NOVA Need to switch Clinical Assignments

U.S.A. Virginia


Hi everyone...I just attended the nursing orientation.

I was wondering if anyone wanted to switch the clinicals with me?

Mine are in Leesburg and Falls Church, and I'm in Dale City...these clincals are about 40 mins away from me!

Looking for something in Manassas, and Reston.

Please PM me!

No email or phone call = PASSED!!! Not sure how soon they inform the unsuccessful people

When the course starts, and you write your first exam in NUR 111, you get the results usually 1 week later. You get the results on blackboard under TOOLS,the select MY GRADES. Sucks waiting a week!!

Yes it is easier to switch clinicals once your course is listed on blackboard as you can send out a group email. Click on COMMUNICATIONS, then SEND EMAIL,then I'm not sure, as I have never done it, I would think it would be ALL STUDENT USERS. if you know someone else in the class, email them and verify they received it. if you can't switch, try to remain positive, your only going there ONCE a week, not everyday! In the second year of the program you do 12 hours a week! Some are completed in 1 day (0700-1900) but some are 2 days of 6 hour shifts. Best of luck

Oh, so it is possible to reenter the program. I was concerned if we had to leave the area for a few years after my first year of nursing school. Did you have to buy new books all over again? Good luck msjack! Drive safely, it's just 5 times to each location.

Im sure msjack has more info than i do. One has a maximum # of years to complete the program, 5 sits in my tiny brain, but uncertain on that!

If you fail the first semester, you will have to wait a whole year to re-eneter. One does an exit interview,ensure you do that exit interview, if you dont,for sure you won't be allowed in!

If you fail the second semester, BUT complete the whole semester, you might be eligible to take NUR 193 over the summer. Its just theory, no clinicals or labs. believe its once a week. One has another drug dosage test to do, plus they have extra hand in assignments, AND you can't register for fall clinicals until that course is completed (mid Aug) SO all the good clinical spots are already taken, as the ones that passed NUR 118 registered back in June! AND if you fail that NUR 193 , your OUT, no coming back into the program!

I'm not certain on this, but I was told if you failed second semester and dropped out (didn't finish the semester) you were NOT able to take the summer NUR 193 course, and had to wait till the following Jan to start back up

Next summer if you get a chance to volunteer for Camp Med, highly recommend it. The school works in cooperation with Virginia hospital centre and puts on a week camp for these kids. I believe the hospital pays for it! A fun time, easy volunteer hours if you require them for NUR 254 (for us, regular class didnt require any--the honors nur 254 does)

Sorry for yipping soo much----the more I type, means the less studying I'm doing,lol, I'm a huge procrastinator.

Specializes in Oncology.

Yes you can get back in. You only have 3 years to do it from the time you were supposed to graduate. So I was supposed to graduate '06, but now it'll be '09 so this is the last year I can start with the second years or I'll have to start all over again. I definitely don't want to do that. You also have to take Nur 116, which is a review course during the summer before fall semester and pass that, but it's not bad. It's with Mrs. White and Mrs. Perry. I never took an exit interview, but maybe it's because I withdrew myself due to family illness. I should have just stuck with it since I was already half way through the semester. I've already done the psych clinical and now have to do it all over again, which I am COMPLETELY:banghead::bluecry1::no: dreading. It was my most unfavorite clinical and I can't fathom the thought of doing it all over again. So for all those psych nurses out there I give them props, I dont' know how they do it. The only good part is you don't have to wear your uniform.

Sorry got off on a tangent. But yes you can get back into the program. Trust me try not to do that. I feel so behind, because I've forgotten a lot of the basic stuff you learn in the first year. So we will see what happens. :rolleyes::wink2:

msjack, you were last to pick your clinicals? Does that mean there is an actual order # that people get to chose their clinicals? Is #1 the person who was first accepted into the program?

