2018 Nurse Corps Loan Repayment Program

Nurses New Nurse


Hi all,

I've been reading up on the Nurse Corps Loan Repayment Program and looks like in past years, threads have been started for the yearly application process. I'll be applying as a Staff RN (non-faculty) working at a DSH with an HPSA Score of 16. Not sure of my DTI percentage yet. Hoping to connect with others that will be applying to the program next month and we can all share our updates here. Best of luck to everyone!

Hello, I'm an NP non-nurse faculty. Site score 17, DTI ratio ~140%. I applied for Nurse corps LRP, and haven't heard anything as of yet. Got a credit check in April. Hoping to hear something soon!

Close to the same boat as you. NP site score 17 and a DTI of 190%. Credit checks done in April. Anxiously awaiting!

I got the award today!!!!! NHSC loan repayment! Site score 17... FNP!

Any RN's get awarded yet?

I am completing my 2 year contract this fall, and was just awarded a 3rd year extension!!! I just received the notification this morning. :)

Just as an FYI, in the past, I have friends who received their notification as early as August, but I didn't receive mine until Sept 17th. Hang in there! and Good luck to everyone!

I am completing my 2 year contract this fall, and was just awarded a 3rd year extension!!! I just received the notification this morning. :)

Just as an FYI, in the past, I have friends who received their notification as early as August, but I didn't receive mine until Sept 17th. Hang in there! and Good luck to everyone!

That's great! Congratulations! What was your DTI ratio if you don't mind me asking? Trying to be patient! :nailbiting:

How was the application process for the extension? Did they email you and let you know it was time to apply?

Absolutely! In 2016, I was a HPSA 17, D/I 268%. I am practicing as a Neonatal Clinical Nurse Specialist.

When you receive the award, they give you a package. Included in the package is a timeline for when you verify current workplace employment and when you can apply for an extension. I uploaded my documents in the portal and was also contacted by the person directly who was managing my file.

Awesome!! how long between the time that you uploaded your documents and were notified of your continuation?

Awesome!! how long between the time that you uploaded your documents and were notified of your continuation?

I re-applied 3/1/18 and just heard back today! (8/10)

I received notification of NHSC finalist today by email!! I am in a significant amount of debt so the nurse corps LRP is what I am hoping for as it will pay off more. I am going to wait the 5 days and hopefully hear from NCLP- fingers crossed. Otherwise I have a huge decision/gamble to make. Anyone else in this same boat?

I received notification of NHSC finalist today! I am so happy!! First time applicant, FNP, HPSA 17, DTI 115%. Completed my application and now waiting signature. I applied for both, so this made me ineligible for Nurse Corps ( more of a chance for others). For the people awarded how long did it take for signature? When was the loan dispersed?

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