Published Apr 8, 2015
16 Posts
I've been working nights for a little over a month. I like it but I'm still adjusting. I just hate that I'm up super late on my nights off.
324 Posts
I don't understand the question.
I wasn't asking a question.
588 Posts
Not every post on this site needs to be a question. It's a forum site and can be used for tons of things other than inquiries. (P.S. It's hard to read tone in text and my response appears ruder than it actually is.)
I was working nights 7P-7A 4 nights a week as a CNA and it was definitely rough. I enjoyed night shift for a multitude of reasons but it is hard to get a good routine going. One thing that helped me to go bed at a "normal" time when not working was to limit my sleep the morning I got off. I would only allow myself to sleep from 8-11 or 12 and then by the time 10p came that night, I was more than ready for some sleep and the following morning (if not working that night) I would make myself get up around 8 or 9 so once again, I would be ready for sleep earlier that night.
I work an office job now until I start the program and I actually miss nights! I have to get up at 5:30 every morning so by the time 9p rolls around, I am too exhausted to do anything (and I'm just barely 22!) so I miss having the ability to stay up late
Give it some more time to get a routine going. If you find that nothing works, have you considered a different shift?
Im 22 too Lol I think my problem is that I'll sleep from like 8-4 & when its like 10pm I'm wide awake. I have to start doing what u do & wake up around 11a on my days off. Last night I didn't sleep at all & today I barely slept so I know I'm gonna have a rough night at work tonight.
7,736 Posts
to OP - I can REALLY empathize with you. I worked 11-7 on & off for so many years since 1990 or so. I had some 7-3 or 3-11 positions in-between but I always went back to my beloved 11-7.
Been retired a couple years or so, but I STILL have issues re-adjusting to normal 'daytime people' hours. Some days I'll be OK, but more often than not, my internal clock just runs on 'niteshift time'.
I just don't fight it anymore. But as a tip, I also just 'cat-napped' early ever so briefly on my days off, like a PP did. I could then function on 'daytime' hours but could usually nap before going in to work my next shift.
4,547 Posts
Well that escalated quickly.
Im 22 too Lol I think my problem is that I'll sleep from like 8-4 & when its like 10pm I'm wide awake. I have to start doing what u do & wake up around 11a on my days off.
Yeah no wonder you're up all night haha! It's good to get a lot of sleep after you've worked all night but it makes it worse to sleep later if you sleep all day. Definitely try limiting your sleep when you get off and that night is an off night. The 3-4 hours doesn't sound like much (and it isn't), but when you wake up, you should have enough energy to make it through the day just in time to be worn out by bedtime at night.
Another thing you can try (if you're truly brave) is to avoid sleeping when you get off and take a nap about halfway through the day. It's a really refreshing nap and will last you until you're ready to sleep later. I had a hard time staying awake once I got home, but this is what one of my friends does and it works for her.
Mavrick, BSN, RN
1,578 Posts
This may or may not be helpful but I got to know all the 24 hour stores so I could at least get something useful done at 2am. Super WalMart, Safeway, Fred Meyer, Taco Bell, AM/PM for cheap gas (jalapeno corn dog notwithstanding).
89 Posts
Because my schedule is so screwed I work afternoons and midnights rotating 7pm-7:30am /3-11:30am and school I feel your pain. Regardless if im sleep or not I try to lay in bed and rest/relax as much as possible. Instead of waking up early I try to go to sleep late like if I get off work in the AM i try to do shopping and everything before I go to bed that way im exhausted and will most likely sleep the entire night.
Ruby Vee, BSN
17 Articles; 14,036 Posts
There are various threads on surviving and thriving on the night shift. What works for one person may not work for another. I've found that I can sleep until 4 PM on my first night off, then go to bed at 11 PM when my husband does. I don't ever "switch" completely to be up all day like a "normal" person. If I have to be up early for an appointment of some kind, I take a nap for a few hours in the afternoon. It works for me; it may not work for you.
Generally, nights are easiest if you stay on some sort of a night shift schedule, but check out the various threads for advice.
8 Posts
I struggled with that too . . I work three on four off so I try to stay up as long as possible when my last shift is over, and wake up in the AM the next day. Or I'll sleep from say 1300 to 1900, up from 1900-0200, and back to bed from 0200-0900.