NG jobless for 8 months, is there hope?


I've been jobless for 8 months now as a NG... still wondering how others were successful landing with a to share some tips?

I have 1.5 years of CNA experience while in nursing school as well as completing 2 preceptorships outside of nursing school... please help! I do have a current RN license & BLS.

Is it hopeless here in CA??? I'm not sure what to do anymore... :eek::eek::eek:

Specializes in Med/Surg and ANCC RN-BC.

I would look at states have that good nurse positions. I know colorado has nothing for new grads and you would still be waiting awhile if you came here. You are a great nurse and someone will greatly appreciate you!

I would suggest definitely applying to flu clinics in your area. That way you gain some experience as an RN. I also applied to that Mollen Clinics in my area and I'm hoping I get an interview with them.

Just keep your head up. Look everywhere you can. Look into blood drives or small clinics in your area. Maybe even vaccination clinics (where people need vaccines when they travel out of the country).

Just keep trying! We are all here to support you!

Lizzie, you should call Mollen ASAP! They have made calls to applicants right away after applying. I didn't wait for that. I called them immediately the next business day and they hired me. Many others did that also. Anyhow. after you get hired, you have to fax in paperwork. After that's completed you have to do the online training. and THEN you will be able to schedule yourself for some shifts. So again, i suggest you call them. don't wait for them to call you :)

I would certainly advise, if it is at all possible to start signing up for travel nursing agencies. The assignments range from 6-18 weeks with expenses paid. If you are able. When the economy is down like this, you have to be willing to relocate temporarily or permanently. We used to follow the money, now we have to just go where the jobs are.

There is a new hospital in Irvine, CA that is hiring a ton. Magnet status. Prefers ADN over BSN.

Great tips!

I've also just applied online to Mollen, and will call them as soon as I can. I will also look into Irvine, CA for the new hospital as well as near by LTC.

I've been wanting to join the UC Davis Health System, but never recieved a call from them. I guess I will keep applying.

Thank you!

Specializes in Management, Emergency, Psych, Med Surg.

I have been a nurse for 32 years. I have tons of experience. I have been out of work for two months. I have put in at least 30 applications. I have had two interviews. I was "not qualified" for either job. I know the reasons: age, too much experience in management, and I am at the top end of the pay scale. Why hire me when they can hire a nurse with 2-3 years of experience at a lower rate. I live in the Seattle area. There are a lot of jobs here. Any suggestions from anyone would be welcome.

I would certainly advise, if it is at all possible to start signing up for travel nursing agencies. The assignments range from 6-18 weeks with expenses paid. If you are able. When the economy is down like this, you have to be willing to relocate temporarily or permanently. We used to follow the money, now we have to just go where the jobs are.

With no experience, traveling isn't an option. Travel agencies want at least 2 years experience. I'm lucky that I just meet the two year requirement.

I have been a nurse for 32 years. I have tons of experience. I have been out of work for two months. I have put in at least 30 applications. I have had two interviews. I was "not qualified" for either job. I know the reasons: age, too much experience in management, and I am at the top end of the pay scale. Why hire me when they can hire a nurse with 2-3 years of experience at a lower rate. I live in the Seattle area. There are a lot of jobs here. Any suggestions from anyone would be welcome.

However, you might want to consider FutureORNurse's advice above, if you're at all able. Travel companies would eat you up with that much experience.

One time when I had been jobless for a while I picked up the yellow pages, looked up every single LTC and SNF in the city, (much easier for me to focus using the book then getting caught up on clicking through a million webpages)then looked them up on line to get a sense of them, wrote up cover letters specific to what I thought their needs might be, called them up, asked for the number to the HR department, and unless they specifically told me not to send a resume, I got on my fax machine and faxed out a ton of resumes.

Then waited a few days, called back to see if they had gotten them and if there was any interest.

I have no idea if that is a useful strategy but I was beyond desperation and knew from experience (as a CNA) that a lot of those places don't even bother to advertise if they have someone on hand immediately that they can call in for an interview.

Also, it ate up an entire day that I would otherwise have used to weep and feel desperate.

I did get some interested calls but by then I had already found a job.

Anyway, I feel your pain, I've been looking for work for a while. I just got an offer today, not what I was exactly looking for but I can make it work.

Have you looked at your State and City government websites? A lot of people don't know about those, I recently applied for a job through the State, they told me they only had three applicants. It's a lot of red tape but not nearly as bad as Federal jobs.

Now is definitely a good time to start applying for flu clinics. My suggestion is that you apply to many -- they always over-hire and when shifts come up they go fast. A lot of nurse staffing agencies have them nowadays, and I think Walgreens Take Care Clinic hires RNs...or maybe NPs, I'm not sure. It's a possibility.

There is a new hospital in Irvine, CA that is hiring a ton. Magnet status. Prefers ADN over BSN.

How can a NEW hospital have Magnet status. OBW, Magnet prefers BSN

How can a NEW hospital have Magnet status. OBW, Magnet prefers BSN

If the post is referring to Hoag Irvine, I believe they piggybacked magnet status off of an existing location:

Hoag Hospital

Not sure how that works but Hoag is new and did receive magnet status. Wondering how they will maintain that if they really prefer ASN over BSN?

Specializes in Edu,MS, Ortho,Trauma, Tele, Dialysis, HH.

Hard times for new graduates these days. The economic slump we're all facing truly affects even nurses. But there IS hope! Good Luck to all new graduates!

Be Blessed Always! :nurse::redbeathe

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