Night Nurse: Just Call Me Grace

I once destroyed a patient room in less than five minutes. Nurses Announcements Archive Article


Night Nurse: Just Call Me Grace

I'm not kidding.

Now, I have been blessed with a good many talents, but the ability to walk and chew gum at the same time is not among them. My mother used to say I could trip over smoke. I'd walk over to a window to look outside and knock myself half-senseless when my forehead got there a split second before the rest of me. I once even lost my balance in an outhouse and dropped a five-cell flashlight down the hole during my one and only camping trip with friends. It's probably still down there, lit. That little trick earned me hostile glares for the rest of the weekend, as well as the nickname "Grace".

So, as the reader may well imagine, nursing presents a wide range of pitfalls for those of us who are 'fluffy' and have never quite mastered the art of proprioception.

This particular incident, for which I am still somewhat famous among my former co-workers, occurred during the Summer of 1999 on a sweltering August night. It was the kind of shift every nurse dreads: there was a full moon, and predictably, the ER was getting slammed with the customary assortment of MVAs, assault victims, and the intoxicated. Needless to say, we were running at top speed up on the floors to accommodate the flood of admissions......." running" being the operative term. And that is NEVER good news for someone like me.

About four AM, an aide and I went into room 218 to check on one of our more aggressive detox patients, who---after several generous doses of Vitamin "A"---had finally calmed down and gone to sleep. Not wanting to turn on the light and risk awakening him, I used the moonlight streaming through the window to assess his respirations and check his IV while the aide tidied up the bathroom. Unfortunately, I didn't see the full water pitcher perched on the edge of the bedside table........and when I turned around to leave, my elbow knocked it to the floor. SPLASH!

I should have known that this was only a sign of things to come. I opened a cabinet to look for some towels I could throw down to sop up some of the water while waiting for the aide to get the mop.....only to have dozens of paper drinking cups tumble out onto my head. In the process of playing 52-pickup, I bumped my head on the corner of the open door, which made me see stars and almost sent me sprawling.

Still, my patient snored on and undoubtedly would have continued to do so if I didn't have the bad luck to trip over his catheter tubing while mopping the floor, giving it a good yank---OUCH. I then delivered the coup-de-grace by backing into an enormous flower arrangement, which (naturally) sent it to the linoleum floor with a horrendous crash that woke up not only my patient but everyone on that end of the unit.

For some reason, this disaster struck me funny, and I broke up. I couldn't help myself. I laughed so hard that tears actually squirted out of my eyes. This, of course, was appreciated by no one except for my aide, who was also cackling madly as she helped me sweep up shards of glass and mop up yet another puddle. The next morning I was called into the nursing supervisor's office and sternly reprimanded for being the source of complaints about "all the noise and laughing on night shift". But even though I'm older now and have learned to control those rotten giggles a little better---especially when giving in to them would be inappropriate---I still chuckle at the memory of that night, for I know it could happen again, anytime, anywhere. After all, they don't call me "Grace" for nothing! :wink2:

Long Term Care Columnist / Guide

I'm a Registered Nurse and writer who, in better times, has enjoyed a busy and varied career which includes stints as a Med/Surg floor nurse, a director of nursing, a nurse consultant, and an assistant administrator. And when I'm not working as a nurse, I'm writing about nursing right here at and putting together the chapters for a future book about---what else?---nursing.

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Can I ask you a question? Have you ever stuck you head in the frig looking for something good to eat, then closed the frig door forgetting to first remove you head? If you have, then you have a soul mate here.

Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.

Yup....and I've eaten finger foods, forgetting to remove my fingers before chomping down too.:imbar

Specializes in pedi, pedi psych,dd, school ,home health.

thanks for the laugh Marla!! I am certainly glad I am not the only grace-less person out there!!..have you ever got your coat pocket caught on the door handle as you try and make a graceful exit???

Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.

That's my sister's trick---if she can possibly get something hung up on something, she will. We call it "pulling a Marnie".:chuckle

Love it! I actually laughed out loud! :-)

Funny I can totally relate! I am one that is also not that dexterious. My latest: I washed a patient and tucked her in, met her every need. Then she asked for another blanket and as I opened it, the blanket knocked over a large pitcher of water all over her face and bed! She did not sleep the entire night despite receiving vitamin "A".

Specializes in Alzheimer's, Geriatrics, Chem. Dep..
After all, they don't call me "Grace" for nothing! :wink2:

Good story! and one that I could probably match ;) heh heh

Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.
Funny I can totally relate! I am one that is also not that dexterious. My latest: I washed a patient and tucked her in, met her every need. Then she asked for another blanket and as I opened it, the blanket knocked over a large pitcher of water all over her face and bed! She did not sleep the entire night despite receiving vitamin "A".

HAHAHA!!!!! That's about as bad as me dumping an entire custard right down the front of a patient's gown. Poor lady, she hadn't wanted to 'bother' me for it, but I'd told her I'd be glad to bring her some and fetched it from the fridge. What was funny about it was her response: "Well, now that's what I call bedside service!":D

Specializes in Nursing Home ,Dementia Care,Neurology..

Being large I am not built for small spaces,turning round and side swiping a whole basin of soapy water over myself ,the resident and the carer one morning I can totally relate to this!!

Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.
Being large I am not built for small spaces,turning round and side swiping a whole basin of soapy water over myself ,the resident and the carer one morning I can totally relate to this!!

That's my problem too---although I must admit I was a klutz even when I weighed 120 pounds dripping wet. Being bigger than the average bear just makes things that much time when I was about eight months pregnant with my third, I knocked a skillet full of hamburger off the stove with my stomach!!:eek:

When my mom was pregnant with me, she kept closing the refrigerator door on her stomach.