OMG Say it correctly!

Nurses Relations


There is just somethings that really bother me, specifically mispronunciation of words. The specific abbreviation that realllllly grinds my gears is when a nurse or CNA/PCT says " O2 STATS" O2 "stat"uration?

Anyone have anything else that people misspell or mispronounce that gets them going??


Prostrate, as opposed to "supine"?

Specializes in Emergency Room.

...or PHRENergan...or PhenAGIN

I recently had someone talking about the "arthritis" med when they really meant "thyroid" med. Repeated mistake, big difference. I guess the "rye" sound makes them the same to them.

And "yous". Like: Do all of yous want to come over?". Guys! You is both singular AND plural.

Haha! I saw the first part of that and could have sworn you were going to mention the pronunciation: "arthur-itis." I hear that one a lot.

Specializes in LTC, home health, critical care, pulmonary nursing.

HIPPA instead of HIPAA. And those people are always the ones who claim to know the most about it.

Specializes in public health, women's health, reproductive health.
Of course I just HAD to look this one up. The dictionary has a brief history on it. Apparently it was always pronounced "often" until some of the more educated started to pronounce it "offen." Interesting. Therefore I've got to say offen is incorrect.

No, "offen" is not incorrect. You might want to check more sources as the history of that word is not quite so simple and I don't think either way is incorrect at this time. HOWEVER, as a personal thing, it grates on my nerves when people say "of-ten", just like it would if someone said "mois-ten", "lis-ten" or "sof-ten". The t is silent in those words. That's my opinion and my personal preference. But I wouldn't call it a huge issue in my life, lol.

Specializes in Critical Care, Clinical Documentation Specialist.

Pacific-ly instead of specifically.

Hubby says this and I twitch every time (have given up correcting him so I'm getting better!)

I don't sweat these things too much, b/c there are different influences, and I don't want anyone to feel somehow less b/c they pronounced or said something a certain way. At any rate, I won't lose sleep about it, but I'd prefer if people just said, "No Thank you," when asked about something, rather than, "I'm good." I'm glad you are "good," but "No Thank you" works with the spirit of the etiquette rule.

If I say, "Rales, like rails" I'm not going to worry about it. Sometimes I say rales and sometimes I say crackles. I prefer to say and hear WaHTer rather than wuter, but I'm not going to correct someone over it. So I just say it like I like to say it, which is "wahter." LOL

You can't please everyone. :)

Websters says you pronounce oophorectomy as follows: [oh-uh-fuh-rek-tuh-mee]

LOL, Like, Oh, uh, what did you say your name was again?


I like it when the dude from the show Psych says, "I've heard it both ways."

Some of the ones that bug me most:

Supposably for supposedly

EXpresso for eSpresso

Melk for milk (that Kroger announcer needs a class in proper dairy pronunciation!)

puhticular for particular

ChipoLTe for ChipoTLe

vanella for vanilla

And most irritating is when people spell the wrong form of you're/your and their/they're/there!

Specializes in CVICU.

When people worry about the wrong how to pronounce words.

If the communication is accurate nothing bothers me.

I can't stand "mines." Mines sweater is in the closet.

I was waiting for someone to mention that one! Lol It drives me nuts!

Pronouncing height like there's a th at the end

Some of the ones that bug me most:

Supposably for supposedly

EXpresso for eSpresso

Melk for milk (that Kroger announcer needs a class in proper dairy pronunciation!)

puhticular for particular

ChipoLTe for ChipoTLe

vanella for vanilla

And most irritating is when people spell the wrong form of you're/your and their/they're/there!

Oh man. Have you ever typed the wrong word--the homonym--accidently when writing? I have. My fingers sometimes do their own thing when typing. LOL

So many times I've typed their when I meant there or vice versa. Same thing with your and you're. I don't think most people mean to do this. I think it's just typing to fast, or getting caught up in the spirit of what they are trying to communicate, and so they missed what they have typed.

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