Published Jun 17, 2015
NursesRmofun, ASN, RN
1,239 Posts
One hospital in my area has no limitations on their visiting hours on Med/Surg units. Does anyone have any idea how this works out? When do the majority of people visit, on average? Do many stay into the night? Just curious. I am guessing they probably visit mostly 4-10 p.m.
Sadala, ADN, RN
356 Posts
None of our area's med surg units have limitations on visiting hours. Most family members tend to visit during the daytime or evening. But sometimes spouses or children of patients stay all night. And that's not something that is discouraged at all. I've never even thought twice about it. DIdn't know there were limits to visiting hours elsewhere...
1 Article; 776 Posts
Visiting hours are very old-fashioned. (On the floors, that is. Other areas may need different rules.) My hospitals have had visitors all day long with a surge after work most days. Having family around to see doctors, receive education, help with ADLs, see the realities, keep the patient entertained--all very important. Many stay the night (no one under 18). Sometimes I love the overnight guests and sometimes I hate them--depends on their behavior, and I've seen it all. Or I hope I have.
I last worked in a "specialized" post-surgical area and we had visiting hours. At least I think we did....or people just naturally left by 9! lol I am not saying I went around counting the minutes. I never had any visitors that were a "problem", however, I can see a loud crowd might be for the sake of other nearby patient rooms.
It may very well be "old fashioned" since I have not worked in a hospital in several years, which probably would seem like forever to a younger person. I only worry about the volume if there are patients that want sleep nearby. Hopefully, visitors usually stay mindful of their voices.
3 Articles; 10,428 Posts
The private sector hospitals I worked in most definitely had visiting hours (and still do, unless they changed it since January, which I doubt). Only unit to NOT have specified hours was ICU. Maybe it has changed, though?
Varied by floor, but everyone was to be out of patient rooms by 9pm. Arrival anytime from 0800 on.
There were those who abused it and would creep in at 0600 while we were trying to get the pre-ops bathed and ready to go, etc....and those who we needed to call security for to extract them from a bedside chair they refused to leave in the evening (we're NOT talking medically fragile people, just PITA visitors). If someone was there until 9:30 we didn't mind as long as they were 'agreeable'
39 Posts
Hospitals are abolishing "visiting hours" in an effort to comply with Joint Commission requirements for patients to have access to their support individual. Having posted visiting hours is a big red flag for Joint Commission surveyors.
Hospitals are abolishing "visiting hours" in an effort to comply with Joint Commission requirements for patients to have access to their support individual. Having posted visiting hours is a big red flag for Joint Commission surveyors.
OY. Like we needed another reason to dislike JC visits....
Visiting hours give people a much-needed break from well-wishers, IMHO....and there's nothing more stressful to someone who is recovering from surgery--and needing rest, quiet-- than to have a roommate with an endless stream of visitors filling the room
The private sector hospitals I worked in most definitely had visiting hours (and still do, unless they changed it since January, which I doubt). Only unit to NOT have specified hours was ICU. Maybe it has changed, though?Varied by floor, but everyone was to be out of patient rooms by 9pm. Arrival anytime from 0800 on.There were those who abused it and would creep in at 0600 while we were trying to get the pre-ops bathed and ready to go, etc....and those who we needed to call security for to extract them from a bedside chair they refused to leave in the evening (we're NOT talking medically fragile people, just PITA visitors). If someone was there until 9:30 we didn't mind as long as they were 'agreeable'
Thanks....I figured there *might* still be some visiting hours out there! haha
Yes, I'd sort of worry about getting a disagreeable visitor with a "ready to go home" patient that wanted to "party" loud all night!
Great info! Thanks!
mmc51264, BSN, MSN, RN
3,317 Posts
On our unit, 2100 is when most visitors need to leave. We have very small rooms. Pts are allowed one person to stay the night and they have to be over 18 (kids can visit all day).
Thanks. Like I said, I thought a few with visiting hours must still be around. 10 p.m. and an overnight person, if wanted, seems reasonable.