Not exactly in Nursing school, but will be in a few years.


Specializes in -.


I'm Melissa. I'm fifteen years old, and I've dedicated the rest of my life to becoming a RN. I decided that about two years ago. I'm still in highschool and dreading it. I look up to everyone who is in nursing school or actually out onto the field. I would like some perspective from you guys on what nursing school is like. I'm a little younger...But I'm taking a internship this summer. What school are you in? What jobs are you taking? And what are goals you look for.

See personally for me, things are a little bit harder. I'm only a sophmore in highschool and i'm dying to get out. I'm actually pursing graduating earlier, I would especially appreciate talking to someone who had graduated earlier or who can relate to my situation at all.

I am looking forward to my internship this summer, has anyone taken one? Whats it like?

Well, I would appreciate the advice from all of you.

Thanks so much.

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.

What kind of internship are you going to do?

Specializes in -.

Well, I'm not sure yet. But Its offered by my school, I'll have to look into it.

Specializes in Med/Surg, ICU, ER, Peds ER-CPEN.

if you drop out or finish prior to the internship you'd loose your spot as you would no longer be a student at that school, stay and finish HS just as the advice on your post in general nursing has said

Specializes in -.

Yeah, well like I've said. I'm not into dropping out of school. The only thing I would do is prob graduate school earlier. As in earn more credits faster. They offer something in summer time when you can take highschool, and earn more credits. plus i get credits from the internship.

Specializes in Geriatric, Psychiatric, Emergency.

My advice to you would be to stay in high school for the regular amount of time. Although you may be dying to get out like you say, when you look back on it later, you will wish you had stayed there longer. Nursing school (at least where I am attending) is very very stressful, there's a lot to learn in a very short time (I'm taking an accelerated program), and you really don't have much time for anything other than your classes and coming home to sleep in order to get ready for another day of clinicals, homework, and classes again. On the other hand, I do think it's wonderful that you feel like you want to be an RN. I am currently doing the accelerated practical nursing program to become an LPN but then will be going back to the same university for the accelerated RN program after working for a year or so and gaining some more experience. Please just stay in high school for the regular amount of time though. I really think you would regret it if you didn't. You don't want to grow up too fast. (I sound so old, but I am only 20 lol) :nurse: :bugeyes:

Specializes in Rehabilitation.

It took me three tries to get into nursing school. When it is your time it is your time. Nursing school is soooo stressful and consumes your entire life. Consider doing CNA first. get some expierience under your belt.


I am a former high school teacher and academic advisor...and NOW am changing careers and in my first year of an accelerated second degree nursing program at the University of Michigan! Maybe I can give you some advice towards this question!

A lot of the questions that you ask are good ones for high school students to ask. With my background in teaching and advising high school students, I think I can address some of your questions.

First- I think everyone was right asking what kind of internship you are persuing. For example: does your school offer a career and voacational education program where you can take medical terminology or introduction to medical careers? I think that if you can get enrolled in this type of program you will see LOTS of benefits in the future when you graduate and begin a nuring program. Check this out with your guidance counselor or the Intermediate School District (ISD) that your school is a member of. This will not only get you more credits towards graduation- but will give you an early foundation towards the career path that you wish to persue.

The career field in nursing is really changing rapidly. As the demand for nurses continues to increase- so will the criteria for the knowledge that these individuals must have to work in the field. It's not uncommon to see that a lot of high school graduates are persuing BSN (Bachelor of Science in Nursing) degrees rather than the traditional LPN to RN. Along with this four year degree comes a lot of background in Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacology and Pathophysiology. What does all this junk mean? It means that a firm foundation in reading, math, and science will prove that you're ready to take on a very difficult program that is nothing short of the first four years of medical school.

If I was in your shoes- I would hang on and stick through the traditional four years of high school. BUT the key is to focus on the elements that will make you a stronger college student. FOR EXAMPLE: Try to persue the advanced mathematics, science, and reading courses that will prepare you for the challenging college curriculum. In that time also see if you can find a high school preparatory program such as "Skill Center" or "Cadet Nursing" that will give you an opportunity to experience the field.

I hope this helps a little bit!

Matt L.

University of Michigan-Flint

Melissa, I know what it feels like to be in that boat!

I'm a freshman at Ohio State University now. I made the decision in my junior year of high school that I wanted to be a nurse -- now I've even narrowed my future plans down more so. I've decided I want to join the Army Nurse Corps then I'd like to pursue my Doctor of Nursing Practice after that.

I'm way ahead of a lot of people my age in future planning. I've only just gotten to college and I'm about two months away from applying to the Nursing School here.

To start off, I think you should focus on colleges searches and do your research on which schools the best nursing programs. I wish I had started my college search earlier although I'm very happy at OSU.

I wish you lots of luck!:nuke:

Specializes in Ante-Intra-Postpartum, Post Gyne.

I hated high school too. That is why I graduated a year early. I busted my butt and stayed in school year round so I could be done one year early (I did all the work, just didn't take any school breaks). I graduated with a C average because I just wanted out. Once I figured out what I wanted to do with the rest of my life (nursing) school became so much more important and I found out that I actually really enjoyed it. I am finishing up the fifth of six semesters of a BSN program and I have been able to keep my 3.5 GPA.

Specializes in -.

wow, thanks for all of that advice. Its been a few weeks, and I did actually choose to stay in school. I think because I'm so young that its okay to be unsure of everything; and I'm not sure if I will even pursue nursing. Most likely yes; but 100% no. I actually can't do a CNA until i'm 18 (where i live) and so i've decided to go to work with my mom and volunteer a few times this summer. I figure i really do need the expiernces before i make my mind up completely. Thanks again for the advice. I used it to my benefit.

Actually I'm now in nursing school, and I graduated high school a year early. Things you should know... I graduated a year early to pursue education in a different field before switching to nursing. This was a field I thought I wanted to be in for the better part of my life, but once I interned I realized this was not what I wanted. It's a good idea to go through with the internship of the related field you want to be in because this can help you determine if this is truly what you want to do. Another thing, when I was in high school (which i hated!) everyone told me I'd regret graduating a year earlier. They lied. I don't regret it at all. In fact I'd say it was one of the best decisions I ever made. However, if I had known then that I would pursue nursing as a career, I would have become an LPN through my high school's BOCES or VOTEC program. That way after graduation I could just take the LPN-RN transition course, then finish my RN. You should look into the programs at your school to see if your high school has a program like this, or has an articulation agreement with another high school where you could attend their program. Over the summer/at night you could take college courses at a local community college such as Microbiology, Anatomy and Physiology, English Comp, and Psychology. Be sure to take chemistry, and look to see if you can use any of these college courses for high school credit. Most high schools will substitute english comp (or ENG 101 at most colleges) for the english requirement of your senior year.

hope this helps

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