New York Presbyterian PHARM EXAM!

U.S.A. New York


i am feeling overwhelming with the studying of the drugs that columbia wanted us to know. i understand knowing the side effects are important. but do they really ask you about drug interaction and the normal amount of dosage for the drug???

any input would be great. thanks in advance! :)

I'm sorry Kate.

I was kind of in a hyper-nervous state when taking it, so I remember the drugs being the MAjOR and most common drugs of each class, with the exception of 2 or 3 being ones that I'd never heard of.

If you only missed it by 1 question, you should pass next time! :)

good luck Kate! :-)

I just failed it too. 78%. They gave me no info about next test. I take it on Monday. RN Kate we should def talk. I don't know how to send messages but we might be able to helP each other out. I even got a math wrong. Think it had to do with reconstitution.

Hi, I was wondering if you would be able to send me the study material for the pharm exam as well at [email protected]. I greatly appreciate for all the help. I am so nervous, I don't know what to expect. THANKS!!

Jgruber215, How did you do yesterday?! Sorry I didn't talk with you..I was super stressed and couldn't send you private messages. :( Thank goodness after all of that studying I passed! :)

Congrats, RN Kate. Just wondering, so what is the retake test actually like? The same exact test or different?

I passed on second try!

Hi Kate,

I am scheduled for an interview this coming week at NYP. Any suggestions how to study for the pharm exam? Any study quide provided? I am extremely nervous, its been a while since I took a pharm test. Math is not my strongest subject. Plz help:confused: Thank You in advance for any information provided.

Can anyone plz provide with suggestions in how to study for the pharm exam. Any study quides? Im really nervous since I havent taken a pharm exam in a while. Any help is highly appreciated. PLz Help.

Specializes in Gastroenterology.

Your pharm exam is not scheduled until after you get a job offer at NYP, so don't worry about it yet.

When/if you get an offer they will give you a sample test and information on how to study for it well in advance of the test. They recommend the book 'Prentice Hall Reviews & Rationales: Pharmacology'. Only 25% of the questions are drug calc, the rest are about side effects/contraindications for commonly given meds.

Thank You for responding. I will take your advise and await to see if I will get an offer first.

Specializes in OB/GYN.

I just failed, too. :( Not by much, so I'm hoping for the best next week. I only got a breakdown in terms of percentages, no review of the actual questions. I'm studying ACE inhibitors, beta blockers, and cholesterol drugs HARD now.

It's tough because a lot of the drugs were obscure, and I work in ob/gyn and never see this stuff!

Specializes in Gastroenterology.

Dariah - did you buy the practice test from the NLN website? My friends who bought it said that it was extremely close to the actual test given. It might help you the second time around if you haven't already purchased it.

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