NOVA Need to switch Clinical Assignments

U.S.A. Virginia


Hi everyone...I just attended the nursing orientation.

I was wondering if anyone wanted to switch the clinicals with me?

Mine are in Leesburg and Falls Church, and I'm in Dale City...these clincals are about 40 mins away from me!

Looking for something in Manassas, and Reston.

Please PM me!

Specializes in Oncology.
Why are people afraid of her? I haven't dealt with her yet, I am in the online program so there are some profs I just haven't dealt with yet.

I was considering that clinical if I can't find anyone to switch with me for the other one I wanted (oB7h/oA7h), because now I need a Tuesday/Wednesday one.

I have read her review on ratemyprofessor, but it didn't really say much that would be applicable to clinical. I have heard that she teaches you a lot about time management and you improve your skills a lot under her. I am just curious about what the consensus on her is, in a clinical setting.

Oh, and I have been talking to the business office and financial aid office, and this semester they have had a huge delay in dropping people for nonpayment, because of a huge backlog in financial aid application processing. So keep checking!

Mrs. A is VERY mean. I didn't have her clinical, but I was at the same site as she and her group was at at the same days and time. We had one of her students come to running crying to our CI because Mrs. A had told her she was too old to go into nursing and didn't know why she was even bothering. What business is it of hers. I was then talking to the lab instructors and they said the same thing happened AGAIN this past semester for a senior student. But this student fought back and took it to the school and I'm not sure what happened. When I was taking Nur 116 this summer the lab instructors even said THEY didn't know why she was still teaching here. They also said that if anything happens to report it, because that is the only way things will change. Also, the other students I knew that had her couldn't stand her. They said she was very unhelpful and VERY critical. I"m sure she had her favorites and those are the few that said she was "nice" and a "good professor". I avoid her like the plague. It's up to you, but I would be scared if I was in her clinical. She's mean, demeaning and truly unhelpful to students. Good luck if you take her.

I have heard certain people talk about her, heard good and bad!! I have heard she is a fanatic when it comes to the sterile field, which is fine! But i have learned to take things with a grain of salt what other students say. a slight raise in voice sends some people running,lol. But with any type of situation- DOCUMENT DOCUMENT DOCUMENT!!

Specializes in Neurosurgical ICU.

I will definitely file this stuff away. I am in this clinical and start w/her on Tuesday, so I will know firsthand soon enough.

Specializes in Neurosurgical ICU.

How is everyone doing so far?

I am 2 weeks in to this clinical and I feel like I have already improved light years in my assessment skills. We have had 2 patients so far each day, and we will have 3 per student next week.

Attend clinical #2 with Warden tomorrow. She is AWESOME!!!! Been a Psych nurse for over 3o yrs,plus worked with PEDS before that. Super understanding lady with a great sense of humor!! I believe the Psych rotation is going to be very interesting,but stil not an area that i will end up in, well not intentionally, lol someone my commit me unvoluntarily,lol Actually get to sit on the "detention" cases tomorrow. The judge comes right o the hospital to see if a person can be legally detained.

Second half I'm with Mckeever and have heard nothing but good about her. So clinical wise, it should be a good semester. Dosage exam went well today--I think,lol

Specializes in Neurosurgical ICU.

That is so cool that you get to sit in on those proceedings. Do you assess pts at all in psych clinical? I am nervous that when I get to psych next rotation I will lose some of the skills I am starting to pick up, especially after winter break too. (Remember, I am speaking as an online student and I've never had a break of more than 2 weeks, so to me the winter break is huge). LOL.

I had all summer off, i was lazy!! I will have to get the book out and review big time before med surg. I believe we dont really assess the patient, not in a hands on manner. You will talk/interact with them quite a bit

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