I think Msjack is starting back in the Second year--where one does get to (try) and select their clinicals

Specializes in Oncology.
I think Msjack is starting back in the Second year--where one does get to (try) and select their clinicals

Flames is right I'm starting second year so that's why I get to "pick" my clinicals. 1st year will be able to in the second semester.

Yes you can get back in. You only have 3 years to do it from the time you were supposed to graduate. So I was supposed to graduate '06, but now it'll be '09 so this is the last year I can start with the second years or I'll have to start all over again. I definitely don't want to do that. You also have to take Nur 116, which is a review course during the summer before fall semester and pass that, but it's not bad. It's with Mrs. White and Mrs. Perry. I never took an exit interview, but maybe it's because I withdrew myself due to family illness. I should have just stuck with it since I was already half way through the semester. I've already done the psych clinical and now have to do it all over again, which I am COMPLETELY:banghead::bluecry1::no: dreading. It was my most unfavorite clinical and I can't fathom the thought of doing it all over again. So for all those psych nurses out there I give them props, I dont' know how they do it. The only good part is you don't have to wear your uniform.

Sorry got off on a tangent. But yes you can get back into the program. Trust me try not to do that. I feel so behind, because I've forgotten a lot of the basic stuff you learn in the first year. So we will see what happens. :rolleyes::wink2:

msjack, what was wrong with psych clinical?:eek: I am sure I will find out eventually. Do you have any advice how to get through it?

Both my sisters are RN's back in Canada and I believe one liked Psych and 1 didnt! All depends on the individual and I bet ur clinical instructor would have a lot to do with it. I start off in psych at Inova Fairfax, then switch to med surg at Fair oaks. The thing is with clinicals, some have great experiences, and some others not soo great. I had a good time in all of mine, but I know I could never work in a long term care facility, sort of depressing.

For second yr students payment deadline was yesterday by 1700. i didnt notice any openings soon after 5 pm, but this morning at 0600 there were a few clinical spots open as well as lab, so some must have forgotten to pay!

Specializes in Oncology.

Yea I was on the nova website this morning trying to see if anyone forgot to I could get a closer clinical. The only two I see open are Mrs. A's and the one that switches into Mrs. A's. We know why about that. So I guess I'll be going to VHC. Then I go to MVH second semester.

I just didn't like the psych clinical because there is not much to do. Or maybe it was my clinical instructor. We could go to meetings but not everyone couldn't go at once. The pts there are all self sufficient so there's not much you can do. Well atleast where I'll be, I was at VHC before as well. Hopefully this instructor will give us a more organized plan of action. The instructor I had before just kind of let us roam. Told us to go talk to pts, but there is only so much talking that can be done in 6 hrs, especially when some of them won't talk to you. So we will see. I'll just keep looking forward to second half :D.

Im there for 12 hours,lol Well I'm at Fairfax with Warden.

I do believe they are NOT finished adding clinicals (for 2nd yr students) I know they dropped 2 that were "TBA" I do believe the NUR 193 students are still in class to mid aug and they can't select their classes until they are complete. So they have to make more room or add clinicals for them. As well I know a few people have not registered yet, just for the fact that they didn't like the clinicals that were left, so they figured they would just wait it out.

The readings for Psych are out, only about 200 pages for the first week!! sweet,lol

Specializes in Oncology.

That would be SO great if they added a few more clinicals...closer to me...haha. I saw that some of the clinical sections have 9 students in them. I was wondering if they were the ones from the TBA's. The girl I was in class with this summer signed up for the tba so I'll have to ask her. I thought they were going to put them in Ms. A's clinical and that's why I didn't pick them, but if I had known that they were going to put them in already closed clinicals I would have....darn. I'm at VHC with Hesmaret? it has a question mark by her name so I'm not sure if they will switch her. I'm there for 12 hrs as well.

I did get the readings, but I haven't started yet. I have to go buy all the books...ugh. They've changed them since I was there. I would normally just read the sections in my book that correspond, but we KNOW how they love to put questions on exams from the little boxes. So for that I better get my butt there and get the books so I can start on the fantastic readings....

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