Non-CNA Jobs You Can Work While You're a Student

Getting a foot in the door of a healthcare facility is immensely important in this competitive day and age, and some students want to get an early start. However, not every nursing student wants to work as a certified nursing assistant (CNA). The purpose of this article is to discuss other healthcare-related jobs that nursing students can work. Nursing Students General Students Article


You are studying to become a nurse and would like to be working for a variety of reasons. Perhaps you would prefer to graduate from nursing school completely free of debt, or at the very least, you wish to minimize any student loan debt you might accrue during your years as a nursing student. Maybe your household really depends on your income, and therefore, you've got to work.

Perhaps you are looking for a job because you're attempting to get a foot in the door of a hospital, nursing home, or some other type of healthcare facility to amass some experience. This is actually a great idea because, if you make a good impression, you might be able to secure a licensed nursing position at the same workplace after you graduate from the school of nursing that you attend.

In this ultra-competitive job market, you might have a strong advantage over other new grads if you are already an internal employee at a place that hires nurses.

Masses of people will recommend that you earn a certified nursing assistant (CNA) state certification and work as a CNA while completing school. While it is true that CNAs accrue excellent healthcare experience that cannot be replicated, not everyone wants to spend the time, energy, or money to pursue the certification.

Other employment options in the healthcare field exist that do not require certification. In addition, these positions offer learning experiences if you look hard enough.

Dietary Aide

You will be working in the midst of the hustle and bustle of the kitchen during meal preparation times. You will also learn how to assemble meal trays as appropriate for the different diets that doctors commonly prescribe to patients (1800 calorie diabetic diet, renal diet, cardiac diet, 2 gram sodium diet, gluten-free diet, and so forth). Some hospitals, long term care centers, and assisted living facilities allow dietary aides to pass out meal trays, so some opportunities for patient interaction might arise. Of course, this is dependent on the policies and procedures of your place of employment.

Environmental Services Technician

You will be responsible for disinfecting patient rooms, performing housekeeping duties, properly disposing of biohazard materials per facility policy, responding to spills, and maintaining cleanliness. Many healthcare facilities use outside companies to do laundry. However, if your workplace has not outsourced laundering duties, the environmental services staff might be responsible for washing soiled linens and other clothing articles. Some brief opportunities for interaction with patients may arise.


You will be responsible for safely transporting patients to and from different departments in the hospital. This position allows for plenty of interaction with multiple patients on a daily basis.

Direct Care Staff

Direct care staff members are primarily employed in intermediate care facilities and group homes in the community that house developmentally disabled clients. They give showers, help clients get dressed, prepare meals, assist with feeding and toileting, perform incontinent care, complete flow sheets, and provide companionship. Some states allow direct care staff members to pass oral medications to the clients. This role allows for a great deal of close contact with the patient population served by the group home.

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Specializes in Short Term/Skilled.

Just wanted to add a lot of hospitals have non certified aide positions. Pay is a little less, but they teach you what you need to know.

"No day but today"

Specializes in PDN; Burn; Phone triage.

Meh. Either get a CNA or PCA job. Nothing else counts when it comes to getting your first nursing job.

Specializes in CTICU.

Thank you for taking the time to post this, you already answered my thread before but it's still helpful.

Unit secretary...we've had a few of those get hired on as new grad nurses.

Unit secretary...we've had a few of those get hired on as new grad nurses.

I was a unit secretary for 8 years before transitioning into the RN role and it helped me immensely. I became very comfortable with my surroundings and knew a lot of the members of the allied health team that my anxiety wasn't as bad as compared to people just starting out.

Specializes in Med-Surg, NICU.

I worked as a sitter for over a year, and no, you weren't allowed to do anything (read, do homework) unless it was a night shift (at one point, you couldn't even do that). I currently work as a PCA (Patient Care Associate). I don't have a license. My clinicals in nursing school are "substitutes."

I strongly suggest all students to work as CNAs, earn their stripes, and get down the basics of nursing care. I also find that working as a CNA is a humbling experience that many nurses could use (unfortunately, some nurses forget that CNAs are aides, not slaves). If you aren't willing to work as a CNA (assuming your situation allows it), then I have to wonder...why are you going into nursing to begin with?

Specializes in Emergency Nursing.

As other users have mentioned you can also work as a patient sitter, monitor tech, unit secretary and phlebotomist among other positions while in school. Some positions offer on the job training and others may require a certificate from your local community college or a local adult learning program. Having worked as both a CNA and a Phlebotomist while in nursing school I can say that the experience was invaluable.

!Chris :specs:

I worked as a sitter for over a year, and no, you weren't allowed to do anything (read, do homework) unless it was a night shift (at one point, you couldn't even do that). I currently work as a PCA (Patient Care Associate). I don't have a license. My clinicals in nursing school are "substitutes."

I strongly suggest all students to work as CNAs, earn their stripes, and get down the basics of nursing care. I also find that working as a CNA is a humbling experience that many nurses could use (unfortunately, some nurses forget that CNAs are aides, not slaves). If you aren't willing to work as a CNA (assuming your situation allows it), then I have to wonder...why are you going into nursing to begin with?

Totally agree. There is a girl in my nursing class who mentioned what a gross and horrible job a Cna job is, and that she could never do it. When others told her she would still experience the same things, she said at least she would be paid more. That really bothered me!

Specializes in Neonatal Nurse Practitioner.

Unit clerks - answer call bells (over the intercom), cover the phones, the printers, find employees, etc.

Admissions(ER) - input patient info and try to get all the info necessary to bill the patient or insurance

Specializes in Neonatal Nurse Practitioner.
My hospital has strong opinions about 'sitters' studying, though it's sometimes possible. A sitter provides constant observation for a pt who is at risk for suicide, pulling lines/tubes, flight risk, fall risk. My hospital has the CNAs do it even though security would be better suited often, in my opinion.

I was a sitter for several months. We weren't allowed to do anything except watch the patient. We didn't even do CNA duties, and called the desk if the patient needed help. There have been cases in the past at my hospital were pts have hurt themselves (breaking plastic utensils to cut themselves under the sheets, grabbing needles off of a cart on the way to the bathroom and swallowing them) so the hospital really cracked down on the sitters. I just transferred to ER Tech because I want to be hands on.

Specializes in Short Term/Skilled.
Unit clerks - answer call bells (over the intercom), cover the phones, the printers, find employees, etc.

Admissions(ER) - input patient info and try to get all the info necessary to bill the patient or insurance

I do this as well, and I love it. I also put in doctors orders and translate doctor handwriting haha!

"No day but today"

Specializes in Short Term/Skilled.
I worked as a sitter for over a year, and no, you weren't allowed to do anything (read, do homework) unless it was a night shift (at one point, you couldn't even do that). I currently work as a PCA (Patient Care Associate). I don't have a license. My clinicals in nursing school are "substitutes."

I strongly suggest all students to work as CNAs, earn their stripes, and get down the basics of nursing care. I also find that working as a CNA is a humbling experience that many nurses could use (unfortunately, some nurses forget that CNAs are aides, not slaves). If you aren't willing to work as a CNA (assuming your situation allows it), then I have to wonder...why are you going into nursing to begin with?

Right on sister!! I could kiss you!

"No day but today"