I would like some feedback from other nurses regarding the following scenario.
Your patient is an 80-year-old man with a diabetic foot ulcer. This is hospital day #2, his first morning after admit. He became mildly confused overnight. When you check his CBG it is 127. He is on a low insulin sliding scale and is also scheduled to receive 18 units of NPH insulin. The order says, give at 7am with food. When you assess him in the morning, he states he is not going to eat. You talk to him for several minutes and try to ascertain why he doesn't want to eat but he cannot give a reason. Further you explain that he will be getting insulin and needs to have breakfast. He is adamant that he will not eat it is now 7am and you will be giving report in a few minutes.
Would you:
a) ask the on-coming nurse to call the doctor to see if they will adjust the NPH dose
b) give it because the hospital policy is that NPH is given by the off-going shift and NPH is an intermediate insulin
C) ask the on-coming nurse to wait to see if the patient does eat breakfast and then give the full dose
D) Other opinions?
I would appreciate some feedback.