Published Apr 20, 2011
63 Posts
Before applying to nursing school, take a step back and think about whether there will be a job waiting for you by the time you graduate. Here in Houston, you're looking at an average of 300 applicants for one new grad job. So if you're doing this expecting a handful of jobs awaiting you by graduation, think again. Please check out the new grad residence postings in 'Texas Nurses.'
Nursing shortage??? Ha!! Nursing schools tout "nursing shortage" to make money. And of course, why wouldn't hospitals want a huge selection of nurses to choose from? With the high number of graduates to choose from, they can afford to make the nursing salary lower. Basic supply and demand economics.
143 Posts
What field would you suggest? Every job sector has too many applicants for too few jobs. This has nothing to do with nursing. Yes, maybe the days of nursing students walking into jobs are over, but the field isn't dead. I really don't appreciate people coming onto the student boards and saying this crap. Why not just go to a high school and tell all the graduating seniors to not even think of college cause jobs are just too hard to get?!
CrunchRN, ADN, RN
4,553 Posts
It is tough. Especially since it is such a specialized degree. Unfortunately you cannot use it very much to get jobs in other fields "until things get better".
Personally, I think it is very wrong that so many schools are continuing to pump out so many new grads. Nobody knows if there will ever be a shortage again, or next year, or in 10 years. And if you go a year as a new grad without getting a job it is almost impossible to find anything.
Greed by the schools, greed by all those who also benefit and are complicit in the over supply continuing.
I really don't appreciate people coming onto the student boards and saying this crap. Why not just go to a high school and tell all the graduating seniors to not even think of college cause jobs are just too hard to get?!
Don't shoot the messenger. Students have a right to know the reality they're facing, so that they can make intelligent decisions. It's a pity, you're not on board with this.
It's tough to hear that all the hard work you've put in was a waste. It's difficult for BSN students to find jobs in Houston. For the ADN students, it's even worse.
You are so right! Can you believe Houston is getting another BSN nursing school? University of St. Thomas is reopening their nursing program (from the 50s). For a mere $832 PER HOUR, "you too can be a nurse!"
Trilldayz,RN BSN
516 Posts
I see both sides of the issue.
Mom/Nurse2b- why do you think the OPs statement is crap? I think its a very real and honest truth and reality right now. Yes, its depressing and no one wants to hear negative things, but it is the TRUTH. I honestly think there are WAY too many nursing schools graduating too many people. Yes, if you have no problem possibly moving from your town/city to find a job, then your prospects are better. But, I'm from Houston Texas too and even the small rural hospitals (that most people wouldn't dream of moving to) aren't even wanting to hire new grads...only experienced ones. Think about it... you don't see other majors popping up new programs left and right, with the option of getting your bachelors online, accelerated programs, EVEN for profit businesses opening programs for other majors besides nursing. No point in sugarcoating the reality, you know? I just think that before people go for nursing, just be more aware of the current job market.
Oh I'm on board with it, but you came onto the section of this website where mostly pre-nursing students are excited about getting acceptance letters and starting in a new career that they've worked really hard for. What are they supposed to do with that advice? Quit?! Again, what field would you suggest they pursue instead? I'm sorry you're having a hard time. I'm in Texas too. But the job market is horrible for everyone. What should people do?
Purple_Scrubs, BSN, RN
1 Article; 1,978 Posts
Again, what field would you suggest they pursue instead?
There have been quite a few threads just like this one recently, and no one has yet to answer this question. The economy sucks everywhere right now. God willing, it will not suck forever. Who is the OP or anyone else to predict what the hiring climate will be for new grad nurses in a few years? No one can accurately predict this, just like no one could have accurately predicted the current state of the economy back when the OP started nursing school.
Here is what it boils down to, if you want to be a nurse, go to nursing school and hope for the best.
I would rather they know now rather than later. You and others who would prefer to blissfully ignore the reality of the "nursing shortage," can also take a blind eye to my thread. You want my advice? (although it really doesn't sound like you do) In the very least, attend only BSN programs, or simply reconsider nursing as a whole. If you want to stay in the medical field become a Physical therapist or physician's assistant.
Have you been through nursing school yet? It makes your prereqs look like kindergarten. That in combination with the tuition money you spend should make you wonder if it's really worth it, when you're struggling to find a job a year after graduation. You can't say you haven't been warned.
Thanks for the warning. I hadn't heard that the economy sucks for the past two years. You have done your duty by enlightening all your fellow nursing students and hopefuls. I'm not ignoring anything. I'm moving forward with my career goals. But you're right-there is no nursing shortage. I don't think anyone thinks there is anymore.
Yes, there have been a few threads like this lately and their posts on the PRE-nursing forums is what bothers me. They claim they are only giving students a "reality check" when it seems like they are the ones who had the reality check after graduation.
Nobody thinks that anymore?? Seriously? Have you seen the TV commercials touting the "nursing shortage?" What about the news articles? Every 1-2 months Yahoo Careers posts the top ten careers in this economy. Nurses always make it.
Try googling "Nursing shortage." And while you're at it, wait a semester, and apply to a BSN program. Your chances at finding a job will be higher.