nurse who got fired...


I am dating a guy who's mom was fired 10 years ago from where I work now. I am wanting to work in the unit she worked in because it's where I always wanted to work, but there are people there who knew her back then that are still there today. I have no idea why she was fired...the only thing I know was that she dated some doctor's there. I am just concerned that if nurses start to find out who I am dating they may consider me an extension of her....and I really do not want that to happen.

I actually asked someone if they knew who she was and he said yes with a serious face and didn't say much else. It was a little awkward. Maybe I am overreacting about this situation?

Yes, and keep your mouth shut about knowing her. If it comes up it comes up but for goodness' sake don't ask people about her!

Men take things seriously. I would try to find out more from that person who said he knew her. But when you get right down to it, you take the job or you don't. A third party should have no effect on your job status. If it does, something is seriously wrong with your working there to begin with.

I really should not have said anything..but a little late. She made it sound like she was still good friends with some of the nurses on the unit, but after his reaction I do not know. Though he knew where she currently works and asked how she is doing.

Good. Now let it alone. ForEVAH.


believe me I will...never again will I bring it up

Please! don't bring up this type of crab at work. Just do your job.

yes i know. it was brought up because he was asking me how long i was dating my bf n thought it would be ok. i didn't mention anything about her firing or her past relationship.

Specializes in COS-C, Risk Management.

And if you and the bf get married, don't take his name--or at least move out of town. There's nothing like being a nurse in a small town with the last name of someone who is despised in every health care arena. Trust me on this one.

That is a good point and something I have thought of. It really sucks that she used to work there and created this bad name for herself. This hospital is a place where I have always wanted to work because I was a patient there when I was younger. It truly is a great place to work and I would hate to leave just because of her. To be honest I really don't have a close relationship with her and neither does my bf because of what she did in the past. This situation is complex and I wish it didn't have to be this way. I have even thought of breaking up with my boyfriend because of this issue since it can cause a lot of headache and interfere with my job.

Specializes in home health, dialysis, others.

You are creating an issue where there is none. Keep your personal business to yourself, PERIOD. No one needs to know anything about your bf or prospective MIL. You can keep your license in your current name. Ten years is a long time for people to be holding on to old junk.

Best wishes!

mamamerlee: you are correct. I will keep it all to myself and move on. 10 years is a very, very long time to be holding on to something that happened so long ago. Thanks for your comment.

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