Nurse Enlisted Commissioning Program USAF

Specialties Government


Hello, I am in the Air Force. I recently applied to the 2010 Nurse Enlisted Commissioning Progam (NECP). I am waiting for the board results. Anyone else out there as anxious as me?

It makes no sense that they're making current enlisteds take the AFOQT when the officers going to COT as direct commissions don't even take an ASVAB-like test. No one takes that - that test has nothing to do with nursing and everything to do with screening people for rated slots at at ROTC, the AFA, and regular BOT.

I agree - that's stupid. I've taken the AFOQT, but that was when I applied for ROTC.

Hello everyone,

Im currently an NECP recipient on 2d level of nursing program. Anyone here a recent NECP graduate and would like to share their experience with the NTP sites? Where should I request to go? Any info would help. Thank you!

Specializes in Maybe OR....maybe CRNA....
brookeND said:
Once again CONGRATS to everyone who made it! I'm about to take the AFOQT on July 8th since I plan on applying for both AECP and NECP. I was just wondering if anyone out there took this test would you mind sharing your scores with me? I'm starting to get nervous now and looking up the average scores LOL. However, everything I find is more geared from the perspective of an applicant trying to become a pilot and not for the nursing programs.On another note (does not even begin to compare to all of your accomplishments) I got BTZ :). I get to sew on July 5th. I know it's not much of a big deal, but I'm definitely hoping when I put my packages in it will help stand out some.Thank you everyone!


Congrats on BTZ...!

Haven't been on here in a few days, so I am a bit behind. I am an AECP select for this year and have posted my AFOQT scores below if you are still looking. Happy to give any guidance/advice you would like on the AECP package/application process. Good luck! :up:

AFOQT: Pilot-91, Nav-98, Acad Aptitude-99, Verbal-95, Quant-98

newnrse2013 said:

Congrats on BTZ...!

Haven't been on here in a few days, so I am a bit behind. I am an AECP select for this year and have posted my AFOQT scores below if you are still looking. Happy to give any guidance/advice you would like on the AECP package/application process. Good luck! :up:

AFOQT: Pilot-91, Nav-98, Acad Aptitude-99, Verbal-95, Quant-98


Your scores are awesome!! I've studied somewhat but I'm getting kind of scared now :). Going to definitely use this long weekend to study as well. Congrats on AECP!! Thank you so much for offering advice I will definitely need it sometime :). I'm using the ARCO book to study and the Peterson's website...any other test prep material you know of that would be beneficial?


Specializes in Obstetrics.

Hi all! Well I am back...I was selected for NECP this year but did not get into any of the nursing schools that I applied (was waitlisted then denied). So I had to email Mr. B and tell him to cancel the orders that I already had to Florida and that I was declining my NECP seat all last week. That was the worst email I ever had to send and one of the worst weeks I have ever had. Although I am pretty heartbroken (I even tried emailing about 20 more schools to see if there was any way I could pull a last-minute acceptance somewhere, anywhere, since Mr. B said that if I could find another school quick I could still keep my NECP slot) I will try again next year. I guess that is all that I can do. It really sucks because with a 3.70 GPA (which I thought was good) no one wants me. My self esteem has taken a pretty big beating. I figure in the meantime I may try to get my Bachelor's done since I am about 13 classes away; those that applied to the schools that I applied to who already had their degrees had around a 3.4 GPA and were accepted. Also thought maybe I would try to apply for summer admission to USF (where my NECP orders were to) since summer admissions tend to have a lower GPA cutoff as well (was 3.67 last summer). Since I am overseas, I will save all of my leave and if I get in, take leave (and permissive TDY if I can get any time approved) and pay the tuition out of pocket for the summer and PRAY that I get accepted into NECP again. I know another girl who did this (who is stationed in Florida) and it worked out for her. I will also be applying to MANY schools next year and am already working on more prerequisites to make me more versatile. Just thought I would share with some people that could understand how I feel. I thought it would be unbearable to not get accepted to NECP, but it is even worse getting accepted then having to decline. I am not a person who takes no for an answer; I always try to find a way to work things out but this time (for the time being) I just have to accept that it is what it is. I wish us all luck for next year if there is still anyone on this thread that will be applying! :)

Hi kynchanted, I am so sorry that things didn't work out but I felt the same way last year because a TDY set me back a whole year and although I got in this year I cant help but to think I should be almost done. A very good friend told me that it wasn't my time yet and that god had other plans in the meantime. So I was still disappointed and started working on my package last fall, went on a few more TDY's and that's when I went on my first date with my girlfriend now of 8 months. I have been wanting to date her for the past 3 years but she was always involved with her ex and last year she finally left him for good. She is my bestfriend and I couldn't imagine moving and starting school without her. We leave in a few days to start a new life in Baltmimore. I wanted to say that you have awesome grades, keep your head up and try again next year, I truly believe it just isn't your time reasons only known to god. Also, apply to U. Of Maryland, one of the counselors told me they accept most military so long as they meet the requirements. I remember getting an early review and acceptance letter back in December, good luck to you! Rich

Specializes in Obstetrics.

