have an interest in starting your own nursing blog site or online business focused on nursing. You can get advice from those who have already established themselves as Nurse Innovators in the nursing community on the World Wide Web.
To start, we currently have have (blogger/consultant/educator), (blogger/author), (blogger/author/consultant), and (videoblogger/consultant/educator) to answer all your questions. More innovators are joining every day! is excited to announce the opening of the Nurse Innovators Hub, a new section where nurse bloggers and other nurse innovators can network and share their ideas and interact with other innovators. This will also be a place where those who are interested in starting a nursing blog website can come for advice from those who already have established themselves in the blogging community.
How can the Nurse Innovators Hub help me start an online nursing business?
You don't have to be an established blogger to post your questions in the Nurse Innovators Hub. Don't be afraid to ask your questions. The only stupid question is the one not asked.
Come visit the Nurse Innovators Hub today and help us kick off what will be a great collaborative effort to promote nursing nursing across the World Wide Web.
If you are an innovator and already have your own successful online nursing business or website, please contact us. We can help you increase traffic to your website.
Roy Hanson
211 Posts
Innovators? We are nurses, we follow the commands/requests of doctors and head nurses..UNLESS you are in the power of authority, then you CAN Innovate. OR more simply, make things work better.
995 Posts
You don't need to be in a Leadership position to Lead.
CountryMomma, ASN, RN
589 Posts
I most certainly do not follow commands and nothing else. I strongly suggest you slow your roll.
I lead from behind, it something I learned from both horses and the non-coms like my father and his friends.
Leading by example doesn't require a leadership role.
533 Posts
I like the idea, although when I was expecting something else when I thought of "innovators hub".
I don't generally think of bloggers as innovators.
Will this include podcasts? There are a few that I already follow, but I'm always looking for new material.
I like the idea, although when I was expecting something else when I thought of "innovators hub". I don't generally think of bloggers as innovators.
What do you envision when you think of Nurse Innovators?
We are starting out with those who have nursing blog sites. We will eventually expand to include webinar hosts, videographers, podcasts, etc.
Nurse Beth, MSN
145 Articles; 4,099 Posts
4 Posts
I agree that you can lead from behind- especially when leading by example!
I don't feel that I became a nurse to just "take orders" from doctors. If that was the end result of being a nurse I would have never enrolled in school in the first place!
"Slow your roll" haha. That was funny!
Rachel Malik Sha
2 Posts
It is good!
Hiader Al zubiadi
5 Posts