Now what, my pre and post kaplan test did not change....

Nursing Students NCLEX


I am confused. I took the Kaplan review. The first day we were given the assessment test, and I scored a 70%. 3 days later I took the readiness test and I scored a 70%. I mean, I had exactly the same score on the last test! What are the odds of that? They told us that if our grade did not change much it did not mean we did not improve, as they said the second test was harder than the first test, so it means we did do better. I am just thinking about it, and it is really not a good way to determine an improvement in score after the class if they change the test. Am I thinking about this wrong? I have scheduled my test for June 30th, and I am SCARED out of my mind! Any thoughts? Is a 70 a score you would feel confortable having when you set up your test date? Or do you think more time would be needed?

that is enough time i think! i am still waiting for my ATT...i have done QT 1 - 6 already...and about 300 questions to go on the q bank. my average in the Q bank is 62% (lowest was 50 %, highest 80%) and my scores on the Kaplant QT are

63, 69, 72, 67, 60, 65...i dont really know if this is okay and i have used kaplan the most as my study material...i finished the whole course book! i guess i will just review the questions and answers on the q bank and q trainers and do my readiness test and QT 7 maybe 10 days before the exam...sometimes i do 100 question tests on the saunders and get like 65 - 70%....

i hope i am going in the right direction...i keep praying every time i do my question trainers but QT 5 was hard for me...

Specializes in Pediatric Intensive Care, Urgent Care.

just remember folks...being as we are a nervous wreck just waiting to take this exam...we could probably do question trainers for a solid year and still feel like we are NOT ready. So the advice i give you all as many questions as you can between now and you date...and take the exam. If you are waiting to feel READY...then that probably will not happen. I take mine on thursday and i have been doing a steady stream of questions for about three weeks and two weeks before that i was doing about 25 questions a day and i still feel anxious about the exam. but at this point i just want it to be done! I even went online to see if i could reschdule for like tuesday but only wednesday was available and i can't on that day :cool:. I test well and i've studied diligently, giving this exam the respect it deserves and i jsut want to GET IT DONE WITH! This anxiety is killing me lol!! A friend of mine who took it last year said she wishes she wouldn't had scheduled it out so far as she did cause when she took it she felt she would have done just as well had she taken it much sooner. Good Luck to all who are waiting for the NCLEX and to those who have already taken it and are in NO MANs LAND (waiting for results) :D


Specializes in Psychiatry.

I passed my boards 2 weeks ago with 75 questions.

I used the Kaplan online program. I averaged 64% on qbank and around 70% on the practice tests.

Personally, I found the Kaplan questions to be more difficult than the actual NCLEX questions.

Good Luck!

i used kaplan online..

i was scoring about 58% - 68% on all my practice exams.. i just received my mail yesterday and i passed!! (thank god!) my computer stopped at 78 btw..

ur doing 70% and that's great!! kaplan recommends about 65%.. so just keep it up!:up: ur doing great!! good luck on your exam!!:nuke:

Specializes in psych/medical-surgical.

Yea I am doing kaplan too, my scores are going in the wrong direction too: 66 on diagnostic, qt1: 69, qt2: 65, qt3: 60, qt4: 55, haven't done much of qbank, and ATI comprehensive predictors were 96-98 percent... I feel like I should ask Kaplan for my money back and go take the NCLEX.

Yea I am doing kaplan too, my scores are going in the wrong direction too: 66 on diagnostic, qt1: 69, qt2: 65, qt3: 60, qt4: 55, haven't done much of qbank, and ATI comprehensive predictors were 96-98 percent... I feel like I should ask Kaplan for my money back and go take the NCLEX.

I know the feeling! I did start the Qbank questions, and those are going OK, but some of them are questions I have never even thought about. I am getting frustrated because I can narrow the answers to 2 and then I still pick the wrong one.

I have a friend, who was having a hard time in one class in nursing school. She could always narrow it down to 2 answers, but seemed to always get those wrong. So she would narrow them down, decide which one she WOULD pick, then pick the other answer. I about fell over when she got a B on that test. I would not suggest that strategy to anyone, but it was just a riot that it worked. After the test she would review and finally figured out where her thinking was wrong, but it was a funny story.

I am just going to keep plugging along on my studying and do what I can. It is nice to hear some say that KAPLAN is harder than NCLEX. I am not sure if that is really true, but if I can get through KAPLAN, I should be OK for NCLEX. :yeah:

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