Hi Rich! Thanks for the kind words and I even though I am really sad for myself I am still happy for you and everyone else that got accepted. I know that everything happens for a reason; I just wish I knew what the reason was. Someday I will. You must be really excited to be on your way finally. I will look into University of Maryland for next year as well; I appreciate the help and info. :)


I know I may be a little too late, but have you tried contacting University of Missouri-St. Louis (UMSL)? They set aside 5 guaranteed slots every year for military members, as long as your GPA is above a 3.0. I know they can provide early acceptance into the Spring 2011 semester as well. I'm not sure how they are working it this year, but NECP selects in years past have attended school starting in the Spring. If you were to get acceptance into UMSL, I'm sure Mr. Baker would be willing to work with you--for it all comes down to funding and since you were already selected the funds should still be there.

Contact Susan Schepker at 314-516-7084 (I believe her number is still the same). She is the counselor that provided my early acceptance, when I went through the program (just completed NECP). NECP is an awesome program and I would hate to see you have to wait another year to apply. Good luck!

Specializes in Obstetrics.

Hi bvalenzuela! Thanks for all of the info; I have contacted UMSL and they have said it is too late for fall 2010. They did say that they could give me a seat possibly for spring 2011 but I emailed Mr. B and he said that I cannot do a spring start. UMSL will give me a guaranteed fall 2011 slot but that means I have to re-meet the NECP board next year. This may be my only option. I am talking to three schools right now trying to get a last-minute acceptance for this year but it isn't looking good. Not hopeless yet, but if one of these three doesn't work out it is all over for me for this year and I will have to wait until next year to try again. I really appreciate your help though. Did you like UMSL? They have been really helpful, I only wish I would have known about them sooner. Another NECP select that was accepted at two schools even tried to give me her slot for fall 2010 but they said that she could not do that since other people were on the waiting list as well. Everyone has been super helpful.

Congrats on getting accepted to NECP and completing it! You must be so happy!

TOTALLY off the subject, you weren't stationed at Edwards were you?

Again, thanks for all of your help!

Wow, I'm surprised he wouldn't let you go in the Spring. There is one student in my detachment that started UMSL in the Spring, through the NECP program. I guess they aren't doing that anymore though.

I would definitely keep UMSL in mind for next year if need be. They will work with you and in a fast manner, which was really helpful for me. UMSL has a great nursing program, and I highly recommend it. Hopefully one of the other three schools comes through! If not, then I wish you the best of luck next year. I'm sure the entire process will be a lot easier the second time around! Yes, I am extremely happy about completing the NECP. I'm off to COT in Aug, and I can't wait! Before coming to Saint Louis, I was stationed at Minot AFB.

Let me know if you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have!

Hi all,

I just want to say congrats to all the selects this year. I was reading this thread from the first page and was eager to find out who actually got selected! I was excited :yeah:

I have recently decided that I want to try and apply for the NECP, but not sure if I even have a chance. I have been taking courses for 2 different majors ( I kept changing my mind) before realizing that nursing is something that I really want to do.

The things that I am worried about is (1) all my classes where done online, so I am not sure if any of those classes count. (2) I received 2 F's in 2 classes about 4 years ago (it was too late to withdraw, and because of duty changes, I couldn't finish it) and also my last 2 EPR's were not fives but fours.

Im hoping to possibly apply maybe in 2 to 3 years from now.

So I was looking over the PreReq's and need to do all of them and hoping it will bring my overall GPA up. THe last time I took classes which was in Photography, I had a 3.0.

Now considering the factors, should even try to go for the NECP, another option is to wait until I retire which I don't want to wait that long.

I will be talking to the education center on Tuesday to see what they would have to say about my situation.

Any advice would be great!!!

Specializes in Obstetrics.

Hi MariBee! Welcome to the thread! I don't know how many ppl actually still read it because we also have a facebook page now (just type NECP into the search engine and you will find it). As for your online classes, I think the only problem will be with the sciences. If I recall correctly, I think that they have to be in-person because you have to do the labs. I am not sure if they will accept labs from online classes but that would be something to check on. If you got your F's in any of the sciences, you will most likely need to retake them because nursing schools look at certain prereq. courses very heavily. Most will take the highest grade received if a course has to be repeated because you usually have to get at least a C for them to accept the course. Where that could hurt you, though, is with your overall GPA. I had a 3.70 and applied to NECP for fall 2010. I even got accepted (yay!). Problem was that with my 3.7 GPA (one school had me at a 3.66 because they wouldn't accept all of my classes) I wasn't accepted at either school that I applied to, so I had to decline my NECP seat. Although my last 5 EPR's have been firewall 5's, my first one was a 4 and my next two had one markdown in the communication area (I had a supervisor who simnply marked me down because he said it was "N/A"). Although I have been in 12 years now and the board only asks for your last 5 EPR's, they can see the overall ratings of them all because you have to also submit your DVB which has them all listed. I also know that some selects from last year did not have firewall 5's either and some had lower GPA's. As long as you address all of that stuff in your chief nurse interview and you have a good chief nurse you should be fine. I think your biggest challenge will be finding a school that will admit you with a 3.0 GPA. I am going to email you some more info that could help you though.

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